Vamponies (and other supernatural creatures) 2,771 members · 1,118 stories
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I call upon the wisdom of those in this group more knowledgeable than me to solve a problem. I'm currently working on a werewolf short story or novella((I have no clue if it'll be either of those yet)) and I've ran into something of a problem; I have no idea what perspective it should be from. My choices are third, but I'm not feeling it, or first person. Now first person is a problem; should it be from the werewolf's perspective, and if so how can I best conceal the twist that he is a werewolf, or should it be from the perspective of a friend of the werewolf who has no earthly clue that the guy is a werewolf?

first person and do not say he is one or a clue he is a werewolf and revel it when something happens like a fight or something. that's what I would do if I where you.

Well, I like Third person best, but if you want first person, then you could make it rather special, if perhaps the pony does not know that he/she is a werewolf. Or Equinwolf I guess it would make more sense :derpytongue2:

whatever is easier for you to write,if he is a werewolf then does he transform into a timberwolf?

2417009 actually, he only turns into a werewolf after he removes his necklace which contains a mixture of Wolfsbane and Silver shavings. He's cursed to be a werewolf all the time unless he wears the necklace, which keeps him human

2439827 actually all men in the family are cursed ever since their ancestors butchered a flock of sheep owned by gypsies while wearing wolf skins

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