The Sci-Fi Ponies 2,084 members · 1,819 stories
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Hey everyone,

Not sure if this is the proper forum for soliciting advice and editing, but I wrote an EQG fic based off this contingency speech Richard Nixon had planned for the Apollo 11 landings. Also, reading The Martian several times while bored at work probably had something to do with it. Anyway, if anyone has a thing for the Space Race or just wants to give it a look, message me or something I guess? I can post part of it here, do the password-y thing, however it normally works. Thanks.


I look forward to seeing the finished product

Curious where you would go with this premise. Are you looking for pre-readers, or is there another reason not to just post the story in public?


Yes, planning on posting it as soon as I'm done tweaking it. Was looking for a pre reader to see if the technobabble drags out too much/plot points make sense/etc.


I would like to read it too.

Finally got this sucker finished and posted, if anyone's still interested. Let me know what you think.

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