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So all of you Xbros out there, Dust 514 is (and, quite saddly, soon to be was) a PS3 exclusive that was a first among FPS's that could go toe to toe with Halo. Not because of its gameplay, weapons, vehicles, F2P status and etc, but because it was linked, real time, to the ever popular online game Eve Online. Dust 514 mercs on the ground could coordinate with the space flying Eve players, giving what was once a great standalone game a steadfast ally in its ever changing style. Sadly, Dust 514 will be coming offline as of May 30th, something which really hurts me because I've been off of it for two years. But on a happier note, I decided to write the second ever Dust 514 crossover, following more than a few viewpoints of different mercs and capsuleers as they discovered several new things about themselves and these "ponies".

I kindly ask that anyone who has play Dust 514 or Eve Online to come forward and help me with this endeavor. I don't care what Corp you ran with, what your race of choice is or how your just a capsuleer miner, I only ask that you would be willing to tell me what made you choose your choices.

Positions available; Co-authors, Lore researchers, Capsuleers of any race, ship or Corp, Editors, Pre-readers, etc and etc. Multiple openings for each.

5255259 you have my attention, and I think I can pull in a few brony corpmates of mine as well. My corp is in a temporary merger as it stands, but the other Corp head is brony as well, and a very avid industrialist so he could possibly lead into things as well.

As a personal point, I would like to volunteer in a Capsuleer and Lore researcher capacity.

Also, in a small aside, there have been talks of it not being a permanent shutdown of Dust. But a down period to prepare optimization for next gen consoles. 514 was programmed for that gods awfully convuluted cell processor that the PS3 is most well known for amongst the coding community after all. They'd have to completely rebuild a good portion of the framework to get it working on other hardware.

5255259 just in time to celebrate V-Bee day

I'm sad to hear that DUST is shutting down. I never really played it much as I didn't have a PlayStation. I used to play eve quite a bit but fell out of it when my corp got war deced repeatedly until my members stopped playing. I have been trying to get back into it haven't had much success. If you need a lone wolf Thanatos or Dominix pilot, you have one in Berathan who was formerly of the corp Band of Bronies. I haven't ready any of the novels but I would be happy to help research as well. Many hand's make light work.

5255353 Thank you, I have the first chapter all but down (writing Celestia can be such a bitch), and I'll have a link to the chapter below. Oh how I hope the shutdown isn't permanent, lord knows them Flyers up there would miss us.
5255358 Respect. I've heard about them bees, them Goonies are crazy and I even had a idea as to using them and their Corp in it. (Hint; they get to kill a Titan).
5255370 True, I would love it if you were willing to write your character's lines as well. Just because I have no clue how a Capsuleer would sound in battle.

5255413 Isn't it only 4 empires that sprung up? Unless you are counting the Jove but they never actually fell after the Eve collapse.

Lore wise for the slave revolt. Ammar use addictive drugs to control their slave population. Without it they die very painful deaths. They produce it away from slave populations so if there is a revolt they can quickly and easily cut of supply. Gallente to occasional send capsulers to attain samples of the new variants of the drug (By blowing the shit out of every slaver they find in the DED pocket) so they can create cures but its very hard. Don't know if anyone else dose. I know this because Ammar military currently has a shoot to kill order on me.

Would it be possible for you to enable comments on the document so we can attach suggestions to the lines?

5255989 I count the Jove because their the fifth main ace and are a part of the Concord. Their just too OP for Eve or Dust as they are right now. And yeah.

5255993 That and all of Jove space went dark so they might be dead. I read the chapter. Looks good with only a few oddly structured sentences. I like the mane guy. My capsuler is Gallente too.

5255413 i like how the chapter is going insofar. And on your mention to slaughterstone about how Capsuleers talk in combat. It depends on if it's lone flight or fleetroam. It'll also vary depending on their views of professionalism and tactical communications. Hell, I even know some capsuleers that just go full trigger happy religious even when they know they're screwed. An eccentric bunch of mad gods in the deep black we can be.

