• Published 27th Jan 2014
  • 3,050 Views, 437 Comments

A Circle Has No End: Volume I - Gladi Writes

Two stolen hearts set off a chain reaction that engulfs Equestria and it's new allies- the Changelings.

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Arc: Rising of the Moon

Princess Luna, or more properly now Queen Regent Luna strode out of the meeting room, glowing with pride. She was somewhat surprised to find her second outside, flanked by a few of the old elite guards. Each had an impressive combat record, and as a group had stopped a few dragons with nothing but pikes.

Dragons didn't migrate. They retreated.

"Mezza Luna, such good timing. You'll be taking over the Night Guard duties for a while, while I get this nation in proper fighting shape," Luna ordered.

Her second bowed, along with the others. "It will be done, your highness. I assume the meeting went well?"

Luna grinned as she rose, "it went perfectly. I'll see us through this dark time, as only I can. The Legion failed us today, for the last time. Protection of Canterlot is in your hands now," Luna said.

Mezza Luna nodded to one of her comrades, who trotted down the hall. "We'll make the city secure, you've no need to worry about that," She said.

Luna looked down on her, a slight frown visible. "Good, but remember who the enemy is here. We have laws for a reason, and I expect you to work within them," She warned.

"Of course, your highness," Mezza said, and with another quick bow led her comrades away.

Luna shook her head, something about her second seemed off, but she had been loyal thus far. The Night Guard had never failed Luna before, so she dismissed the idea and continued towards the throne room with the stride of a Queen. Normally she would tired around now, but she had delegated most of the Night Guard duties to her second in preparation of this. It took a thousand years, but she would finally prove to them all that she was equally as capable a ruler as her sister, if differently.

For a long time Celestia had seen them walk in the light, fearful of what the dark brought. Today that changed. Equestria would fight the dark head on, with all it's strength, and prevail into a brighter day beyond. Their would be sacrifice, there would be blood, but a greater nation would come out of it all.

Luna came on the throne room, and nodded at the bat guards. Opening the door she found her sister at the throne, surrounded by the radio and television equipment that had been moved in here over the past few weeks. Every morning she addressed the nation, and every once in a while she had a press conference. CBC was the name given to the new television network, Canterlot Broadcast Service. Everfree Radio was required by law to yield to it on the radio ways as well. Equestria Daily remained the only truly free press, Luna would have to speak with their editors soon.

Slightly below Celestia was Vizitane, the Zebra ambassador. A new face in Canterlot, his motivations were at least clear- Help the Equestrians, and in return the Empire would be allowed to annex a good chunk of the independent states. Luna didn't care what happened down there, so long as it didn't effect Equestria, so all the power to him.

"Sister, Ambassador," Luna addressed, dodging around a dish pointed out a window. The floor was a maze of thick wiring she had to dance through to get to the throne.

Vizitane gave a slight bow, and stepped aside. Celestia rose. "I suppose this is yours now, do take good care of it- Queen," She said, giving an exaggerated bow.

Luna stepped up, and on passing her gave her reply. "I assure you, sister, that I'll see us through this. You can relax now, the war is in capable hooves," she said, plopping her dark blue flank on the, rather comfortable, throne. She sighed and allowed herself to relax into it.

Celestia shook her head. "That's not what I'm worried about, you can win the war and still use the nation- don't forget why we founded Equestria," She said.

"Friendship and harmony, I was there. Friends protect each other, sister, and friends fight for each other. So that's what we'll do, fight. ," Luna said in turn.

Celestia frowned, but nodded her acceptance. "You have the faith of us all, I'll be here if you need me," She said, and departed.

Vizitane watched her leave then turned to Luna. "Fascinating, thousands of years of ruling and you did what she couldn't in less then a year, I owe the Emperor a province," He said.

"You do?" Luna asked, intrigued.

"Oh yes, I had bet him that Celestia would declare herself Queen, in order to block you. He suspected that you would take that out from under her, well done," He explained.

"If you think this is a simple grab for power you are mistaken," Luna growled. "I will do what I must to end this, and then I will relinquish it," She added.

