Chrylight is Alright 838 members · 139 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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The Twilestia collab has found some success with a NSFW collab, so I was wondering if anyone wanted to try the same thing here? Some of the stories already posted have been a bit near-the-knuckle in terms of a T rating, so why not push the boundaries out even further?

4545428 I am digging it. Would be a nice opportunity to try clop stuff.


4545428 Love the idea, would be great to see some more mature takes on one of my favorite ships. Would like to participate... but I have no idea if I'm any good at writing:ajsleepy:.


Well, that's one, anyway. :raritywink:


But that's the beauty of collab writing: it doesn't haven't to be a finished, polished work-of-art (and they're not expected to be either). They're supposed to be fun expressions of your love for a certain 'ship.

4545532 Alright then, It wouldn't hurt to try. I'm IN!


Coolsies. Let's see if a few more people chime in before making this a thing, though. That went so well for me last time. :facehoof:

I'll write but I won't host lol i'm far enough behind with the SFW one!

Maybe it would encourage me to actually write something instead of just cowering. :rainbowlaugh:


Am I being volunteered for this, then? :twilightoops:


No cowering allowed! :flutterrage:


Don't worry. We're nice, encouraging perverts. :rainbowwild:

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