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Ok, so, with all three Egyptian God now legal, I've heard some arguments on which of the three is better. They all have their strengths and weaknesses, like every other card, but I want to know what people think.

So, with that being said, I'm thinking that Ra and Slifer pale in comparison to Obelisk. The reason for this?
Obelisk is the only one of the three to keep the blanket immunity from targeting effects in addition to his Raigeki effect. He's also the only one of the three to have an actual number in his attack, versus an effect that gives/takes away attack points.

Any thoughts?

1619245 I personally don't give a shit. I use an Ojama deck that's built around summoning Dark Mist as fast as possible. Since Dark Mist's effect doesn't target, the God cards are easy pickings. That or use Number 64 and just make a token to self-destruct both of them; whichever works best.


I'd prefer Slifer, since it can become bonkers with the proper setup, whereas Obelisk is pretty flat. Obelisk is way more practical, however. Ra just isn't any good.

That's fine.
I kind thought that Ra would be more powerful, considering it was the strongest of the three in the anime. Now, it's a choice between an attack boost or destroying something. I mean, in the right deck, any one of them could completely break down defenses and just total anything in their path, but if you don't have the right cards, either Ra is a sitting duck, or the player is.

I agree with Obelisk being the more practical choice when it comes to playing one of them, but Slifer has better field advantage.

1619245>>1619280>>1619304 why not use a online dueling thing (like duelist network bechse i will help on that) to find out?

I was actually talking hypothetical. I've played Obelisk and Ra, so I know their strengths and weaknesses to a decent degree, but I've never played Slifer, because I don't have the card. And the only deck I know of that'd play it is illegal in any format other than traditional...


But with Ra, its card design is kind of backwards. You want two things out if it: removal, or attack gain. Those two effects do not agree, however; your life would have to reduced to an amount unusable by the removal effect for the attack gain, while funding the removal effect means Ra is weaker when you pop the attack increase. In theory, Ra would be best if you already have a severe advantage over the opponent; just remove all his monsters, pump Ra up then attack for game. But for cards like that, you could just keep doing what you were doing to be at such an advantage in the first place.

Slifer is interesting, in that it's set up to control the board for you. It discourages plays that would lower its attack (from the hand, I mean), while its second effect ensures the opponent won't be getting a chance to destroy it in battle. With setup, you could force their monsters into attack position to get the most use out of both effects; also, you could un-limit your handsize and set up a draw engine. At that point, Slifer does all the work for you with no cost.

Obelisk is still more practical. His high attack and immunity make him a sure tank unlike the other two, and just sweeping effect can be used for a victory push with setup (easy setup, since you'd want to keep summoning monsters anyways). His setup just requires any monster, rather than specific spells and traps with Slifer, so he has some splashability to him.

That's how I see it, anyways.

Group Admin

All three of the Egyptian Gods are unstoppable in one aspect: Summoning them. Their Normal Summons cannot be negated, nor can they be responded to. This in and of itself is incredibly powerful. However, the three gods still exist in tiers.

Obelisk: Clearly the strongest of the three, Obelisk the Tormentor's ATK is not a variable and is instead printed at 4000. What's more, Obelisk cannot be targeted by card effects, and also has a built in Raigeki-like effect. Use Hardened Armed Dragon as part of the sacrifice for Obelisk, and it becomes nigh invincible.

Slifer: Coming in second place with its Second Mouth is Slifer the Sky Dragon. What it likes in targeting immunity it makes up for with its ability to control the field. Most monsters summoned in its presence will be SEVERELY weakened. Many will be too weak to survive the blast- any monster whose ATK drops to 0 because of Slifer's ability is destroyed. Slifer's variable ATK can be problematic, but a skilled duelist can handle it easily enough.

