Love and Tolerate 819 members · 6,324 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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We all say "Love and Tolerance", but what does it mean?

"Love" is to put the needs of others above your own.

"Tolerance" is to respect that people are different things than you do.

However, there is none of that on FiMFiction, from what I've seen, and I'll focus on tolerance since it's pretty damn easy to give it over the web, but few choose to do so here. Super-Devoutly religious people often get attacked and declared idiots, and "Autism" is being used as a slur, and the actual thing being spoken of as though it was the ultimate curse, never mind that some high-functioning cases of Autism can be really intelligent. The only "tolerance" I've seen is only between people who conform with each other, and that's technically not tolerance.

We should be aware of this: Tolerance is to respect and treat kindly people who are so different from you, that you might not like them. Everyone deserves a basic humane kindness from one another, not just the people you like.

The thing is that the VAST majority of members of this site have never thrown around any slurs, and never attacked anybody just for being different. The sound of somebody not saying hateful things is silence though, and that's easy to ignore. Still, it's a little unfair to write off the whole site and say there's no love or tolerance here just because there's a small but unfortunately vocal minority that don't have it.

I see what you're saying. It's easy to forget how the majority actually feel when it's the most vocal minority that yell and wank the most.

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