5256018 Jovan, they scare me... I better go stock up on officer grade weapons and such.
5256282 Eve University (Capsuleer Academy) is a professional education Corp and I know that they didn't allow me to talk to them on their channel even through Dust University (Immortal University) was their ally. As for others, I know that the Goons are easily on the entire other end of the spectrum and, I think, encourage their pilots to curse, give off confusing battlecries (We're terrible at this game and we know it! Which I might reference later) as they attack with the smallest and cheapest ships they have. As for the mad gods comment, how many of you guys have ships specifically for Jihading your enemies?

5256404 CODE mainly right now. And maybe the Russians when they get really pissed. Actually, any of the really big alliances have specialized killfleets of varying ships and for varying reasons from jihadist to just giving the middle finger to people.

CODE is probably the most hated and well known of the 'jihadist' assortment of pilots in HighSec. They usually run suicide fit Catalyst destroyer class vessels. Next to no armor buffering, just pure damage potential.

Anyone caught in their territory mining without a permit, or otherwise not following their New Halaima Code of Conduct will get blapped, and even then, if they don't like you? Well, they can revoke a mining permit for just about any and then proceed to slag the ship. They don't bother with WarDecs unless its a matter of pride.

They'll burn you faster than Concord vessels can burn them. They don't care how many ships, the often unmentioned crew, or clones and implants they lose.

5256426 Surprisingly I have never run into guys like that. I do mine in a machinaw outfitted to tank and kill sleepers though so maybe it's just me.

On another note. Could you guys use a carrier or heavy industrial pilot? I have been looking to get back into the game but haven't had anyone to play with.

5256426 Red Alliance(or something like that)? I read about one of their fights against the Coalition of the South, where they truly slaughtered their enemies in spite of the fact they were outnumbered six to one, (seventy vs four hundred) due to great tactics, great communication and all of them using one standard ship with identical or exact-copy builds (Tempest, I think). As for CODE, no clue. But they sound crazy.
5256437 The Sleepers are supposedly some kind of sub-race to the Jove, and harvesting them was seen as some kind of Rapture and I think it pissed the Jove off... but the scary thing is, the Sleepers are driving Immortals and Capsuleers crazy because for every Sleeper in their fantasy world, they need a body and the Caldari took many of their bodies, which kinda caused the first gen Immortals on the ground to start losing it as their minds are merged with anothers. Think of it like A Dash of Humanity, only with genetically enhanced super soldiers that are trying to avenge, rescue or something, the 514 Sleepers that don't have bodies for their minds to go back to. At least, that's what I've read. There's a forum somewhere with the details.

Edit: The 5-14 is a reference to the point in Eve where the cloning technology was developed, several bible verses (including the Amarri Bible) that have to do with life, death and the soul.

Here's a few posts from a forum on what 514 means, the second one is an exempt from one of the books, personally I think it means the Sleepers know where they were wronged, and the Immortals were trying to get a warning out, or maybe the Sleepers are programmed to respond to that number, going so far as to mutilate themselves to write and draw 514, strange beings and red skies.

514 is a number written in blood on the walls. So it's a warning, a communication, or an imprinted message from the psyche of the Sleeper Tech that generates a compulsive need to write the symbols down.

Given the implant was worn by sleepers, or was a trap laid down, the number is imprinted on the Sleepers dreamlike subconscious psyche in some fashion. Adding that Sansha's Nation have been able to control wormhole activities and are "stronger" than before, they probably have linked up with Sleeper tech, but maybe so far as directly with the Sleepers?

Since Sansha are heavily implant dependent, and the Sleepers seem to have had this Implant created in order to sustain a flesh body through their apparent virtual existence - The use of the implant is meant to send a "sleeper psyche" back to the home base, not a normal psyche.

The question in that Chronicle becomes WHO is attacking? Well, despite accusations of it being every other person's empire - it would make most sense for it to be a Sansha attack, since they have spies everywhere and are perfect infiltrators. Combine that with having for sure discovered the DUST514 technology by that point.

