The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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Broken backed off until she was done, then stared at her in curiosity. "By the gods, ya have some real head problems. So, gotta know, ya attracted to guys or gals, since ya apparently think of yerself as a male?"

605672 The changeling scoffed. "I have no time, nor the desire, to mingle with trash."

"So ya never did it with someone? Would ya be interested in tryin' it out with dear ol' me?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

605692 "..." FireStarter stared at the minotaur blankly. "I hope you die a painful fiery death." She then added to herself, And you will, if I have a hoof in the matter.

"I take that as a yes. So, your place or mine?" he asked, not in the least deterred by her comment.

605437 ((Sweet merciful Luna, I wondered how you guys managed 200 posts of fighting so quickly. :applejackunsure:))

Sol entered the arena through the participants section, looking to the fighters immediately to see who would be thrown into combat. Seeing that it was the dragon he'd spoken to before in the library, he cleared his throat. "Good... good... Ugh," he stammered. Publicly voicing his support had always been awkward for him, so he decided to just wave at him.

605725 That was as much as she was willing to take. She made sure her cloak covered her completely and turned away. "Screw getting sense into that dead lump of flesh on your shoulders. Stay away from me!" She then walked off to a more secluded part of the audience.

"That's right good lookin'! Hate seein' ya go, but I love watchin' ya leave!" Broken yelled at the departing mare, laughing his ass off.

[[Approved by Garion]]
((reaction)) Arc seeing the blade coming at him jumped the his side trying to avoid the blade using his wings to propel him. However as he was moving the blade caught on his wing and his features contorted in pain. He looked back at his wing to see what the damage was, but he didn't see any damage. In fact, he didn't see a wing at all. He looked towards the ground and saw his midnight blue wing laying on the ground limp. His concentration broke as the pain hit him. The searing pain where his wing used to be. He clenched his jaw taking the pain as best he could before turning back to his opponent.
((action)) Using what sense he had he decided to get away as much as he could. Jumping back away from Candy to get away. As he stopped Arc drew his sword and took a defensive stance. He felt his anger and instincts flaring. He let out a low murderous growl as his vision drifted back to where his wing was on the ground. He still had a hold of his sanity, but now this was more than a simple fight for him. He was out for blood, Candy's blood.
((Not the best choice I could have done, but since I didn't expect to really go that far. I thought I might as well do something interesting.))

"GO FOR THE HORN DUMBASS!" Blink yelled, his brain already taking the opportunity to come up with an infinite number of ways to mock him for losing the wing.

((I swear I will throw this fight just so I can come up there and beat you senseless.))

((with only one wing? good luck getting up here))

((I hate you so much.:flutterrage:))

((Okay, so you've proved your point. That still doesn't mean I'm not going to destroy you. Remember I know where you live.:pinkiecrazy:))

((And verse-visa... or something like that
... wasn't this a duel thread?))

((Yes and apperently it's not just Arc and Candy fighting.))

608688 [[Approved by Garion.]]
Candy didn’t let up her offensive as the blade took his wing off, drawing it back as the limb fell to the ground, allowing herself a small smirk of satisfaction. In the back of her mind, Silynn was in hysterics. Oh, that was brilliant! I can’t believe he actually did that, now he’s grounded! What a complete fool!

Candy pushed forwards while the dragon retreated, aiming to keep the distance between them to a minimum and reduce his opportunities to ready a counterattack. She swung the blade at him again, in a horizontal slash from her right, aiming for the shoulder and neck.

((:pinkiehappy: well i was kinda forced to forfeit mine so i figured 'why not bother Black Light?' oh also 605614 Blink will pay you in gems after the fight if you can use the phrase 'wing it' with out making it forced. Think about it :pinkiehappy:))

((... You drive a hard bargain. Fine, gems and Blinks support in later fights but that's as high as i'll go!))

608772 [[I doubt she's gonna say anything mid-fight, too focused. Afterwards, though...We'll see.]]

((That's not very nice.:fluttercry: Also question, how are you holding your blade? Magic or hoof? I expect magic, but it was never really specified. Or i just missed it.))

608833 [[Yeah, magic. It's just one big blade, there's no handle.]]

((Thought so. Really there were things I could've done to not lose the wing, but considering that I don't really expect Arc to go very far I thought it would be good to do something interesting.))

608841 [[Haha, would you prefer to be stabbed in the chest, neck or wing? Wing was probably the best option with what you had :rainbowlaugh:]]

((Well possibly, but I don't care. I actually had a good few ideas that might have done less damage to me... Maybe... I really don't know, but I'm sure that losing a wing is sure be one heck of an attention getter.))

608744 FireStarter was, safe to say, rather suprised at the unicorns daring move. She laughed under her breath "Looks like this one does not hesitate to go for the kill.", She said. Her smirk widened as her eyes got a glint in them. A glint of utter madness. "I can't wait to face such a bloodthirsty opponent."

611128 [[Thanks for the vote of confidence :rainbowlaugh:]]

611297 [That one bone. That's all you get!]

((Hey has Garion contacted you about my issues?))

613478 [[Something about a broken/breaking computer?]]

((Yeah, my dad broke the computer I use. I'm currently using a friends computer so I'm probably going to have to concede the fight.))

613496 [[Damn, dude. That sucks.

Well, for you more than me, but the duel was fun at least.]]

((yeah and I had so much more planed. Well as long as you're able to promise me that Arc's head won't be removed by him stopping in the middle of the fight. I'll have Arc officially say that he concedes.))

((Oh and I also plan to hold you to having Candy hold true to her promise of telling Arc more about the blood magic.))

613605 [[I can keep both of those promises.]]

((Alright then. I'm not sure if I need approval for this or not. Any idea? Do I need to tell a judge I'm conceding and get approval, or am I able to just post him conceding?))

613631 [[Tell a judge, but nobody can really tell you that you aren't allowed to quit. You should tell someone for official purposes though.]]

((Well I've informed Garion. He's offline though do you think I should send it to an online judge or do you think Garion is enough?))

613677 [[Um...Not sure. He should be, but send Razor a PM too. It is his tournament after all, he's the one who has to organise everything.]]

((Razor has been notified. So now I just have to have Arc say he concedes.... That's kind of a statement and a question))

613696 [[How were you planning on doing it?]]

((Well I have a plan It involves Arc thinking things over quickly, and then saying he concedes with no intention of moving. So you might want to be ready to stop your attack.))

613714 [[I can manage that. It'll be close though. Arc might be in for a near-death experience.]]

((Like a blade not even an inch from his neck?))

613721 [[Closer than that.]]

((Close enough to draw blood? Or close enough to leave a large gash on his neck?))

613733 [[Close enough that it might have even drawn blood if it was gently placed in the same spot. But with what I have planned, he'll be fine.]]

((Good enough for me))
Arc looked at Candy who was rushing him. His vision filled with red and his teeth begged him for blood, and he was very happy to oblige. His thoughts quickly changed as his last shred of sanity pushed it's way through. His eyes opened wider when he realized what he was thinking. As he realized this he moved, lowering his sword and standing straight. "I am done. I concede this duel." Were the only words he spoke. As he lowered his eyes to the ground.

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