Ah yes, GD, otherwise known as the 'sandbox' thread. This is in place to ensure that any and all randomness that doesn't belong in another thread still finds a place to rest. No idea should be squandered, and so here you may post your jokes, your stories about how much you hate work, and anything else you want to vent to Cavalry Studios and its followers.
SO I just had a LoL game with a Wukong about as bright as a wet match in a dark cave. Complete coward, wouldn't accept help, refused to jump in on possible kills, and, as the tankiest thing on our team, refused to build tanky items (I ended up doing so as Orianna, to humorous results).
By Celestia's Beard, people! Play intelligently. Nothing worse than a player with no psychology. (If you don't get it, it's an inside joke, worry not)
That psychologically inept baboon! Curse him and his ilk.
No, but seriously... That ult is strictly for jumping into things, and honestly there's nothing better than an Atmog's setup with a frozen mallet thrown in. You don't even necessarily need the armor or MR if you use his clones and ult properly, but still, at least health tank for Christ's sake.
362741 I always miss my Shen, but there's a good reason why I really like Jayce: Auto tanky AD carry, it's a wonderful combination. The very next game I had a kong against me who liked to jump at me, and every time he did I just jumped back and took him out. Made me feel a lot better.
363243 Every time someone besides you plays Viktor or Anivia, I die a little inside. I can't wait to get back to my behemoth PC. I miss League, at least when I'm not losing.
And now, some interesting tidbits:
You might have noticed, but I changed the studio name to 'Cavalry'. It feels more fitting for a pony-based community.
I have spent the last two hours on Newegg assembling parts for a personal server. Assuming that we can put our plans in motion [you really needed to be in skype with me and Socratic], we might be able to request donations sufficient enough to host ourselves and serve a custom website that outshines EQD. I'm a very capable web-designer, but I've never really had complete control over my websites since I wasn't serving myself.
363249 That's what I get for being on the wrong skype account...
It sounds like an awesome idea, if we could make it happen. Not sure how good I really am at the admin thing (1 a week on SFFR doesn't seem to get it much attention...) but I'm always willing to give things a shot!
363253 Well, the idea is that we're going to operate as a Studio... I.E. - handling many kinds of media. It becomes another place to submit your work to and have it viewed by the public. However, the Studio, being a Studio and all, will produce its own works.
Think of it like EQD, but more internally active and more apt at handling/categorizing submissions. I even have a story database setup and feature process lined out that should prove more reliable than FimFiction's. Not that it's bad, of course, but it could stand improvement.
363258 Damned right we can. Willpower moves mountains. Because willpower allowed man to invent dynamite.
I'm excited for the possibilities. In any other community, your low self-esteem would make sense; not many fandoms are so user-oriented. But every fan creation in this universe comes from some individual somewhere who knows he or she is part of the fandom. We're just giving them a potential home within it. Nobody should have to be on their own when they're working for a community like this.
EQD can't do that, and FimFiction is different... It's a hub, not a community. Just a place where people can view one another's work, but don't truly connect.
363277 Well, I can certainly handle the technical aspect... I figure if anyone were in charge of managing the server it would be me. I'd be the guy ordering the parts, assembling it, installing everything, configuring connections... Lots of work, but well worth it if it ever comes to pass.
I just want something bigger and better than what we have. This community deserves to have it!
So, my last game in pvp in LoL I played hybrid trist I really feel like she meshes well with that. You know how it works, Gunblade, TF, Bloodthirster, Hat, Wota, magpenboots Gunblade, TF, Bloodthirster, Hat, IE, ASboots Whatever the other team is doing more of (tanky, I go the first build, not tanky I go the second) Well, I was traiding blows pretty well, but loosing overall because my team had no will to iniciate. I mean I'd trade 1/1/1 where as my lane goes 2/1/2 and the other team's lane would go 1/1/1 I think that's a decent trade off? Yes?
Well, mid dc'd because "The AD carry is going ap" The dude was Ez, and he claimed I was the AD carry, when we both work well any of the three carry ways.
Well, late game I ended up rocket jumping onto a group of 24 tightly meshed minions around 4 of their 5 champs. I killed them all upon landing. My team lost royally, but at least I had fun with it.
