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I am wondering if cyberpunk has a part in the folders in this group. (Technology in Equestria, maybe?) Anyways, I'm just wondering.

If anyone's interested in, like, helping or something you can PM me.

Anyways, was just asking.

4821925 cyberpunk is a story about a dystopian world/city etc where the corporations rule or at least have a lot of power. where cybernetics, ai and robots exist. notable cyberpunk movies, ghost in the shell, robocop, matrix, tron, judge dredd, blade runner etc.

Why wouldn't it?

1) Yes. It tends to be a bleaker view of the advancement of technology. Deus Ex series and stuff.
2) sure, I would be interested in taking a look at whatever it is you're writing, and see if it's to my interests.

Cyberpunk: A Science Fiction movement lead by a group of young writers who "share a liking for hard-edged, high tech, razzle-dazzle visions of the future, especially a grim future where computers, drugs and cybernetics rule". By most accounts, the best example of the genre is Bill Gibson's "Neuromancer".
From the Slang dictionary by Paul Dickson


Deus Ex can be either cyberpunk or post-cyberpunk depending on which ending you pick. You can have a bleak view of technology like Tong/Darrow or you can have a fairly positive one like Helios/Sarif.

4823826 Well, Mankind Divided certainly is cyberpunk.


The trailers certainly seem to be leaning that way but I hope there's more flexibility in the game itself. After all the Deus Ex: Human Revolution trailers had all that "I didn't ask for this" stuff you don't actually have to say in game.

The shadows of the original Deus Ex does still loom over it, though. Whatever you do, there's a pretty good chance people get away to cause the whole mess in Deus Ex.

Unless they go with the "the real ending is something completely different"


Yeah, that's a problem with prequels. I wish they'd just make it a semi-prequel - come out and say that there is a sequence of choices that, if made in the game, lead to the original deus ex but other sequences may result in different outcomes. (And maybe come out and reveal that sequence after the game has been out for a few weeks)

That would be pretty cool.

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