Villains of Equestria 1,811 members · 3,434 stories
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Think there's a way to make this villain actually interesting

"The Producer"

He's a mix of MOJO from the X-Men and Mr. Mxyzptlk from Superman

He's a villainous movie director combined with television exec.

He claims to be a movie director from the 20s given eternal life and light reality warping powers in exchange for making television and movies to entertain his Master.

Not sure what his Master is yet, but it seems familiar with Equestria, and recommended The Princessess and Ember or Discord as stars for his new lineup of TV shows

This for a story that's a homage and slight parody of those Hanna-Barbera mystery cartoons from the late 60s and 70s. The plot involves the Producer taking the MCs and turning them into animals and placing them with different groups of unknowing "Meddling Kids" in order to secretly film their exploit as new TV shows to entertain his Master

Seems like a disguise Discord would put on to wreck havoc honestly.

The guy's a bit of a cinephile.

Or I suppose Discord could be persuaded into working for him for the promise of friendship and a staring role, depending on how vain and gullible you write him.

If you're attached to the creature swap role however, it probably makes sense to use creatures who can't snap their way out of it.

This version of Myx was one of my inspirations for The Producer

He loves to appear before his actors at random intervals and discuss things like viewership, ratings, the script, etc. The Meddling Kids themselves are not actors and at first have no idea about Equestria, but they are having their lives manipulated and twisted along by the Director in accordance with his Script, but is willing to not follow the script when he likes the angle.

For Example, Celestia's co-stars have a Linus Van Pelt-like little brother with them who not only is the first one to know Celly can actually talk, but can also see The Producer himself. He lets this slide not only to boost ratings, but he thinks his older brothers won't believe him about their dog being able to talk.

His name is Van Pelt? I'm named after the guy and I didn't know that.

"I know how to beat you producer. I'm gonna put an end to you twisted tv shows."

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try kid. You might be a star, but I run this show. It ends when I say it does, and not a second sooner."

"Wanna bet?" The "Kid" asked (I dunno, I'm picturing a human turned donkey ala Pinnochio.) taking a deep breath, the Kid looked at where he imagined the "fourth wall" would be, and did his best. "I think Racist slurs, holy shit, like a lotta racist slurs. Oh wow, he should not have said that last part about the politician. And Oh wow, he doesn't respect women either. Or anyone who doesn't appear to be a white American male, for that matter. OOOH, and he just did that thing with the arm that you're not supposed to do. And I think Oh... Now he's just saying how supportive he is of the LGBT+ community. Weird how a lot of shows proclaim they're progressive but won't actually make a show with progressive characters. I mean, Ellen had her own tv show where she was dating (or married) to another woman long before Steven Universe or anything and yet tv executives are terrified to show the LGBT+ community in a good light. And while I'm on this rant, isn't it kinda weird how Disney censors their old racist depictions of black people, asian people, and the jewish community from their animations and says their progressive while also actively censoring their own cast of current gay characters because if they don't then they won't make more money? Really fucked up when you think about it. Tv shows and movies censor positive gay or trans representation as if it was on par with reprehensibly racist depictions of anyone who isn't a straight white American male."

And thus, the Producer was Canter-Canceled.


I have never seen this version before.

I'll have to look this up sometime.

He lets this slide not only to boost ratings, but he thinks his older brothers won't believe him about their dog being able to talk.

Interesting thought.

Keep in mind the kind of tone you are going for though, and how the dialogue and writing will convey that, because it influences a lot going forward.

When The Return Of Harmony aired for example, I personally found it lacking.

Because Laura Faust specified that Discord "would be like Q" I expected a attempt at a dramatic morality play, since being a tester of people's character is Q's main role throughout Star Trek.

Instead they relied on Discord's mind control powers for comedy gags, and a great deal of tension that should have existed from the Main Six breaking up was lost.

So it's important to figure out your tone going forward, and how you are going to portray how everything reacts to everything else.

That's going to drive how the audience perceives your work in total.

Here's an example of how The Producer speaks

Pro: Hey kid, how's da mystery solving going? Cackles with a smug grin while lighting a cigar

Celly: growls and bears her dog teeth You! Daniel was attacked by something claiming to be his evil twin!

Pro: Puffs his cigar and smiles Well, well, well, it's about time he showed up. You know, it's quite unprofessional for a star to show up late for his scene, than again, he doesn't know he's part of a show

Celly: You better tell me what this creature is, or else!

Pro: Sorry doll, that ain't how it work's around here. You gotta solve the mystery and stop whatever that twin is planning. Or mess up and let Daniel die. Either way, the viewers will love it!

Celly: If you harm a hair on Daniel's head I'll make sure you suffer a punishment worse than Tartarus!

I am also trying to nail down a design that retains his 1920s Director look, but still has a hint of something sinister and supernatural about him.

Maybe make it look like he leapt out of a 1920s film, flickering and black and white coloration included.

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