I no longer do PVP without a group of 4 others I'm confident have a good connection.
365963 I hate our FIS machines. Constantly in use, impossible to find time to update, and when they break they're so far behind that fixing them takes days... Easier just to have replacements ready to swap in when one fails, but that would actually cost money. God forbid a multi-billion dollar company might buy some current technology and invest in their own future.
368446 368414 (I wonder if comments carry over threads?) Anywho, the reason why Minecraft takes up so much of the processor is because ALL of minecraft's rendering is done via openGL (which without the use of the HD mods, can't actually run off of the graphics card.) If Minecraft ever got to the point where it can be rendered via the graphics card innately, it would be a good 70% smoother. Note, this is based off the fact that my graphics card has an application that shows what processes are using it. And the .jar file never shows up on that list.
370413 Heh... I read Erfworld. I lol'd. Also, KotOR 2 is like, the greatest game ever. I have a friend who has actually played through it (40+ hour playthroughs) 40+ times. He lost count after he had to delete his hard drive.
I don't really play Vanilla Minecraft any more... It's all about the tekkit multiplayer
370459 Other than HD modding, the only mod I ever played with was the pistons mod You know, WAAAAYYY back before alpha 1.6 Otherwise all I do is vanilla.
Been going on a nostalgia trip, and I've started playing games like Soul Reaver, Xenogears, Suikoden and various other games.
I also played Baldurs gate 2, the REAL baldurs gate. you know, the one made by Bioware? I still need to get that 20,000 gold to complete a chapter! I've also got into most of the final fantasy series... oh my god I need a hobby I already can't stand natural light...
371144 I do believe you have. I am currently underway trying to develop a program that will unite this community and really give you a place to put those services to use!
371269 (Raynder) I am cross linking this because well, I don't think my response is well suited for the thread I am linking Bleh doublepost on my part And its okay, The formula (as given by discrete mathematics)
is Fsub(0) = 0 Fsub(1)=1 Fsub(n) = Fsub(n-1) + Fsub(n-2) where n>=2
sub is short for subscript of the elements inside the parent
371363 Someone listed a fibonacci sequence being 1-1-2-4-8 or something... in a different thread I gave him the formal formula for it in this thread, to make the other thread stay closer to the actual topic
Random thought Who would want to do a LoL pvp match where each team is lored together? Like, just 5 from demacia, or Ionia, or Noxus, or the Void (If that one is possible)? Or.. 5 yordles. (I shudder at that thought)
372350 Shit, I thought I was still replying in this thread, not in the Spearheads forum... Does that make me ? Does that make me ? Does that make me ? Prrobableeeeeeyeeee
Ah yes, GD, otherwise known as the 'sandbox' thread. This is in place to ensure that any and all randomness that doesn't belong in another thread still finds a place to rest. No idea should be squandered, and so here you may post your jokes, your stories about how much you hate work, and anything else you want to vent to Cavalry Studios and its followers.
SO I just had a LoL game with a Wukong about as bright as a wet match in a dark cave. Complete coward, wouldn't accept help, refused to jump in on possible kills, and, as the tankiest thing on our team, refused to build tanky items (I ended up doing so as Orianna, to humorous results).
That psychologically inept baboon! Curse him and his ilk.
No, but seriously... That ult is strictly for jumping into things, and honestly there's nothing better than an Atmog's setup with a frozen mallet thrown in. You don't even necessarily need the armor or MR if you use his clones and ult properly, but still, at least health tank for Christ's sake.
Whatever man. I think you just miss your Shen.
362741 I always miss my Shen, but there's a good reason why I really like Jayce: Auto tanky AD carry, it's a wonderful combination. The very next game I had a kong against me who liked to jump at me, and every time he did I just jumped back and took him out. Made me feel a lot better.
Every time someone besides you plays Viktor or Anivia, I die a little inside. I can't wait to get back to my behemoth PC. I miss League, at least when I'm not losing.
And now, some interesting tidbits:
You might have noticed, but I changed the studio name to 'Cavalry'. It feels more fitting for a pony-based community.
