Changelings Need Love Too 2,336 members · 1,539 stories
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I'm playing around with an idea, and I'm trying to determine how to get a small part of it to work. Any assistance with this will be appreciated.

I've got a changeling, masquerading as a pony. For the purposes of this story, that kind of masquerade works on two levels - the changeling not only transforms to appear to be the pony, but constructs a mental mask based on observing the pony in question, pulling that on to handle things like daily patterns, likes and dislikes, etc.

The changeling in this scenario has, due to earlier events, been running severely low on love. She has also been masquerading as a pony. When she finally pushes herself too far, she 'collapses' - not physically, but mentally. But the mask is still active, and still running her/their body. The changeling, and all of her memories of what she really is, are unavailable - she just now honestly thinks she is the mare she was earlier pretending to be.

My problem is this - I've been referring to the changeling by her mask's name from the beginning of the story. What options do I have, and which would be the best, to differentiate the 'mask+real' version from the 'mask alone' version?

Well, if you haven't published the story yet, I'd say just change all reference to her as her actual changeling name. Once this shit happens, start the narrator on calling her the pony name. That'll probably do it.

If you've already dug yourself into a hole, there's not a whole lot you can do aside from changing the manner in which the narrator refers to the character, rather than the name. The narrator would have to speak in such a way as to not even imply that she's a changeling.

Assuming there is a narrator, that is.

5895831 I've written a novel where there are two persons in one body. The way I handled it was: I didn't. I always refer to the pony in the same manner and let the reader make distinctions. If the changeling and the mask can interact with each other, then you could do the same.

I wouldn't reccomend an emphasis on the name, or a usage of a different name or title; rather, I would put an emphasis on the change in mindset.

For instance, the mask only comes into play whenever tasks or chores are being done, right? Well, have the collapse happen when those things aren't being done, and have the mask persona have a sort of lapse in memory, as they only remember doing the said tasks. Then just have the changeling think exactly like how the mare would, or do something to that effect.

Well, if there's a clear break in the two states? Then I think the simplest solution is to make it obvious in the first part that the name is just a pseudonym: throw in some satisfaction at fooling others, maybe a recurring phrase that makes it clear that the mask isn't real, or put the name in quotation marks. Make a real theme out of it. Then, after change? Stop doing whatever you had been doing.

It's a simple device, but if done right the change can occur subtly, rapidly or ominously. All up to how you wanna spin it.


in a way this is like the robot that thought he was Chief O'brian episode of star trek DS9 where the clone had no idea they were a clone, but everyone else knew it was a clone, but the clone genuinely believing it was chief O'brian was confused and thought everyone in his life had betrayed him or had been taken over by some kind of conspiracy

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