"Will you? You have the strength of will to take what you want. Equestria could use a leader such as yourself- permanently," He suggested.

Luna scowled at him. "Do you have business here, or are you just trying my patience?" She demanded.

He shook his head, "Not specifically no, I just wanted to congratulate you on a game well played," He said, giving a bow. "I suppose I should get back to my part," he said, giving a slight bow and turning to leave.

"This isn't a game Ambassador," Luna said after him as he left.

"Oh but it is, the most dangerous game we will ever play!" He shouted to the room, and vanished into the hallway.

Luna sat on the throne, alone. The ambassador was right, in a way, a great many would try and move up the ladder now that Luna was in charge. She would have to act quickly to placate the public too, who might very well see this as a coup. She would wait until tomorrow for the announcement, giving it with her sister in the morning address. News of the pending victory in Baltimare, along with her sisters blessing, would placate the masses.



Flash Sentry trotted into General Masse's office, finding him packing up.

"Going somewhere, sir?" Flash asked.

"Legion is moving south, we'll be helping the zebras down there- I imagine we won't do much.. Night Guard is taking up the home guard duties, and the 'marines' will be going out with the Wonderbolts. Luna ordered the entire garrison at Baltimare be given to the marines, we'll basically be starting over with conscripts," He explained, and hefted a box on top of his desk.

"Made your decision yet?" He asked.

Flash nodded, "I have sir, I'll be heading to Baltimare tomorrow- for the marines," he replied.

The General nodded, "Ah, makes sense. Best of both worlds I guess. I'll miss having you around, you were a good officer," He said, patting his subordinates shoulder.

"Thank you sir, I won't forget my time here," Flash said, saluting.

General Masse met it, "Brave of you, I imagine the heavy lifting will be out there, all we'll be doing is keeping the changelings protected. What a weird world we live in," He noted.

"Luna is Queen, we're at war, and the Changelings are getting citizenship. The world's gone backwards sir, but we'll put it right in the end," Flash said.

The General hefted a box under his arm and gestured out the door. Flash darted out of his way outside.

"You see to it we do, you'll be doing more important work then me Sergeant, take care out there," He said, and with another pat on the shoulder left down the hallway.

Flash went the other way, and found Fangface where he had left him. On spotting Flash he wagged his tail and came to his friends side.

"So you told him, we're going to be marines?" He asked.

"We sure are, but I don't know if we'll be able to stay together," Flash replied.

Fangface tugged at a tuft of fur. "I don't think I could fit in with the other ponies, you've got to find a way," he pleaded.

Flash tussled his hair. "I'll see what I can do, I used to work with the Field Martial, maybe we can have a chat," he said.

The sound of two people laughing echoed through the hallway, and as Flash and Fangface rounded the next corner they came upon Wildcard and First Class. They were entangled together, and she had an amulet hanging around her neck.

"... So then she orders, like, a hundred out to get it. A hundred warriors for a cake. I swear I don't know how she's kept the hive together this long," Wildcard said.

First Class laughed, Flash and Fangface shared a bemused glance. "Oh that's nothing! Celestia ordered the entire guar-" She paused on noticed the two ahead.

"Well good afternoon Sergeant, and I see you've got your friend with you," First Class said, leaning down to smile at Fangface. He blushed in return.

"Hopefully I'll be a sergeant tomorrow, no idea if they'll bust me down to private or what," Flash said.

"So you've made your decision?" Wildcard asked. First Class was busy tickling Fangface.

"Yeah, gonna go out with the Marines tomorrow, and he'll be coming too," Flash said, gesturing to his friend.

"Really? Isn't he a little short for a trooper?" She asked, Fangface put on his warface. The effect was less then he had hoped, and she giggled.

"He'll be fine, I'll make sure of it. I can probably apprentice him or something, good for morale to see us together," Flash said.

"Good argument, if General Pike makes an issue of it tell me, and I'll set him straight," Wildcard offered. "In fact if I really threw my weight around I could pr-" Flash stuck out a hoof and cut him off.

"No, none of that patronage stuff. I'll take whatever they give me and work from there, just as long as my friend here comes with," he said, pulling Fangface close.