And combine that with the symbols of Red Skies, Strange Beings, and 514.

The clues point to the Sleepers' revival to come back and take over/destroy New Eden through the Sansha most likely as a self-defense mechanism, or not?

So 514 isn't a military code as much as it's a warning or symbolic purpose.
Where am I?

"If you don't believe me," she said presently, "then answer me this: has the number 514 played into any of your lost cases?"

The atmosphere in the room sharpened perceptibly.

Heth leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. At length he began to speak.

"It's been happening since the beginning," he said. "At first we thought it was localized to a particular place. Our first two cases came from the same barracks. We thought it was something a few of them had seen on joint operations. Some kind of graffiti they'd seen during a traumatic moment on Caldari Prime."

Sarum was staring at him intently.

"Then it started popping up everywhere," Heth continued. "Always the same."

"Blood-red skies, strange beings, and the number 514, often written in blood," said Shakor.

Heth looked at him, eyebrows raised. Roden showed no expression, but his eyes darted back and forth between the two men.

"Exactly that," said Heth.

Empress Sarum nodded.

Before the moment and all its implications were allowed to go any further, Roden spoke.

"What does that prove, though?"

"I beg your pardon, Mister President?" asked Sarum.

"The implants give them strange visions," said Roden. "How do you know for sure that Sleeper consciousness is the culprit, and not some," he made a flippant gesture, "random subroutine implanted as a failsafe by their engineers? For that matter, how do you know this isn't merely a quirk of the technology, soon to be ironed out by engineers? Surely those of us who are old enough —" and here he nodded his head pointedly at Shakor, "—remember the spectacular capsule failures of the Caldari-Gallente War. To my recollection those stories weren't much better."

Who are the Sansha?

5256468 Sansha's Nation. What's left of a centuries old group of slavers pretty much. I could go in depth on them if need be though. Will take a bit to go all out might I warn

5256479 Are they related to the Amarr Empire or freelance? Other than that, I don't think they'll be in the story. Any opinions on what I outlined at the end of Ch: 1?

5256492 they were an offshoot of both the Amarrian Empire and Caldari State by technicaity, despite being started by a single Caldari man. They count as a rogue state.

As for my opinion of the outline. It's a sound base outline for the scope of the story regarding cadances initial, progressing, and post Immortal U experiences, it will need to be fleshed out of course, but you have a solid base framework of where you want to go.

5256513 Hmm, so as dangerous in the boardroom as they are at the altar... man, with the Amarrian armour and firepower and Caldari shields and modules, they sound like a difficult enemy to deal with. As for the outline, it was just two or four lines for what I thought was important to a chapter or a key part of it.

5256590 they have their own tech. Even wormhole manipulation. They do have some changeling traits sort of, the jack all of their slaves into a hivemind(if you ascribe to changelings actually having a hivemind that is,) with specific forms of neural implants. Most of the Nation are actually those aforementioned slaves.

there ships are ugly as hell, and can reach out and touch you with their lasers.

As I said, you've got the a solid framework to work off of. You've got the important material you want to work with each chapter.

5256607 Hmm, sounds interesting, but not immediately useful. Heh, imagine their guns; the ugly bastard child of a laser rifle and a rail rifle, a scrambler rifle and a sniper rifle or a magsec submachine gun and a scrambler pistol. Ugghh... and the dropsuits can't be much worse.

5256704 let's not even try to speculate on that one my friend. to much headahe, not enough profit.

5404306 i have a few ideas on how to jump start things. I would think Celestia would be the first to recover from that sort of shock, putting on the strong face for her niece. As far as actual dialogue goes, I would think she'd begin along the lines of driving the conversation from such a grim topic as the Jove's Fate, and moving onto the details of who, what, and why. Exactly how that progresses, well, I can try to cobble together one way it could go and you can take from that what you will.

5406603 Thanks man and sure.

5406620 just glad I can help keep a good story from going under

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