The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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((My original response was:

Snowfall watches the arena in front of her, scanning for where Carnegie's attack would come from, when suddenly she feels a weight on her back and a leg around her neck.
[Counter:] As the leg slides around her neck, Snowfall lowers her chin against her chest, pinning the leg in place and prevent her target from escaping and a knife from taking its place.
[Action:] After pinning the leg, she rears up on her hind legs forcefully, using her crouched position to build force and momentum, intending to slam her opponent into the pillar behind her.

The changes requested were changing "and prevent" in my Counter to "to prevent" to signify intent, and adding the section in my Action signifying pushing forcefully with my front hooves.

((Azi. You are being a real pain. I think I will have Carnegie use "it" and cut open that armor and shield like a soup can:ajbemused:))

((You'll have to wait until you peel yourself off that pillar first :trollestia:))

((No, I'm serious. I will kill Snowfall.)):ajbemused:

((You're welcome to try, but I'm not gonna make it easy for you :twilightsmile:))

((Azi, I promise you that this ends tomorrow. Death, loss, I will kiss Snowfall! Good night))

'Shit!' Carnegie was slammed into the pillar behind the two fighters, the hard rock crushing his back and the mare's armor knocked the wind out of his lungs. The assassin went limp and slid off Snowfall like a marionette that had it's strings cut. Carnegie could only wallow in pain and humiliation on the cold ground, his brash and stupid decision nearly cost him his spine... and the match.
He was down but sure as hell not out. Not by a long shot.
'That was damn stupid of me... this mare is starting to piss me off. Need a new plan.' Thinking back to the layout of arena, he remembered that there were areas where the rock spires overlapped, making the area tight and claustrophobic. The ground was uneven and slick, and the water looked to be knee-high.
"You're - uh - stronger than you look." Carnegie wheezed out. His breath started coming back to him but slowly.

((Who approved the post?))

((One of these days I'll post a response.....still waiting on approval))

((Approved by: RainbowBob))

Wasting no time as her opponent fell limp to the ground, Snowfall turned and raised her shielded foreleg, ignoring the words that he continued to speak. With powerful downward thrust, she slammed her shield down, intending to land the leading edge right at the base of his horn, either breaking it off completely or at least damaging it to hinder his magic. The world won't miss an assassin like you. Shoulda' let me find you inside Equestria so I could arrest you instead.

((Stay up as long as you can. The fight begins.))

((Sorry brah. You had 3 days for that. I have work in 30 mins.))

((No. we had 3 days. You're fault as well.

(( It is now Friday night at 9:15 pm. The last time I was at work, was 6am Tuesday morning. I have responded to every single combat post you've made in a timely manner, barring waits for judge approval, and I have been online for nearly the entire time during those three days when I was not asleep.

Look back at the posts. Do you see the time stamps? Do you see whose posts have 20 hour waits before replies are given to them? Those are mine, not yours. This fight is gonna end in a judgement call, not a KO, unless my last post wins it for me. You're just gonna have to deal with that.))


((Approved by RainbowBob))

Seeing the incoming shield, Carnegie quickly rolled out of the way, surviving a close call as the shield slammed into the dirt he was lying on earlier. Biting through the pain in his back, he ran as far away from the mare; a few meters away.

She was going to kill him! SHE was going to kill him after he promised he would not kill HER! Carnegie scowled, the first time since they started the fight. Rage boiled in his his veins, glaring daggers at the midnight blue pony. He had enough of toying with this bitch. She wanted to kill him, he will gladly return her intentions.

"Rigor Mortis, EGO postulo vos. Succurre domino vestro in proelio." Carnegie cemented all four of his hooves on the ground, pure concentration etched on his as he spoke a tongue long forgotten. His horn glowed an onyx hue to an blinding intensity, his clothing began to flow without the aid of wind. Carnegie visibly strained his face as the glowing intensified. As he continued, a small circle with archaic symbols scrawled on in it's inside appeared above the assassin's head.

"Auxilium meum sanguinem adversarii!!" The circle glowed and crackled with magic. Without warning, a blade shot out of the magical circle, slowly levitating in front of Carnegie. The blade had and onyx-chrome sheen and a purple aura diffused from the blade. The hilt held peculiar carvings and symbols crafted across it. The blade was slender and clean, polished to perfection.

"Meet Rigor Mortis... Snowfall." Carnegie wasted no time in making his next move: Grabbing Rigor Mortis with his teeth, Carnegie sprinted towards Snowfall, his legs blurred by the speed.

He could fell the blade leeching his magic as he ran.

((Approved by: RainbowBob))

Snowfall growled in annoyance as her opponent rolled away from her attack. Tch, that should have ended this match....

She saw the swirling of powerful magic around him and the symbols on the ground. As a dark blade, seemingly formed of the blackest magic materialised and was gripped in her opponents mouth, Snowfall knew that this was not an attack to take lightly.