Wildcard nodded. "Spoken like a true soldier. Best of luck out there, I doubt I'll see you tomorrow, but I'll be watching from above," Wildcard said. "You should see Luna, by the way, you're not officially a citizen yet," he added to Fangface.

He nodded, and looked to his mentor. "Yeah, I guess we should," Flash said.

"We'll go together, I wanted to see the 'queen' too," Wildcard said.

Together they went, and the throne room wasn't far. Flash went to open the door when the walked up but found his arm briskly slammed down by a pike held by one of the night guards. His partner clashed his against it.

"Halt! Who are you that would just walk in on Her Highness?" He demanded.

Wildcard laughed at him while Flash glared, rubbing his arm. "What got up your plot? Step aside friend, we're here on official business," He said, and to his surprise found the pike prodding his chest. He glared at the bat, instinctual reaching for his naked leg.

First Class took his arm, which calmed the rage somewhat. "And what would that be?" The guard demanded.

"Classified," Wildcard said, staring hm down. It wasn't really, but buck this guy.

He leaned in, but the match of wits was interrupted when the the door opened, pulled by a blue field.

"It's the Ambassador you two, we've no need for that," Luna said from inside. Wildcard smirked and led the group inside. Fangface took it upon himself to growl at them.

Once inside the guards slammed the doors behind, a clear statement of disrespect.

"Don't mind them too much, they're just doing their job," She said, sitting over in the throne.

Wildcard danced through the maze of wires. "I can understand security, but it's not like we're peasants your Highness- I'm an Ambassador for.. your sake," He said.

She nodded, "I agree, I'll make sure next time you have less of a hassle. There will be some adjustment for all us," She said, and adjusted her position to appear more 'regal',sitting upright and allowing the sun to shine off her crown. "Now, did you have business?" She asked.

Wildcard backed up, and nodded to Flash- whom took his place with a small bow.

"Yes, your Highness," he said, and pulled Fangface forward. His head was bowed down, as if cowering.

"My friend here would like to become a citizen of Equestria, Highness," Flash explained.

Luna sighed, and rolled her regal eyes. "Why would you see fit to bother me with such triviality?" She said, and pointed to First Class.

"You remain my sisters assistant, correct?" She asked.

"I do..." First Class replied.

"Fantastic, process our friends citizenship, and ensure trivial matters such as this are dealt with. Such matters are beneath me," Luna ordered.

"...trivial matters?" First Class asked,

Luna rolled her eyes again. "If it doesn't concern the greater nation, or the lives of my subjects, it need not concern me directly," She explained. "Sergeant Sentry, take your friend here and get to your duty station, you two.." She looked at Wildcard and First Class.

"Stay," She ordered.

Wildcard and First Class shared an unsure glance as Flash bowed, and left with Fangface at his side. Too quickly, in Wildcard's opinion, they left him alone with the Princess, or rather Queen, of the Night.

"So uhh..." First Class wasn't sure what to say.

"I'm going to make something clear to you both right now- we're at war," Luna said, Wildcard noted a very faint glow in her eyes.

"With that said- did you accept his proposal?" Luna asked.

"I'm not sure what concern of yours it is, but yes," First Class said.

"You're a high ranking government official; he's the ambassador of the changelings, and a trusted field agent. Your lives of great concern to me, which is why I hope you forgive me for this," She said, and stepped down from the throne.

Wildcard shared another uneasy glance at his love, and tried desperately to figure out what was going through Luna's head.

"You're... going to deny our marriage?" He asked, fearful of the answer.

Luna shook her head, "No, no that would only make you two resentful. Instead, I'm going to marry you right now," She said.

First Class, and Wildcard, both released gasps, and their mouths hung agape.

"First Class, you're an orphan, correct?" Luna asked. First Class nodded.

"And you, ambassador, your 'family' is as likely to kill you as anything next you meet. So I think it would be wise to get this done, here and now, and you two can focus on the important issues- such as the war."

"So wait, doesn't that make me a citizen... how does this even work?" Wildcard asked.

"Citizen? Oh no, no you remember our agreement. You're more than just that. You are a Duke, your wife a Duchess," Luna said.

