Free Market Party of Equestria 37 members · 19 stories
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I'm certain this thread comes too late, and the news I wish to discuss already common knowledge, but I feel I must say it somewhere. I haven't any outlets to discuss my passionate devotion to Classical Liberalism other than here.

Anyway, the tide of socialism is creeping up on my country. For those whom it may concern, I am American, and if my country is not yours and you've escaped the bloated monster that is the media, let me clue you in:

For the past four years my nation has been led by a Democrat, a party that has leaned towards the left side of the political spectrum. Democrats have come in all shapes and sizes, some more right leaning than others, such as John F. Kennedy. Others have been socialists in all but name, e.g. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Others have been outright power-hungry megalomaniacs...ahem...Wilson. Some of you may say say I'm exaggerating, well maybe:scootangel:

President Barack Obama, as I see it, despite what the liberal media would have me believe, is a socialist. Well, a "Social Justice Seeker." The wealth others gained "off the backs of laborers" is illegitimate, but the wealth he and his cronies are righteously deserved, given to men who are best suited to rule, not govern, the nation. I could go on about my distaste for my President, but on to the feature presentation.

I despari for the future of my country. Increasing state intervention is welcomed in many places, and spending keeps going up and up by people who never had to ever worry about running out of money. People born to privilegde but thinking no one deserves to be rich. Now millions don't have to pay taxes, and indeed will be subsidized by the Government. It is true that power accretes into a centralized state, not usually the reverse, and soon I fear, within my own lifetime, I may live in a much different country than the one I was born in.

While this may certainly be my paranoia talking, I do fear for the free market system that built my great country, which I am not afraid to say I'm proud of. I want to build a great company, live the American dream. Can I? I don't know. But I do know that the free market has seen better days.

I have been invigorated with a resolve to take political action, to do something...anything to stave off the red hydra. Much of what's done in the name of Equality destroys Freedom, my most treasured belief.

Maybe I'm worrying for nothing, or maybe you share my thoughts. I don't know. But I would like to know; will the Free Market fade away into history as another failed social systsem, like Feudalism; or have the spiritual descendants of Adam Smith yet to sing their Swan song?

It feels good to vent. Thanks for reading, and have a nice day. Also I'm sorry if I'm out of line for posting a thread. I'm not familiar with FIMFiction Group etiquette.

Group Admin

588570 I know what you mean, I feel the same way. :twilightoops:

588581Gosh I sure hope I don't cause one...buuuuut I guess that's inevitable with posting opinions on interweb:twilightsheepish:

Inspectah Dash
Group Admin

I would ponder this, but fuck, my head feels like jello.

Group Admin

I'm sorry to tell you this, the Republicans are just as bad as the Democrats. Both parties are addicted to spending and have nothing but contempt for liberty. Republicans give lip service every so often, but their policies are just as statist. I have no love for Barack Obama, but he is not at the forefront on the war against liberty. In the big picture, he is actually rather unremarkable and a continuation of the Bush era's deficit spending and police state. The Obama administration has raided more marijuana dispensaries than the Bush administration, the number of drone strikes has quadrupled, the national debt has ballooned, but he brings nothing new to the table.

I wouldn't call him a socialist though, his policies do not reflect it. Words matter, and Barack Obama is not a socialist. He is an exact picture of what you would expect the political system to produce as POTUS given the current political climate. A charismatic President who has captured the hearts of the public, is a member of the Democratic party and can therefore continue the warmongering of the unpopular previous administration without the anti-war left protesting, and has is capable of occupying the media with trivialities such as birth control while thousands die due to economic sanctions. He is not a socialist, but simply a statist.

588645Yeah I forgot to mention the Republicans. They're just as bad.

Something needs to change. But are the hearts of the citizens too far gone? Or will someone come to remind them who we are? Either way I feel like doing something. I WON'T GO QUIETLY!

Up here in the Great White North, it's pretty much the same, but without the pretense of liberty. Equality and liberty aren't the same thing, and some of us are more equal than others. Also, someone scribbled all over the library copies of The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress. Edgar Cayce's Predictions for the 21st Century, meanwhile, has a dozen holds at any given time. Fucking Canada.

588696I find it shameful when someone defaces any book, regardless of content. Dang ol' vandalism man dang scribblin' books man

I myself am from Alaska. Pretty similar to a lot of your country, though you could live in New Brunswick or Nova Scotia for all I know.

588715 Good ol' BC. It's like Washington State, but with more asians.

588740That's some pretty country right there. This is off topic, but I don't care:pinkiecrazy:

588749 If you can ignore the unpredictable weather, the amount of homeless people, and the apparent hatred of street art.

Point of fact: according to trend forecaster Gerald Celente, American elections are soon followed by sudden market surges, as foolish optimism sweeps the country. After this one, however, there was a slump, the likes of which, he says, he has never seen in decades of trend-watching.

Furthermore, DC was soon inundated with secession petitions from something like half the American states. People are getting disillusioned, to an unprecedented degree.

I don't think now is the time to try and save any particular country. It's time to cover your own ass. Tyrannical regimes tend to end with a bang, not a whimper.

588856The tree of Liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of tyrznts and patriots, so it has been said.

The last American Civil War started 150 years ago. Off the top of my head I don't know if that's a long time between civil wars for countries or not, but with the Arab Spring and the purported collapse of the Euro, not to mention climbing debts, very turbulent times are ahead.


There's no need for violence. Peaceful secession movements are the thing these days. It's not just the U.S. Catalonia, Flanders, and Scotland are making headlines with their own secession movements. If one of those succeeds, it will set a precedent.

Maybe the time will come when I'll need to buy a new world map every couple of years, to keep up with all the new countries.

589002Hehe I always become happy when I see a map with South Sudan on it. I'm a map dork like that.

Im still waiting for Somalia to become an anarcho-capitalist paradise (which it is in the process of doing)

but any im pretty confident that the free market will prevail because states eventually collapse and voluntary interactions are always superior to force fraud and statism.

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