• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2013
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SweetAI Belle

Why does life always have to be so ironic?

More Blog Posts93

  • Monday

    Just thought I'd mention that while I'm still on Mastodon at @SweetAIBelle@equestria.social, I do also have an account on bluesky now, as of a week or so ago.

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  • 12 weeks
    Well, time to start looking around, I guess...

    RIP to my job of the last 23 years, as my position's been eliminated. Nice severance package, but the fact that's the last money I'm ever getting from them is an issue.

    Unfortunately, I don't get any money from adminning groups or moderating forums, or I'd be all set. :unsuresweetie:

    Going to take some time and let it sink in, and get all ready to go job hunting, I guess.

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  • 27 weeks
    For anyone noticing me not around quite as much...

    I'm still here, but I'm dividing my forum time a bit between here and the TARDIS Guide website, since these days, I'm one of the moderators over on the forums there. The website is one where you can keep track of what Doctor Who related episodes you have and haven't watched (as well as audio/comics/etc), review Doctor Who related stuff, and, of course,

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  • 52 weeks
    I'm still here

    At home, have not been out today, and no plans of going out.

    Just feel it's worth mentioning since I'm seeing things on the news about a shooting being filmed in an area in pretty easy walking distance of me...

    --Sweetie Belle

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  • 52 weeks
    Santa Hat Time!

    It's traditional to put on a Santa hat for December, so I've gone ahead and switched for the month. As you might imagine, AI art again...

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Santa Hat Time · 9:06am Dec 1st, 2021

Alright, seems like people are starting to switch over to their Santa Hat avatars, so I've switched mine as well.

I'll change again once we get past Christmas (or if I feel like modifying this one. The sack could probably use work.)...

--Sweetie Belle

Comments ( 4 )

Not entirely a coincidence, since I'd mentioned wanting to do a sweetie giraffe santa avatar before, I follow themajortechie, and their blog post before that one was what nudged me to finally get around to drawing it.

That is a pretty good juxtaposition, though. :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

Yeah I saw that when I posted this in his blog post lol still cool. And we don't have to tell anyone about our little secret

(My school also did this play and I was Sutter lol. I still remember half the lyrics to the songs

Tis the season to be tall!

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