This was followed by pair of gasps. Luna snickered, amused at their reaction.

"You seem surprised, but you shouldn't be. Those that serve the state well- and you two certainly have- should be rewarded," She said.

"I have other reasons for this as well, but don't mind that now. Are you two ready?" She asked.

Wildcard looked to his love, whom looked to him. She shrugged.

"I guess, I never wanted a big wedding anyway," She said.

Wildcard turned to Luna. "Well, alright. Let's do it," He said.

Luna nodded. "Good, I was hoping you wouldn't object," She said, and cleared her throat.

"Do you, 'Eta-Delta', also known as 'Wildcard', take First Class to be your wife?" She asked.

Wildcard gazed into her eyes, and glowed like a green light bulb. "I do," Wildcard said, and took First Class's hoof in his own.

"Do you, First Class, take Wildcard to be your husband?"

"I do," First Class said.

"You're married," Luna announced, and went back to the throne.

"I have some business with the Ambassador, I'll make it quick so you two can.." She trailed off at the obvious.

First Class nodded, and with a kiss left Wildcard. "I'll wait in the hall," she said.

Thus Ambassador Wildcard was left with Queen Luna, and he approached her. It had only been hours, and already she seemed to sit on the throne as if she had forever.

"So what's the catch?" Wildcard asked.

"Oh, no 'catch', only your continued service to the crown as a subject," She said.

"That's a catch," Wildcard growled.

Luna sat upright, and glared down at him. "Do not take that tone with me. What I can give, I can take away," She warned.

"Tomorrow, you are to observe the fighting in Baltimare, report to me your opinions on the changelings fighting- if they're giving it their best. Following this I want you to go home, and speak to your Queen," She ordered.

Wildcard was taken aback. "You're kidding right? She'll kill me!" He exclaimed fearfully.

Luna laughed. "She'll do no such thing against a Duke of Equestria, it would mean war. Plus, you will be travelling with a delegation from the Night Guard, a gesture of good will," She said.

"And these bats are going to case the place for another invasion, right?" Wildcard asked.

"Correct, as well as ensuring that the Baltimare refugees are being treated well. Dealing with the Queen is a bridge we will have to cross eventually, and I will make sure it crossed swiftly and painlessly," She replied.

"I trust you have no objections, Duke?" She asked, peering down on him from on that throne.

Wildcard considered his answer, the trick with politics was to speak something without saying anything, to leave yourself contingency options. Wording such as "I am not committing any crimes at this time." "I am not a crook". Meaningless, but reassuring.

"I have no objections at this time, your Highness- although I am slightly unsure how to proceed as Ambassador," He said.

Luna snorted. "Spoken like a true noble. As for your role of ambassador- you didn't do much to begin with. Find a new office, and continue doing whatever it is you do during the day- keep up appearances for the public," She said.

Wildcard bowed. "As you wish," He said, and turned to leave.

"Ambassador..." Luna said, he glanced over his shoulder to see he sitting there, hooves tented together.

"I'm watching you," She warned.

Wildcard suppressed a sigh at the cliche and opened the doors, outside First Class waited, and they slammed shut behind him.

"Queen of the Cliches," Wildcard muttered, and strode up to her.

She immediately slammed him against the wall and took him a deep kiss, When she withdrew she held Wildcard. "So, we're married now?" She asked.

"I suppose we are..." Wildcard replied, half dazed.

First Class winked. "Well then, Duke Wildcard, you know what we're supposed to do..." She said, and capped it with a coy wink.

Wildcard's brain got off the train, and she tugged behind her what was once nothing more then a changeling spy, with no more ambition then to make his Queen happy. Now he was a Duke of Equestria, married, and with a child on the way. For the first time in his thirty year existence he was truly happy.

They were not seen until the next morning.


That morning Celestia did as she usually did, and raised the sun at 7:15AM. Control of the sun had meant a perfect 365 day year, with four perfectly aligned seasons every year for thousands of those. The sheer power in that meant that she could easily destroy the entire world if she wanted to, but there were higher authorities to answer to than herself. One did not gain this sort of power and remain unnoticed.

