Cutie Mark Crusaders 1,750 members · 4,495 stories
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Hello there everyone! I'm an avid writer who's recently discovered the wonders of pony. To be honest, it's not the show that intrigues me for much, but, and crucify me if you wish, I love the collective fanon headcanon that's grown over the years. I'm also a fan of Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo bonding, so I decided to do my own take on it.

If anyone's a fan of the Beatles or Across the Universe, keep reading :).

Basically, what happens if you take those two things, a Batman:The Animated Series episode, and crack cocaine and grind them together? You get a fine powder. You may also get something similar to this idea:

The basic concept is that Scootaloo HAS parents, or had (now she has a parent.) Her father is found dead under mysterious circumstances. The police call it a suicide. Rainbow Dash desperately wants to be there for Scootaloo, but isn't used to doing the whole 'emotional' thing. Scootaloo tries to act tough, but eventually admits she needs help from her surrogate sister. Rainbow Dash still acts... awkward, and Scootaloo eventually grows to reset her for it.

However, eventually, Rainbow is tipped off by a mysterious source that Scootaloo's father's death may not have been a suicide. With the help of semi-expected companion, she begins to investigate a conspiracy that goes high up in the Equestrian government, thinking it'll be the way she can help Scootaloo - her own way.

Eventually, however, she realizes that a wounded heart can't always be healed by justice.

And she also realizes that everyone seems to be singing these strange, unknown songs for some reason.

The Beatles part? Well, like Across the Universe, there will be Beatles songs scattered throughout it, everywhere...

And not lyrics. Basically, it's a semi-songfic, conspiracy drama, and heartwarmer all wrapped into one. So yeah, let me know what you think. Bad idea? Good idea? Crappy singing? Hit me with your opinions. Pummel me with them (but don't hit the face. Watch my tattoo as well, please.)

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