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I don't care what comes after this! This makes Rebels better! :derpytongue2: This makes it win by default :P

(This is not meant to be taken seriously, this is my inner Darth Vader fanboy. Cause...It's Darth Vader, that's should be answer enough.)


(This is not meant to be taken seriously)

Good. Because Vader or not, personal opinion from what little I've seen of Rebels, I prefer Clone Wars. So much more I like about it over Rebels. I still want to see Rebels though.

4472161 I'm a Vader fan boy....and plus Rebels is set in the original trilogy verse so that's two advantage there. Rebels could be better than Clone Wars if they up their story telling like Clone Wars did starting in Season 3.

Haven't seen Rebels. I was too pissed they cancelled Clone Wars.

Nah, that's a lie. I cut my cable so I just haven't seen it and figured I would just get the DVD at one point. I will say they got Vader's voice down though.

4472199 Putting it in the Original Trilogy era, or close to it more like, is not enough for me to give it an automatic good rating. What I have seen so far is a more cartoonish style as compared to the darker themes of the Clone Wars. Albeit, Rebels probably has it's darker episodes but I have not gotten to see them yet. My view from what I have seen is optimistic for some things but has me very willing to wait for DVD releases. It does show promise but the Stormtroopers, the Inquisitor, and Ezra are not something I real anxious to see. Want to see, but not all that excited.

4472275 I never said that putting it near the original era made it automatically good, it just makes it more accessible to a lot more people who aren't attracted to the prequels.

4472282 I did say for me. I understand there is a level of dislike for the prequels, which is ridiculous in my personal opinion, but Clone Wars hits it for me the way Rebels hits it for you. You love the iconic stuff like Stormtroopers and Star Destroyers. Well, as a fan of the Clone Troopers, I loved Clone Wars for that. I actually love each movie, original trilogy and prequel trilogy. And again, I have not seen a lot of Rebels to make the best opinion of what is good or not.

4472301 Oh I love Clone Wars don't get me wrong....I watched every episode back in 2008 when I was 14 yeas old, first year of high school it was...I remember sitting down on my bed watching the first episode, Yoda trip to ....Dang I forgot that planet....But I remember the Watto Alien king, and Yoda's speech to the Clone's in the cave. I never missed a episode....and when Season 5 hit and the Darth Sidious fight....That was the peak of Star Wars Fandom for me. The Emperor vs Darth Maul and Savage...YES PLEASE!

Well I'll tell you this, Rex, Hondo, and Asoka will all make appearances in Rebels Season 2

4472313 Heard about the return characters. Kind of spoilers unfortunately but oh well. It was only a matter of time until beloved characters like them made reappearances. Whenever Rebels Season 1 gets on DVD, I'll have a better opinion of it compared to Clone Wars. But the Clones will always be better than the Stormtroopers.

4472329 Funny enough in a Rebels trailer they kind of say the same thing :P I'm more waiting to judge till the whole series is over, cause you never know how high or low a series can reach.

Also I think the Season 1 DVD will come in September although you could find the episode online if you look hard enough...That's how i've been keeping up with it.

I love both shows. But what I like in the series about the Rebels is about they confront Darth Vader for first time.

Especially, Ahsoka and Kanan. They must be shock when they see that the Hero of Clone Wars and also the Chosen One

is now a ruthless Sith Lord. That would be the part that I like to see!

4472459 Actually, only Obi-Wan is supposed to know that Anakin became Vader. Everyone else who knew is dead. Would be an interesting plot twist if they found out though. Though I think only Ahsoka would be shocked as Kanan was only a Padawan close to the end of the Clone Wars. Hardly saw much of the war. So the revelation would not have the same impact.

Outside of Obi-Wan, Bail Organa, R2-D2, Yoda, Owen Lars and Baru Lars no one else knew Anakin became Vader, and everyone else, including Rex, Ahsoka and Kanan believed he died in the Purge. If you want a way to develop tension between Kanan and Ahsoka have it that Ahsoka learns who Vader is but doesn't tell anyone, and when Kanan learns that there was a traitor in the Jedi Order he vows to learn the traitor's identity and kill him and Ahsoka tries to stop him

4472518 Ah yes. I can't believe I forgot about those others. :facehoof:

That does sound like a good way to do the reveal if anyone does find out though. I could see Ahsoka protecting Vader because of who he used to be. Makes a lot of sense.

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