Coming into the throne room still wearing her nightgown, holding a cup of coffee in a cup with the sun on it, along with the words "Praise the Sun"; she found her sister staring out the window, already lowering the moon.

For a thousand years she had to do that herself, every day being reminded of the fact she had banished her own sister to the moon. Having her back was an emotional belief beyond words, but she worried what the new found power given to her might do. Luna had tried to make her name known once before, culminating in mass civil discontent and a coup launched by the Night Guard. If she hadn't used the elements of harmony...

Celestia didn't like to think about that.

"Good Morning sister," Celestia addressed, and came to the window. "Punctual as usual," She added, sipping her coffee.

"Good Morning indeed, the night has been calm and today the dawn brings a new age onto Equestria, the Magnificent will sail east soon, and our victory will begin," Luna said, stepping back from the window.

Celestia replaced her, and her alicorn shone bright as the horizon was bathed with the glow of the rising sun. "Confident as always, I always missed that; the confidence," She said.

Luna pointedly sat on what was now her throne. "For good reason sister. With the Zebras help we now outnumber the griffons. It's only a matter of time until we put this dark chapter behind us, and return to business as usual," She said.

Celestia finished her job, the sun peeking over the horizon, and flooding the room with it's golden glow. "I hope so, Luna, I fear we may never truly return to how Equestria was, the peace has been broken," She said, and hung her nightgown on a nearby rack. For a month she had broadcast the morning update from here, and had it down to a science. On cue a stallion holding a clipboard entered the room, followed by a dozen others that took up positions.

"You're on in five, we've got a camera out watching the fleet, just like you asked," he said, and took his seat behind the cameras.

Luna gestured her sister come over to her side. "I think it best you open sister, and explain for our subjects the new reality," She suggested.

Celestia knew it was an order, even if it was worded not to seem as such. Luna was in charge, and she would have to follow her lead. Celestia didn't think any ill of her for taking power, but took it upon as her own failure to lead. She had failed Equestria when it needed her most, but perhaps she could still help in some small way.

"I suppose it would be best, last time you addressed the citizens..." Celestia trailed off, and took her seat beside the throne with a wink to her sister.

She took a deep breath. "THE NIGHT SHALL LAST SLIGHTLY LONGER THEN USUAL," She shouted, startling those below.

Luna laughed, and Celestia did too. "It's been a long time since I felt this good, thank you," Luna said.

Celestia smiled and nodded.

"Thirty seconds, your Highness's," The director said, and settled into his chair. A small whine heralded the assorted broadcasting equipment coming to life.

Thirty seconds later the Queen Regent Luna addressed the nation alongside her sister.

"Good Morning citizens of Equestria, I once again come before you to keep you informed during these dark times. Today will be a little different, as it is with deep regret that I must admit my failure to lead us through this chaos. Thus it has been decided that I will yield the throne to my sister. She has my total faith, and I hope she has yours too. I yield the floor to Queen Regent Luna now, may she help us all," Celestia announced to the camera, as regally as one could be. She nodded to her sister who sat up and, with a glimmer of fire in her eye, spoke.

"Good Morning subjects, today with the rising of the sun so does our nation rise to fight the evil that has plagued it for so long. For too long have we fought defensively like an injured animal, cowering in fear and hoping for help. There is no help, we must- and we will- help ourselves. Done are the days of this 'phoney war', done are the days of opulence while our guardians go to their end defending us. We will make sacrifices, we will pay a price, but from this dark chapter a stronger, bolder, more united Equestria will prevail," She boomed, the room shuddering as her speech echoed.

"Even now our brave defenders in the Wonderbolts and Legion prepare to wipe the threat off this continent, and take the fight to where the griffons live. Nobody will threaten this great nation every again once we're through, I assure you of that. We will meet them in battle on the islands, we will meet them in battle in the peaks of Wings Reach, and we will meet them in battle in vast seas in between. We will meet them, and we will prevail."

She paused, and took a breath.

"Today, two things will happen. First, I have instructed Field Martial Armour to begin the draft, conscripts will receive their orders in the mail shortly. Refusal to serve is treason. Secondly the Equestrian Games are cancelled until further notice. The security costs- not to mention the frivolous spending on recreational sports, will be diverted back to the Legion," she announced.