I have spent the last two hours on Newegg assembling parts for a personal server. Assuming that we can put our plans in motion [you really needed to be in skype with me and Socratic], we might be able to request donations sufficient enough to host ourselves and serve a custom website that outshines EQD. I'm a very capable web-designer, but I've never really had complete control over my websites since I wasn't serving myself.
Just an interesting prospect.
363249 That's what I get for being on the wrong skype account...
It sounds like an awesome idea, if we could make it happen. Not sure how good I really am at the admin thing (1 a week on SFFR doesn't seem to get it much attention...) but I'm always willing to give things a shot!
Well, the idea is that we're going to operate as a Studio... I.E. - handling many kinds of media. It becomes another place to submit your work to and have it viewed by the public. However, the Studio, being a Studio and all, will produce its own works.
Think of it like EQD, but more internally active and more apt at handling/categorizing submissions. I even have a story database setup and feature process lined out that should prove more reliable than FimFiction's. Not that it's bad, of course, but it could stand improvement.
363256 I remember you talking about the feature process back when it first changed here. And yeah, I get that it would be a studioish thing, I just...
no, stop that, it's my low self esteem acting up again. we can make this happen!
Damned right we can. Willpower moves mountains. Because willpower allowed man to invent dynamite.
I'm excited for the possibilities. In any other community, your low self-esteem would make sense; not many fandoms are so user-oriented. But every fan creation in this universe comes from some individual somewhere who knows he or she is part of the fandom. We're just giving them a potential home within it. Nobody should have to be on their own when they're working for a community like this.
EQD can't do that, and FimFiction is different... It's a hub, not a community. Just a place where people can view one another's work, but don't truly connect.
Not in my experience, anyway.
363267 Well, I'd say a couple people seemed to have connected fairly well... And I'm fairly certain it was laziness that invented dynamite...
but I digress. I am willing to help this venture however I can! I may not be particularly tech savvy, but I've got stubbornness abound!
Well, I can certainly handle the technical aspect... I figure if anyone were in charge of managing the server it would be me. I'd be the guy ordering the parts, assembling it, installing everything, configuring connections... Lots of work, but well worth it if it ever comes to pass.
I just want something bigger and better than what we have. This community deserves to have it!
363282 It deserves only the very best! After all, it formed around a show that us quite amazing.
More importantly, it is full of amazing people.
So, my last game in pvp in LoL I played hybrid trist
I really feel like she meshes well with that.
You know how it works, Gunblade, TF, Bloodthirster, Hat, Wota, magpenboots
Gunblade, TF, Bloodthirster, Hat, IE, ASboots
Whatever the other team is doing more of (tanky, I go the first build, not tanky I go the second)
Well, I was traiding blows pretty well, but loosing overall because my team had no will to iniciate.
I mean I'd trade 1/1/1 where as my lane goes 2/1/2
and the other team's lane would go 1/1/1
I think that's a decent trade off? Yes?
Well, mid dc'd because "The AD carry is going ap"
The dude was Ez, and he claimed I was the AD carry, when we both work well any of the three carry ways.
Well, late game I ended up rocket jumping onto a group of 24 tightly meshed minions around 4 of their 5 champs. I killed them all upon landing.
My team lost royally, but at least I had fun with it.
I no longer do PVP without a group of 4 others I'm confident have a good connection.
363570 I feel your pain...
So, well
Heh, just got 'scolded' by Razorbeam because we got off topic
364348 But this started off as me posting about a LoL game. How is talking about one off topic?
He means from over on the intro thread, I think.
Hey, get back to work
I hate our FIS machines. Constantly in use, impossible to find time to update, and when they break they're so far behind that fixing them takes days... Easier just to have replacements ready to swap in when one fails, but that would actually cost money. God forbid a multi-billion dollar company might buy some current technology and invest in their own future.
I played LoL for a bit... didn't like it...
oh well.
Hey, are you accepting things that we, the people, have made yet?
Also, anyone looking forward to MWO?
Well of course we're accepting! Feel free to add your fictions, if you have them, to the 'Stories' folder.
If you've got other things you wish to share, I can create a folder for other media types as well. Just let me know!
