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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Okay, so, being in America, I've got a few hours before I can watch this, but it's time for "Village of the Angels"!

This was the one co-written by Maxine Alderton, who wrote The Haunting of Villa Diodati, so is kinda the one I've been most anticipating.

I'm guessing on the cliffhanger from last time that the angel will just kinda be "Sup, thanks for the ride" and peace out, because all the cliffhangers so far haven't been resolved very well. It probably takes them someplace with a lot of angels, though, which should be exciting.

I'm still curious where we're going with Bel and Vinder. I heard some speculation that Bel might be the Master. If that was the case, maybe we could have Vinder as the Doctor, and Bel's kid will be one of Susan's parents?

Probably not.

I also kinda got a spoiler that Kate Stewart was in this episode (edit: oops, next week, I guess), and I'd be glad to see UNIT...

Looking forward to it! Usual rules apply.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Well. That was. A lot.

The stuff they did with the Angels in this one was quite impressive. I especially liked the flaming one and also they turned the Doctor into an Angel??? They turned the Doctor into an Angel holy flipping heck what the frick is happening I'm so nervous about what's going to happen next

The Angel-in-the-Head gave me strong Flesh and Stone vibes, of course, and I liked the psychic communication bit. The oceans in the head were very pretty in a lonely kind of way. Jericho and Claire were both interesting and I found them compelling, though I feel compelled to point out the obvious pun that she is a Claire-voyant. The tunnel full of Angels reaching out of the walls was terrifying what the heck. And the shots of the world crumbling off into space? Incredible. Fantastic. I adore.

The questions are only deepening. What exactly is the Division? Why do they want the Doctor back so badly? And why now? And when Peggy mentioned that they were cruel, did she mean the Angels specifically or the Division as a whole?

I am very concerned about the people trapped in 1901, especially as we have observed at least one Angel in there with them.

Overall, this might be one of my favorite Weeping Angel stories, and I'm very curious to learn more about how much and in what way they relate to the Division

...Oh yeah, and Vinder and Bel are still subplotting it up. Bel's bit was interesting, showed us how Azure's gathering more hostages, very fun. The scene in the middle of the credits was... I mean, the scene itself was good, and I'm guessing that its placement was intended to be, you know, the very format of the show breaking down with the onslaught of the Flux? I really hope that's it, that could portend some very interesting things for next week's episode. But it felt weird. If you're going to get funky with it, at least do it at the end of the credits.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I really liked Jericho. He was an interesting character.

This was actually a really good Weeping Angels episode, probably one of the best. Maxine nailed this one too, and I'd actually suggest people not watching Flux might want to watch this one anyways, and just ignore the Flux bits. It feels like Maxine wrote most of it, and then Flux bits were stuck in. I hope they keep her as a writer for Russel T Davies era.

And guess I was wrong and the person I spoilered above is in the next episode, not this one.

The angels were really scary this episode. Claire with the wings and the dust in her eyes...

Somehow it kinda felt like classic who at times, maybe Image of the Fendahl-ish?

Obviously my favorite episode of the season so far. I actually got a minute into it, then rewound and decided I was watching it with the lights out. Got interrupted a fair amount, unfortunately.

And yeah, the state we left things in is very worrisome. Wish it wasn't Chibnall that had to follow up on it. I almost wonder if Dan and Yaz'll make it back?

I'm hoping the next two episodes will be good. I have a feeling even if they are, this'll be the best episode of the season. :unsuresweetie:

Edit: Forgot. The Doctor reversed the polarity of the neutron flow! Not the first time she's borrowed from the 3rd Doctor...

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

If anyone's curious, this is how people are feeling about the episode so far:

--Sweetie Belle

What else can I say about that ending other than... WHAT THE H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS JUST HAPPENED?!!

I am a little disappointed that the Angel in Claire's head wasn't actually a Rogue Angel, but just a trap for the Doctor. That would've really added some depth to the race beyond their usual shtick. But the fact that we actually have scenes where the Angels are actually talking is a plus. Granted, it's just telepathically. But it's new nonetheless.

And then the Doctor was turned into a Weeping Angel?! First off, how is she gonna get out of that? And secondly, that's a moment that would at least make it onto a Top 10 list of creepiest Doctor Who moments of all time (modern and classic).

I'm still curious where we're going with Bel and Vinder. I heard some speculation that Bel might be the Master. If that was the case, maybe we could have Vinder as the Doctor, and Bel's kid will be one of Susan's parents?

I've actually heard a theory that Bel and Vinder are the Doctor's parents. That's an interesting idea.

the very format of the show breaking down with the onslaught of the Flux?

I like that idea. The Flux actually adversely affecting the end credits themselves. I love it when in-show events result in effects in a meta sense like that.

I'm hoping the next two episodes will be good. I have a feeling even if they are, this'll be the best episode of the season. :unsuresweetie:

I agree. It's hard to beat something like that.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I'd gotten the impression that it was a Rogue Angel, but just backstabbed the Doctor when given a better deal, but I could have misunderstood what was going on.

No real idea how the Doctor is getting out of this one. Wish Maxine was writing that part too...

I could see Bel & Vinder being the Doctor's parents, too. I do kinda feel like they were shoehorned into this episode.

The version of the end credits in this episode was pretty interesting:

Of course, I always like it when they have different end music for an episode. Demons of the Punjab's credit music was great. And I still remember the last episode of Earthshock's entirely silent credits...

--Sweetie Belle

This was the first Weeping Angel episode I've really liked since their first appearance. Acting was pretty good all around, there were some nice effects, and the story was great. Honestly, the season so far really has instilled in me hope for the future of the show. I just hope we can keep this winnign streak up.

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