Monster Hunter 228 members · 36 stories
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Hello my name is Ian McFenny
For starters yes i am a hipster in case u actually read my bio
I got into monster hunter back in the freedom 2 days for the PSP days, my step brother introduced it to me as i only had a DS lite at the time and i didn't even have a PSP. But my step brother showed the game to me and i was ecstatic! Unfortunately my birthday was still 6 months away so i had no luck...Until one day i felt a pain in my apendex area. Turns out i developed appendicitis and had to go to the hospital. And let me tell you, getting an I.V when your 10 hurts more than getting stabbed. anyways as a "reward" for "surviving" my surgery me father got me a PSP :pinkiehappy: and so i started to play with me step bro. we developed an amazing freindship thanks to that game. Then as luck had it our NEIGHBOR had the game as well so we basically got together EVERY weekend and did quest after quest, all-nighter after all-nighter, Fatalis after Fatalis. We eveuntally formed the Death Trio (Which my fanfic is losley based off of. *cough* hint hint *cough*) But as luck had it my step brother moved away becuase his life at my mothers house kinda was shit. Then things fell apart even more when i saw my neighbor less and less, eveuntally we all fell apart and went our seperate ways. We haven't played together since he moved...:fluttercry: But i stayed loyal to the series and still play 3 ultimate on WII U and 3DS to this day.
...Now that that sob story is over i kinda want my Death Trio Fic to get more readers, i kinda want to start becoming popular on YouTube and I want to get some subs from my readers. I want to make it my living to entertain people and i am going to start with FanFiction so please read Death trio :)

i can relate, i got into monster hunter from a friend in high school, didn't have a psp either, spent the summer working my ass off to get enough money to get the sp and monster hunter. do't recall much of what the teachers ever said, but those hunts well stick with me forever.

sadly i don't get too see any of my hunter friends cause of life.

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