As he charged forward, sword at the ready, Snowfall again placed her back to the pillar and crouched, waiting for her opponent's attack.

((It's actually a knife. And is her shield up?))

((Yes, same as when she crouched waiting for his invisible attack.))

((Approved by RainbowBob))

Carnegie saw Snowfall crouch and hide behind her shield once more, thinking it would protect her. How wrong she was. Carnegie leaped as high as his legs could send him, he wrapped his blade around his hoof as gravity brought him back towards the earth. Falling towards the mare who still held her shield up, he brandished Rigor Mortis in his hoof, aiming it downwards towards the shield.

'If my blade does not go through both your skull, at least I can tear your shield apart like a tin can.'

((Please hold for a response. I have protests about that post due to the fact that all combat actions that would result in damage to ponies or their equipment have to be open ended, and that most definitely is not.

I've received confirmation from judges not part of our match that that post should not have been approved without editing, but for the sake of consistency I don't want to use that unless I have to. Therefore, until RainbowBob or Razorbeam get back to me I'm not posting past this point.))

((I could erase the last part... JUST FOR YOU.......))

((If you get it approved that way, go for it.))

((Approved by: SwiftEthan, Chainlinc3, and RainbowBob))

Snowfall watched her opponent jump high into the air, intending to come down right on top of her it seemed. As he began to fall, she took a step forward underneath him, sweeping her shield above her head in a front to back arc, aimed to impact on his exposed underside and send him careening into the pillar behind her. As her sweep finishes, she takes another step forward and turns to her left, bringing her shield in front of her again and preparing to either defend or attack based on the success of her actions.

((I don't get it. What did you do?))

((As you started coming down from your jump, I stepped underneath you and raised my shield above my head in an arc to throw you into the pillar behind me. After the attempted throw was completed, whether it succeeded as intended or not, I stepped forward again and turned to face back towards the pillar that [hopefully] you just slammed into.

It's worded kinda clunky, but there really wasn't any better way to phrase it and still include all the points that needed to be there.))

((What time you go to work?))

((I've got roughly 4-4.5 hours until I have to log. I might be able to stretch it a bit depending on how things go irl, but I wouldn't plan on it.))

615899((It's been ages dude, just respond faster.))

Rapid hops up in the stands, smiling widely. This guy calls himself an assassin? He's far too flashy. That ass deserves every beating he's gonna get. "KICK HIS ASS, SNOWFALL! BEAT HIM 'TIL HE WISHES HE'D NEVER BEEN BORN!"

((I have to wait to get !@#$ wait to approved!!!))

615927 ((1: language, 2: I meant your old stretches of time. Do not repeat that if you can avoid it.))

((How long does it take to have your attacks approved?))

((Depends. RainbowBob seems to lose things in his inbox a lot, so form him its taken me an hour before, and that was after sending him a reminder. The other two I used on my last post took maybe ten mins or so, I think. I wasn't paying attention to the timing.))

Comment posted by tragicCaligula deleted Jan 13th, 2013

((Is there more incoming?))

((Originally as an attack, Carnegie landed on the shield and gripped the hilt to hang on as you finished your arc so he would not get thrown to the pillar. Then he would rip the shield and back flip, losing all of his mana. Your turn. Snowfall should be surprised that the blade nearly got her. wink wink))

((So, wait. Is any of that part of your original post that got approved? Where are you right now? I need more in your combat post than "I threw a dagger."))

((If you could allow me to put back the original attack, I could show you. Rainbow is cool with it.))

((No, you can't just say that you jump on my shield, cut it to pieces, and then backflip away without giving me any chance to counter or dodge. The rules of the match specifically say that that's a no no.

I meant that I need more than that in this post you just made. What else are you doing? Because if all you leave in your combat post is that you threw the dagger at the incoming shield and nothing else, I'm gonna assume that my attack hit and you're currently lying in a crumpled heap at the foot of the pillar.))

((Want me to say he grips on the hilt and the force of the arc makes him slide off?))

((It's your action, you can do what you want. I'm just pointing out that what you've posted does nothing to resolve the attack I made in my last post.))

((fixed. Give Rainbowbob your Skype if you have one. Much faster.))

((Please hold. Judge debate in progress.))

((:pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile: Tell him Rigor Mortis and what it does is approved))

616116 ((Rigor Mortis isn't the issue. It's about the only thing that isn't))

(( what chu' talkin' bout, Mem?))

((They're debating the physics of the move. Specifically how you could:
A) grip the knife with hooves, and
B) throw the knife into a shield and then grab it when the shield is already behind your forelegs. Even if the grip were possible to achieve, the angle would make it effectively pointless.))

((In the show, ponies are able to play the fiddle. Second you did not specify the angle. By the time I landed, I estimated it was at a 90 degree angle. Remember my agility allows me to do that.))

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