Love and Tolerate 819 members · 6,324 stories
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Or my variation of a kidnapping murderer. Maybe I'll use characters that are canon. Maybe I'll throw in a pair of ocs? But I have two ideas for this.

Ponies are kidnapped by Maud. Murdered by an Oc and Linestone. Baked by Marble and the goods are sold by Pinkie.
Five ocs kill ponies, skin them, and make rugs/blankets/quilts out of their skin or mane.

5056193 Don't do it. I know from experience OCs and Cupcakes do not mix well! In fact, don't make a Cupcakes story at all! Stay away from the temptations!


OCs and Cupcakes do not mix well!

But will it blend?

So that's why they tell you not to pull out the blender when making cupcakes...

don't make a Cupcakes story at all

Well, that type of story isn't very popular anymore considering how old its aged. Plus, the fandom has become more afraid of the dark tag due to it being slammed with "Gore" right after it. So apparently, the dark tag is now a slightly less burdened gore tag.

>In conclusion, don't write Cupcake stories because the dark tag is barely viewed and it is overdone.

5056351 But a lot of people read Dark stories. That's the isssue. People like the shocking and disturbing side of Equestria. Thus we got many Dark stories here. Unfortunately not all of them are well written, or even suspenseful. If that's what you guys advise against. I see why. I guess I should write happier and sillier fics that way I can put off a happy vibe, right?

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