Villains of Equestria 1,811 members · 3,434 stories
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Imagine if you will, since it has already bee established that magic is starting to evolve in the EG Universe, that people are starting to acquire different magical abilities. This would realistically cause some people to become like comic book superheroes. But it would cause some people to become supervillains.

Meet a young man by the name of Dusk Skyline, a guy who has had nothing but tragedy after tragedy happen in his life. Abused by his uncle at home and bullied at school, yet no one lifts a finger to help him. No teachers, police or any authority figure helps him.

However, after magic starts to appear in the world, Dusk acquires a dangerous new power. With this new ability, he uses this to fatally defend himself from his abusive uncle while leaving him horrifically scarred and barely able to talk. Despite his claims of self-defense, he's labeled a murderer. Snapping, Dusk decides that if society wishes to treat him like a villain, then he might as well become one.

He spends his days hiding out in an underground lair and designs cool villain masks for the rise in magic-using villains. One day, he sees the Rainbooms fighting Gaia Everfree on the news. The sight of these girls getting praised for their powers while he is reviled really pisses him off. So much so that he wants to destroy them and everything they stand for.

I like this idea, so I can imagine that he'll start with his own Legion of Doom. But first he'll have to prove himself as a pro-villain and considering the Rainboom's powers and track record, that will be a very uphill battle.

I'll be honest, I read the title and instantly had my doubts about this character, fearing that you made an overly edgy OC villain character. But the thing is... I actually really like this premise.

Villains are always such an interesting character type because there's a million ways to go with them, and the idea that there's just this evil tailor who makes supervillain costumes is actually something I haven't seen before. It reads to me like he's forming a network of sorts, like a group of evil friends who he either sees as being similar to himself or as a group of people who he can empathize with. Or, maybe he doesn't have ANY evil friends and he's just building up a collection of costumes for WHEN some villain potentially needs his help, just stealing mannequins from the mall and dressing them up to show off to any villain who happens to wander into his lair.

Heck, he could even see the heroes attacking Gaia as them attacking one of his friends (assuming that he and Gaia interacted before this moment.) There's a lot of potential for a story like this and I'd be interested to see where it goes.

He may very well try to build up a gang or army of dangerous villains. I'm trying to figure out a good collection of baddies that could work for him. If you have any suggestions, let me know.

That is indeed something he may try to do. If you have any suggestions about what else I can do with him, let me know.

I'd say look at other fanfics that have MLP themed supervillains. Villanon by Aponymous Author on Pone Paste has a few characters, and Magnets in a Mares World by Triple-Rainbow on this website also has a few villains in it that you can use as reference. Also just googling the MLP Super Hero comics can give you aa few more villains to work with like the sad mime, or whatever his name was.

I think I may check it out.

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