The production crew gasped, and glanced around at one another. The Equestrian Games hadn't been cancelled in...


"That is all for now. I will entertain questions by the media this evening," Luna said.

The director took the hint, and gestured to another member of the crew. The whine of the equipment settled, and a small light on the camera faded away.

Luna sighed, and slumped into the throne. She looked... pleased.

"Sister, that was a great experience. To know that the entire nation was hearing me, all at once. Our subjects should be addressed like this more often," She said.

Celestia suppressed a sigh, and nodded to the director who took his colleagues out. They left muttering to each other about this and that, Celestia catching the words "too far" and "is it worth it?"

"Careful 'queen' Luna, you don't want to become a cliche- we already have one living next door," She warned.

Luna frowned, but nodded her acceptance. "So then make sure I don't; be my Royal Advisor on Cliches," she said.

Celestia smiled, and patted her sister, her little sister, on the head.

"As you wish, Queen Luna," Celestia said, and stepped down from the throne. Below she took an exaggerated bow.

"I'll leave you to the first day of your reign, may it last..." She paused, the traditional 'a thousand years' seemed inappropriate.

"As short as possible," Luna finished for her, smiling down at her sister.

"May your reign be the shortest in history, Queen Luna," Celestia said, and left her sister alone in the throne room. The throne room doors shut behind her.

"May it be the shortest in history indeed," Luna mumbled to herself, and looked on the throne room with a grin on her face.

She would do her duty, and hand a stronger Equestria to her sister. Perhaps she would retain more power in civil affairs, and certainly the people would finally respect her. They always said she was harsh, demanding, sometimes even 'scary'. She was what they needed now though, Equestria had grown fat and needed to go through boot camp- literally as well as metaphorically- if it had any chance of invading and occupying the griffon home islands.

Luna clacked her hooves together and pondered her next move. Today had been planned well in advance by the military, but what about beyond that. The farms could be made more efficient, collectivized and rationed by the state. Something flew into her mind derailing that line of thought.

With the elements gone... our reign need not be so short.

No. Never again.


Celestia strode out into the hallway, and the throne room doors shut behind her, followed by the clash bat pony polearms.

She glanced back and smirked at the two bat pony guards. "Do show some respect, the moon is quite cold this time of year," She hissed, and left them glancing at each other fearfully.The Night Guard would have to be shown it's place, Luna didn't seem to notice it was getting out of hand. She knew them as the devoted fanatic followers of herself from a thousand years ago, and placed her faith in them utterly. Celestia knew better then that, and had been sure they knew their place in her time. Luna had enough to worry about now though, taking the entire war on her shoulders.

Celestia grinned to herself, glad to have an objective- a purpose. Show them their place, so that Luna doesn't have to. She might balk at the idea of warfare, but Celestia was quite good at the more subtle arts of ruling.

Quite good.


Wildcard awoke, sore all over. Opening his eyes he rolled his head and smiled on seeing First Class there beside him. Careful not to disturb her he got out of bed, and noticed that he looked absolutely terrible. His fur was singed all over, his mane was blackened, and his fetlocks were unshorn like some commoner. With a sigh of dissatisfaction he made his way to the washroom and took a shower. Warm water, one of life's greatest pleasures.

It turned out that was a somewhat poor idea, and the singed fur fell off leaving him with pink patches all over. Thankfully there was a trench coat in the rarely used wardrobe, kept around just in case he had to go out on 'business'. Putting it on, he looked himself over.

It would have to do, while his hooves were still unfashionable, at least he didn't look like a rat.

First Class sighed, and rolled over to see her husband looking himself over at the mirror.

"You look like crap..." She said softly.

Wildcard grinned back at her, "You didn't mind much last night," He said.

She held her head in her hooves, and met his gaze. "You broke the treaty last night," she said coyly.

Wildcard looked back to the mirror, and adjusted his coat. "I'm a duke now, that doesn't apply- I think," He said, and turned back.

"Time to get back to work, see you when I'm back.. Duchess First Class," He said, giving an exaggerated bow. His head shot up when he finished, having an idea.