Ra: The Winged Dragon of Ra is just terrible. The single most-Special Summoned god card in the anime was printed with "Cannot be Special Summoned" on it. In addition to that, its own effects were cut down tremendously. While Ra kept its effects to either destroy a card or turn its controller's Life Points into Attack Points, Konami decided to remove the most famous effect: That which increases its ATK by the ATK of the three monsters Tributed to summon it. Given the presence of Horakhty, the Creator God of Light, I can understand printing on Ra that it cannot be Special Summoned. But it makes no sense to make it a terrible card by taking away its only usable effect.

1619645 I agree with you, however both slifer and obalisk are sent to the graveyard during the end of the turn they are special summoned. But! While Obilisk has the 'destroy all monsters your opponent controls by sacrificing two monsters' effect, it cannot attack that turn negating any field advantage youd gain without a token deck. Also i am very mad at the removel of Ra's effect, its the only REALLY useful effect it had, otherwise Ra has too much life drain. Finally Slifer is the only one with effects almost exactly the same as in the anime, and it also isnt hard to keep crds in your hand.

Group Admin

The advantage of Obelisk, though, is that it's a constant 4000 beater that can't be targeted. Very little can actually stop it. And if you happened to use a Hardened Armed Dragon to summon it, then your opponent's only hope is to kill it in battle.

Group Contributor

honestly, i don't have preferences for any of them (as my deck consists in adapting to almost all kind of situations) but if i had to choose, i definetely choose obelisk, not only for his attack and effects, also because ra and slifer are soo weak against effects like starliege padynamo, skill drain, galaxy eyes tachion dragon, prime material dragon (ra's eff of card destruction) and many other cards, also no card is really invencible (except for kuriboh he pisses me everytime :twilightangry2:)

1619245 I REALLY hate how they didn't let Ra keep the attack equal to tributed monster's original attack part.
The only worthwhile ones to use are Obelisk and Slifer, and Obelisk MUCH more than Slifer especially with them getting rid of ultimate offering preventing you from using gadgets with Slifer for some fun shenanigans. So unless you are just paying for fun with your friends and they let you use the Attack boost from tributed monsters part or if you want to go for the Creator God I wouldn't use Ra at all.

I remember a continuous spell that gives you back half the life you paid for an effect, but, I don't remember what it was called... that'd make Ra a bit more playable, but not by much. Not unless you had two out and could keep them out.

Ace Booksworth
Group Admin

1625953>>1625937>>1622928>>1620945>>1619762>>1619375 ok guys its not about them being alone, they're best when all three are in one deck and all three are on one field, alone they can be taken down, but together they are unstoppable. Especially if you have The Creator God of Light in your deck, then YOUR unstoppable.

Considering Horakhty isn't in the TCG just yet, that'd be pretty hard to do. Better off using Exodia or Destiny Board if you're going for an instant win, considering you have to tribute a total of 9 monsters for all 3 gods. Can't use The Tyrant Neptune for that either cause Horakhty says that the cards have to have the original, printed name of the egyptian gods. So something as simple as Prohibition will stop them cold.

Ace Booksworth
Group Admin

1639086yeah you have a point

Group Contributor

err i don't believe that so, see if the duelist realizes the 3 egiptian gods strategy, they can be easily beaten with cards like mirrorforce, or just use card destruction and use some card to remove from play horakhty. no card is really invencible (except for kuriboh)

Ace Booksworth
Group Admin

1640575 how is kuriboh invincible

Group Contributor

that was just a joke :ajbemused:, kuriboh's effect is really annoying, but not invencible. also here's an annoying kuriboh:pinkiehappy:

Kuriboh is freaking epic, lol. Actually, a Kuriboh deck could potentially get the god cards out pretty easily... Could even use Raviel and the Wicked Gods if you felt ballsy enough to do it.

EDIT: Ok, so, the idea hit me and I'm planning on using a Kuriboh deck to get out the three gods just for the hell of it. I'm also planning on using stuff like Baby Tiragon, Number 83 Galaxy Queen, Number 54 Lion Heart, Berserker Crush, and a few other cards to keep them safe and allow for the summon of the god cards and/or the wicked gods.

Just imagine the faces of people when the get the ever living crap beat out of them by an adorable puffball!! :rainbowlaugh:

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