368471 Okay!
If you go to your story, you'll notice two buttons below the chapter list; one labled 'Stats', the other labeled 'Add to Group'.
Click 'Add to Group', then scroll down until you see the group 'Cavalry Studios'. Click on the folder title 'Stories', and you're done!
368414 (I wonder if comments carry over threads?)
Anywho, the reason why Minecraft takes up so much of the processor is because ALL of minecraft's rendering is done via openGL (which without the use of the HD mods, can't actually run off of the graphics card.)
If Minecraft ever got to the point where it can be rendered via the graphics card innately, it would be a good 70% smoother.
Note, this is based off the fact that my graphics card has an application that shows what processes are using it.
And the .jar file never shows up on that list.
368788 Oh, I had no idea.
This guy played mine craft from late 09 through about august 11...
WAAAAYYYYY too much solo craftin' going on up in here.
And, like any game I really enjoy, I mathamancy it like mad (Read the Erfworld webcomic if you don't understand what that might entail)
Other things in video nature I mathamancied like shit
Pokémon games that I played (Gen 1&2)
Diablo 1
KotOR 1&2
Runescape (Sorry Razorbeam, I know how much you despise that <edit>crapplet</edit>)
Empire Earth (Probably my most active use of statistics... ever... even in my two stats classes)
370413 Heh... I read Erfworld. I lol'd.
Also, KotOR 2 is like, the greatest game ever. I have a friend who has actually played through it (40+ hour playthroughs) 40+ times. He lost count after he had to delete his hard drive.
I don't really play Vanilla Minecraft any more... It's all about the tekkit multiplayer
Other than HD modding, the only mod I ever played with was the pistons mod
You know, WAAAAYYY back before alpha 1.6
Otherwise all I do is vanilla.
Been going on a nostalgia trip, and I've started playing games like Soul Reaver, Xenogears, Suikoden and various other games.
I also played Baldurs gate 2, the REAL baldurs gate. you know, the one made by Bioware? I still need to get that 20,000 gold to complete a chapter! I've also got into most of the final fantasy series... oh my god I need a hobby

I already can't stand natural light...
You know you've all done this Before!
371123 I have a self generated case of light sensitivity... I... don't go outside...
368534 Hey, I completely forget, did I offer my services for misc stuff yet?
I do believe you have. I am currently underway trying to develop a program that will unite this community and really give you a place to put those services to use!
371269 (Raynder) I am cross linking this because well, I don't think my response is well suited for the thread I am linking
Bleh doublepost on my part
And its okay, The formula (as given by discrete mathematics)
is Fsub(0) = 0
Fsub(n) = Fsub(n-1) + Fsub(n-2) where n>=2
sub is short for subscript of the elements inside the parent
371272 Erm, context? lol?
371162 Well, If you need help, I know python... I of course, don't know how to link it to C++ or C#, but you know...
Someone listed a fibonacci sequence being 1-1-2-4-8 or something... in a different thread
I gave him the formal formula for it in this thread, to make the other thread stay closer to the actual topic
371389 Oh!!! I knew I knew that from somewhere... yah... Functions class... Whoopy...
Hey, I like those classes,... usually.
371544 Never said I didn't like them. Never said I was good at them either
>>Never said I was good at them either
yeah... me too
Random thought
Who would want to do a LoL pvp match where each team is lored together?
Like, just 5 from demacia, or Ionia, or Noxus, or the Void (If that one is possible)?
Or.. 5 yordles. (I shudder at that thought)
Hey guys, what's the past tense of cower?
372190 That's the one. I know that Coward was wrong...
Thanks mate.
So, fun story! Today I woke up to my cat. Puking on me. Thanks cat.
Yeah, you seem to like breaking my threads by bringing GD content into them.
I kid, there's no formal structure here.
But you watch yourself in Spearhead's forums.


Shit, I thought I was still replying in this thread, not in the Spearheads forum...
Does that make me
Does that make me
Does that make me
Random tangent: I dislike it when people can't tell the difference between Lord Death from Soul Eater (a Funimation anime) and the Jinx logo
... Digimon.
I listend to this recently, Let me know what you think!