"Buy us a house," He suggested.

"Y'know, generally people move in together first, and then get married," she said, sliding out of the bed.

"Generally ponies don't marry shapeshifters either, we're blazing a new trail," Wildcard said, and found himself interrupted by a knock at the door. Opening it, he found Lyra standing in the hallway, quite distraught.

"Wildcard, they blew up our office!" She exclaimed, frantically trotting in place.

"Lyra..." Wildcard said, grasping her shoulders, "... the desk is fine, so it's no real loss," he continued.

"Plus, I'm fine, so there's that, he added.

Lyra finally noticed Wildcard's rather... unkempt look.

She snorted, "you look like crap," She noted, to a holler of a laughter from First Class.

Wildcard smirked. "You should see the other guy."

Lyra shuddered. "Papers called it 'a dagger in Equestria's back'. Equestria Daily wants Chrysalis to pay for the whole thing," She said.

Wildcard snorted at that. "Good luck, they're as likely to..." He trailed off, and realized changing the topic from 'the hive is going to invade you eventually'

"Nevermind that, where's the guards?" Wildcard asked.

Lyra gestured behind, Wildcard stuck his head out the door. Sure enough, one of them was standing at attention a ways down.

Wildcard squinted at him. "... Yin?" he guessed.

"Yang, you can tell by the way he blinks," Lyra said.

He watched the guard, and shortly he blinked twice in rapid succession, his eyes darting around alert for threats.

"Yin has a habit of staring at his hooves when he gets bored," Lyra added, and prodded her boss for attention.

"Right, noted. Go out with our friend here and get us a new office, and salvage what you can from the old one. I'll leave the whole account at your disposal," Wildcard ordered.

Lyra gave a little noise best described as a 'squee' and grinned widely. "The whole thing?!" she asked.

"The whole thing," Wildcard replied, meeting her smile.

There was close to 15,000 bits in that account, and more beyond that tied up in investments and bonds. When the war was over Wildcard was going to be very wealthy indeed. He was even titled now, families had certainly started with less.

He grinned while he thought to himself, Lyra going down the hallway mumbling something about a street corner. He wasn't starting a family, he was starting a dynasty. Heck, if he played his cards right he might even have a dominion. Found a town in the Badlands with some of the other changelings, live to be a ripe old stallion.

All assuming, of course, that he didn't end up dead or exiled before he got the chance. He was stuck between a million griffons and a hard place.

Glancing back at First Class, who was preening herself by the mirror, he said farewell before starting out for the day. Today he was supposed to go with Spitfire south to Baltimare to observe the battle, as the official representative of the Hive. Just another showing in public to prove to the Equestrians they were allies. Plus, a hundred of the most elite changeling warriors were lined up for this assault, each of them had proven themselves in combat. The century was known as Borealia's Bane, as it was they that had razed that place to the ground. Their leader had no nickname, as was traditional, and retained the rank of Eta-Gamma. Wildcard actually outranked him, although he wasn't sure how kindly he would take to any orders.

Outside, taking a deep breath of the crisp morning air (albeit with a hint of cinder from the day before) Wildcard found the city eerily silent. Understandable, given the situation. High in the sky the Magnificent loomed high over it all, standing as a bulkwark against anything that could threaten it. Wasting no time, he buzzed his wings and took off upwards.With a glance back at the city he gasped despite himself.

No wonder it smelt like cinders

The griffons had apparently done more damage then was visible from the castle. Here and there buildings were entirely laid to ruin, and the palisade wall was beset with multiple huge holes. The drydock that had been built to provide more airships was, thankfully, intact. Mezza Luna had at the very least managed to prevent the griffons from destroying anything strategic- although Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns was apparently on the list, having a wide gash in the side. So did the National Police Headquarters, for whatever reason. A few fires burnt here and there within the ruins, still waiting to be put down by the civil defense ponies. Canterlot, like Equestria itself, was wounded. It would come back though, it had weathered worst history then a simple raid. The griffons were nothing, the ponies would beat them in the end, he was sure of that. Whether Equestria would survive the sacrifice, only time would tell.

