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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Again, I haven't watched it yet, but I think it's aired by now in the UK. One of the disadvantages of being in the US.

As for what I'm expecting from this one, I mostly have my expectations from where we left off, and a bit from that teaser. It'll obviously have Kate Lethbridge Stewart in it, which implies UNIT. Yaz and Dan and Professor Jericho are stranded in time in 1901. Meanwhile, the Doctor has become a weeping Angel and is headed back to the Division. Guess we'll probably run into the guy who's been in odd scenes every so often?

I wouldn't be too surprised if we concentrated more on the first part, and left the last for next episode, but it's hard to say. The cliffhangers have generally tended not to be resolved too satisfyingly so far. Odd episodes have also tended to be more about the overall season arch then self-contained. Wouldn't be too surprised if this turned out to be all random jumping around stuff.

Anyways, this is the place to discuss the episode, as usual. And people who don't like this series, we're inching closer and closer to the days where it'll be over, and the new discussion threads I post will be about RTD episodes...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

The Division, aka the Celestial Intervention Agency but somehow even more explicitly imperialist. And good heavens, the way Tecteun treated the Doctor was... unnerving. The way she knew just the way to manipulate the Doctor with her favorite planet... yike. I was not expecting Tecteun to die by anyone's hand but the Doctor's. How dare they steal her revenge arc. The opening scene with the Angels was utterly nightmarish, I adored 13's aggressive blinking at them. The pocket watch thing was unexpected in some ways, but really I should have seen it coming, it was foreshadowed super heavily in The Timeless Children. Still not sure what's up with the not-Lungbarrow that presumably is something vital to the Doctor's past, but very excited to learn more.

We finally got tunnel guy back! And now we have a name for him! Honestly the whole 1903 arc was fabulous, I love Jericho a lot, Dan was hilarious, and Yaz is really doing the 'becoming the Doctor' bit which makes me extremely scared for her. The scene with the hermit in particular was fantastic.

Bel and Vinder continue to miss each other by thaaaat much! I look forward to seeing Bel and Karvanista's buddy cop arc in the finale, as well as Vinder and Di's quest to escape the Passenger. Other than that, not much to say there.

The Grand Serpent is dreadful and I hope Kate kills him personally. Those snakes are awful to look at! I hate them with a burning passion! Normally I quite like snakes, but those mouths are an atrocity against me personally. Also, let's all add a new date to our UNIT Dating Controversy red-string boards, hurrah.

Overall, I have no idea where Chibnall is going with any of this or how he plans to wrap it up in the last episode. I'm eager to see it, but I've also noticed that he spends a lot of time building up a plot only to half-ass the climax and resolution, so I do think that this last episode is going to make or break the series for me. Possibly some of the plot threads will have to be continued in next year's three planned specials, including the Doctor's regeneration, which in my book really just makes this a nine-episode series with some lengthy hiatuses chucked in. We'll just have to wait and see, I suppose.


SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I am worried about how this will wrap up. There was stuff I liked in this episode and reveals, but somehow I'm feeling like not much happened.

I mean, I like Yaz, Dan, and the professor running around 1901-1904 on adventures, but it didn't really amount to much until the end, though that one find your dog guy was great.

Tecteun was the bad guy, and runs the Division. Well, we kinda already knew she was a bad guy. She killed the Doctor multiple times as a kid. And she might as well be behind the big organization that we didn't know about. The watch did catch me off guard. Should have thought about it, but I didn't think you could use two at the same time.

Funny how the resolution to the cliffhanger was just about as bad as I thought it'd be...

I do want to see the wrapup, but I'm feeling like there won't be enough time, and it won't wrap up well. I hope I'm wrong.

There wasn't nearly enough of Kate, either. Maybe next episode, but there's so much else it has to do...

Think the Professor could get a spin off?

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Also, it's now canon that the whole time the third Doctor was stranded on earth with a non-functional Tardis and was working with UNIT, they had an identical Tardis sitting in UNIT they didn't tell him about?

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Just thoughts on how things might end.

About Swarm, Azure and Passenger. Swarm was imprisoned by Division, who are, you know, the bad guys. Maybe Swarm and Azure and such aren't all that bad, or at least don't have bad goals? Maybe they are, say, putting everyone in Passenger in the old universe to release them into the new one? Sure, the Doctor's been at odds with Swarm for a long time... but it was when she was working for Division.

Also, maybe this will be a here comes the new universe, same as the old universe type deal, where the universe gets destroyed, but recreated in the new universe? The Doctor releases all her old memories into the new universe to guide it and be part of it, or something like that? Amy/Matt Smith universe reboot?

Just guesses, but I've been trying to think how everything could possibly get wrapped up in one more episode, and that's what comes to mind at the moment. Could be totally wrong.

--Sweetie Belle

Odds are the Grand Serpent hid that one shortly after killing that guy. Hence why the Third didn't know about it.

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