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Comments ( 5 )
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Group Admin

Any collab ideas? Apart from working on a small multichapter story and editing for the founder of this group, I have time to work on pretty much anything.

I want this to be socratic, meaning that everyone who visits the thread can add their ideas. I'll start us off.

Topic: All the animals in Ponyville disappear overnight. Rarity, Dash, and Fluttershy are sent to find them. Discuss

Group Contributor

Maybe there is a strange creature that can cast hypnosis on animals, and only lurks around during night, and it's planning to turn them into his slaves, just like he did with the Timberwolves long ago.

Well, that's my idea, XD.

Group Admin

*nods* carry on

I know I'm late to this thread, but what you're describing sounds eerily familiar to the disappearance of all the rats from European cities right before the outbreak of the black death.

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