Anonymous in Equestria 2,280 members · 824 stories
Comments ( 24 )
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Group Admin

As the title suggests, this thread is for posting stories from the AiE archive that you would like to read in prose.

I'll go first; I'd like to see Aether's "Spin the Bottle", if only the first chapter. It was what pushed me over the deep end, and got me to writing my first story in AiE.

I'd also like to see Pale's "Last Sun of Dublin" in prose; that story was amazing, while short, and I think people would enjoy it if he decided to one day turn it into a full short-story.

Now, it's your turn. What stories would YOU like to see?

Group Admin


Group Admin

I would like to see Tyko, Aether, Unamazing, and Sherm! :heart:

Leucine's For the Sake of a Lady. That would be wonderful to see in prose.

Zombie Overlord Kog
Group Admin

Sorc's 1k Son.

Group Admin

That's never going to happen. I have been trying to make him put that up here for literally months. He will not budge.


Zombie Overlord Kog
Group Admin


Is it the issue of being on FIM or he just doesn't want to prose it up?

Group Admin

The second one. Also he's worried everyone's gonna think he ripped my story off.

Zombie Overlord Kog
Group Admin


I'd like to think most could tell the difference between a Chaos Sorcerer and a Noise Marine. But his call, so whatever.

I'm working on rewriting SurvivalAnon as a more traditional story, coverting it to traditional format, flushing out some scenes, ect. I've already decided to post the rough-draft chapters on my pastebin, but would anyone be interested if I posted the finished product here?

Ain't it a pain,


Group Admin


Pale's "Last Sun of Dublin"

Hmmm... perhaps once "Autumn Leaves" is done.

Group Admin

YES! Good to hear; I've been keeping an eye on Autumn Leaves too. Looking forward to it.

I would love to get a hold of the_shermanators story, I was so upset when I found his pastebin taken down and I couldn't reread his excellent adventure

Claw in Hand
Except SitOnBooks is kill

I would like to see some of Slasher Science work in prose.

nvm he got better :)

I'd LOVE to see a Anon x Octavia story, it would be delightful.

To be honest the stories that involve Anon and Octavia are quite rare so that's why I'm asking for more.


I am not the only one that would be happy with such a story

I would like to see a villain Anon story. The closest we got is "The lesser of Two Evils" which sadly hasn't updated in years.

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