The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

If both duelists involved would kindly let me know that they are ready, this duel can begin. If one of the dueling parties does not report in (ready or otherwise) before Wednesday [1/9/2013], they will forfeit the match. If neither report in, both will forfeit.

Whether you are ready or not, please make it known in an ((OOC)) post here in this thread.

This match concluded [1/13/2013] with Dr Bob as the victor by default.

((I am ready for the contest, but I must point out that I won't be around wednesday for the duel. Just would like you guys to know that.))

((Ready and willing,))

Khlin walked into the arena with his ax equipped to his right forehoof. He glanced at his surroundings, getting a game plan together.
Well, my opponent should be here any minute. May as well use the time I have to prepare myself. He grabbed a nearby stone and began sharpening his blade.

Group Admin

601666, 601786
((I am opening this duel. You may now fight one another. Please follow this link to see the list of judges.

You must conclude your duel, either by killing blow (judge's rule), forfeit, or voting decision. A vote will be held by default in the event that the duel is not completed by 12:00 a.m. [-5:00 GMT] on Saturday [1/12/2013].

Fight with honor!))

Aurus rose from his seat suddenly, drawing a hush over the crowd and ready combatants alike. His smile was one of excitement, and it was clear from the tone that ventured forth from his throat that he was just as eager as those in the stands who were barely repressing their words to hear him speak.

"It is clear that you are all excited to see this match, and I an right there with you! Lets not delay, and commence the battle, one which I am sure will be monumental. This duel between Vealta and Khlin should not be taken lightly. Not now, or ever in the future, as this will be a moment of history to be remembered gloriously for ages to come!"

The crowd roared in excitement, stilling once more for Aurus' final words before the unleashing of this once-in-a-lifetime event.

"Begin the match!"

The deafening roars that followed drowned out the trailing of even his mighty voice, and any hope that the clash of steel or a blast of magic had to be heard.

((So, uh, who goes first?))

Group Admin

((That would be between the two of you.))

((In that case, I'll leave that up to Mr. Knobs. Take your pick, sir.))

Comment posted by Doorknobs deleted Jan 9th, 2013

In a flash of light Vealta Merkart appeared in the mid center of the arena. Wisps of cold flames were emitted in every step, as she turned to face the spectators.
"Aurus, I welcome Khlin into taking the first move, in his honor of being a guest. Let us fight in the name of fun."
Turning back, she stares down her adversary. What will your move be?

((This is me giving first move to Dr. Bob's oc))

“In the name of fun, eh? Alright then, let’s give these good folks some entertainment!”
Khlin charged forward, his axe drawn back low, ready for an upwards strike to Vealta’s abdomen.
(Approved by Dracmatais)


Eyeing the earth pony's charge she letting out a feigned gasp and sprints to hide behind a distant jagged rock. Creating a minor illusion of herself barely poking out from behind a different rock, she readies a future spell. Throwing her voice in the way a master magician would, she whispers I hope he doesn't find me behind this
((Above approved by Nathan Traveler, give or take some grammar changes. If he was still up, I would check to see if the below changes were allowed (mostly for theatrics).))
Eyeing the earth pony's vicious charge, Vealta lets out a feigned gasp. Coming out of her shock, she sprints to hide behind a distant jagged rock.
Upon securing her hidden location, a minor illusion of herself barely creeps out from behind a different rock. All the while she is conjuring an upcoming spell, her handiwork of being a top classed illusionist calls out in a thrown voice making her sound petrified, she whispers I hope he doesn't find me behind this

Khlin freezes upon seeing his opponent emerge from behind a different rock
"Pretty speedy there!"
He charges once more towards the rocks before leaping. He draws his axe over his head, ready to crush whatever is caught below it.
(approved by Dracmatais)

Comment posted by Doorknobs deleted Jan 11th, 2013

Vealta steps out from hiding to face her challenger.
"Khlin, If you would give me a moment. I have realized while attempting my illusion, that I do not have any ability to fight you. The only way I could win is by getting you too exhausted to fight. That isn't honorable, and so I succeed from this match. I forfeit."

"There you a- wait, what?"
Khlin looked completely baffled.
"Well, okay then. Maybe someday we can have another duel."

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