Setting himself back to the task at hand he powered his wings a little more, enjoying the increased thrust his recent lack of holes gave him, grinning as he flew up in the morning sun. Flight was a gift that he savoured ever second of.

Interestingly, as he flew up through the Wonderbolt patrol lines, he was never approached- instead he was met by a few shouts, and even a salute here and there. Wildcard snickered and put it in the back of his mind, he had a job to do.

He flew over the deck, and landed near the bridge tower. Before arriving he had gotten himself acquainted with the layout, but being there for himself was another thing entirely. The bridge tower was a sight in itself, several stories high.

"Ey Wildcard!" Somepony shouted, Wildcard glanced back to see a pegasus hovering a ways away. A rainbow pegasus.

"I couldn't have done it better myself... well I could have but that was still pretty cool, lighting that guy up and stuff," She said, swooping over to hover over him.

He cocked his head, taking this in. "Wait, you all know about that?" He asked.

"Of course we do!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, looking rather proud of her uniform. WING COMMANDER DASH emblazoned on the chest. "Who hasn't heard of Wildcard, 'the only changeling you can trust'?"

Wildcard snickered, opening the door with his rear hoof. "Wasn't it just a month ago you called me 'evil'?" He asked.

"Well.. you might be evil.. but your evil on our side, and that's what counts," She said, crossing her arms.

Wildcard grinned, as evilly as he thought possible. "Good, good! My plan is coming together perfectly! Now that I have gained
your trust, Equestria will be mine- and then THE WORLD!" He screamed, following with a practiced evil cackle.

Cackling 102 was one of his best classes back in school. The trick was to just let it flow.

Rainbow Dash stared down at him, seemingly unimpressed. "I've seen better, we fought a guy once that just yelled about crystals for a whole day, you've got nothing on that," she said.

Wildcard sighed, slumping back down in defeat. "Fine, I'll just practice a bit before I take over the government through mind control, or something," He said, with a cocky grin back upwards.

"I've got business upstairs, don't you have a wing to command?" Wildcard asked.

She stuck out her chest with pride. "Second Interception, we've got the best CAP score in the whole fleet," She said, close to bursting with that pride.

Wildcard paused for a second. "You seem to be taking this well, I didn't expect to see a pony take so naturally to war," He noted.

She just looked down at him. "Why not? They came for us, we're sending them back. They knew the risks- as you say," She said.

Wildcard nodded. "If the rest of you can understand that, you'll have no trouble at all out there. I'll see you later- Wing Commander," Wildcard said. With a sharp salute Rainbow Dash flew off, and Wildcard entered the bridge tower.

It had a lot of stairs, and upon reaching the top he paused for breath. He hadn't realized it, but all that cider and sitting around- not to mention government meals, had put him out of shape- except for his wings. Flying across the continent had kept those strong, but the rest of him...

He sucked in his gut, noticing that he couldn't, and made a mental note to start jogging or something. Putting that to the back of his mind, he adjusted his coat and opened the steel door that led to the bridge.

"Amba- Duke Wildcard!" Spitfire addressed as he closed the door.

"Air Martial, you seem oddly pleased to see me," Wildcard said on seeing her smiling figure in the captains seat.

"I keep up with the news, Wildcard. You killed one of your own yesterday to protect Canterlot, you've earned my respect," She said, offering a salute.

Wildcard returned it.

"That's good to hear, but I'm still a civilian as far as I know- I didn't see any guards on the way up, security seems a little lax up here," He noted, gesturing back at the door.

Spitfire laughed. "No less then a dozen squadrons saw you come up, and Rainbow Dash reported your arrival too. I see everything, it's just not obvious," She said.

"I like it that way," She added, and pointed over to what Wildcard assumed was the communication station. A pegasus sat at a teletype with a headset on them, babbling away in the language of military jargon.

"Have a seat, and we'll get underway. They're all ready in the south, it's going to be a big day," She said, and spun the chair back around.

Wildcard took his place, and as Spitfire got the ship underway he settled in. She was right, it was going to be a big day. The full force of Equestria would be unleashed today, the real war would begin.

"Baltimare in three hours Air Martial," The helm announced.

Three hours.

Author's Note:


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