Santa Hat Time · 9:06am Dec 1st, 2021
Alright, seems like people are starting to switch over to their Santa Hat avatars, so I've switched mine as well.
I'll change again once we get past Christmas (or if I feel like modifying this one. The sack could probably use work.)...
--Sweetie Belle
Amazing juxtaposition win in my news feed:
Not entirely a coincidence, since I'd mentioned wanting to do a sweetie giraffe santa avatar before, I follow themajortechie, and their blog post before that one was what nudged me to finally get around to drawing it.
That is a pretty good juxtaposition, though.
--Sweetie Belle
Yeah I saw that when I posted this in his blog post lol still cool. And we don't have to tell anyone about our little secret
(My school also did this play and I was Sutter lol. I still remember half the lyrics to the songs
Tis the season to be tall!