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As Christians we all know Christ's greatest Commandments; to Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and to Love your neighbour as you love yourself. So when I see the kind of love that the world is preaching I realised that Love has been clearly misinterpreted by the world. It is not the attraction to another person because that is only infatuation. It is not friendship because friends can come and go (though you can love your friends and friends may blossom into something more). It is not kinship or family because families can break; although a family whose foundation is centered around Love will never break and one may make the argument that Love is familial.

What I have come to find that God teaches us is that Love is the denial of one's self for others. It is sacrifice; True Love is the denial of one's own interests, desires and needs and sacrifice them all for those who we care for. A Parent who sacrifices their time and money for their children to succeed in life, that is Love. A Partner/Spouse who willingly sacrifices their desires and plans in life for their special other, that is Love. A Leader who takes the fall for his subordinates willingly, that is Love. A friend who offers what little they have to support their friend, that is Love.

And then there is God, who brought the world into existence; who created Man in his image, who watched his creation turn against him, whom through sin was separated from himself and condemned to die for it. He could have let us all perish, to clear the board as a failed creation. Instead he offered himself by becoming Man, one without sin to take all our sins, to die in our place. No Greater Love is there than to give one's life for their Friends.

I look to the world today and realised how much of our world has deceived themselves of what truly is. From our Households to even the very churches themselves, many have forgotten True Love. It is all for the self now; the selfish desire for the flesh, the selfish desire for comfort and fulfillment, the selfish desire to be validated, the selfish desire for wealth and resources, the selfish desire for attention and recognition, the selfish desire for retribution and hatred, the selfish desire for Love itself. That is why the world of today is never satisfied for there is no Love. Only through Love can it fill the emptiness of desire and lust, for it is the denial of the self for others, and only through God can True Love be possible.

Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more.

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