A little more about Yours Truly! · 7:23am Nov 14th, 2021
Updated on 20th June 2022.
Hey Folks!
Alright, this is to answer questions I’ve got asked on here or just things I wanna have out there. Now, an updated version, 'cause this has been outdated for years now. (metaphorically speaking)
So let’s go:
1. Why did you join FIMfic?
This hasn’t changed; I joined so I could publish Worthy To Be A Royal? and see what the peeps thought. It just so happens to be my most viewed story at the moment, too. Am I super proud? Hell yeah!
2. Why is Rainbow Dash Best Pony?
Again, not changed. She's the best pony. That’s why she’s my favorite. But, for real, she's amazing, relatable for me personally, and just overall really fun to watch. I’ve also got this little attachment as I’ve spent so much of my time thinking of her, the show, and everything revolving around it. Reasons, why I like her now, include her undying loyalty, chill attitude, gayness, her ever-growing determination, her snark, her design, her awesomeness, her ego, her adorableness, and many, many more things.
3. Your opinions on shipping?
Well, this was a dumb question. Do I need to really answer this one? I’m pretty sure I wrote this just so I could ramble on about AppleDash… right. If you want to know, go here, or here, or here. Or just take a nice little looksee around my page.
4. Why and when did you start watching mlp?
This one was a bit foggy back when I wrote this, but I know that I’ve figured it out a bit more: I’m pretty sure I started watching when I was seven or eight. That was around when the show started, and I was hella small, so I didn’t think much of it at the time. I stopped watching for a good long while before getting back into it when I was eleven or twelve and that was when I really got into watching it as something I really enjoyed. And then I just stopped watching, gradually. But when I heard the show I remember very fondly off was ending, I thought I’d get back into it, and I’ve been a part of the fandom since. (RD's been my favorite throughout that entire little journey)
And why? Well duh, we’re talkin' 'bout MLP here.
5. Why do you like AppeDash?
Its perfection.
6. Have you ever gotten mocked for liking the show?
Yes. When I wrote this all the way back when I did, I was a closeted little bean who knew nothing of the world, apparently, but yes. I have been teased for being a fan of the show. I don’t make it a point to show peeps I’m a barony, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t told certain wrong peeps. Not gonna go into it, all I’m gonna say is that it wasn’t the funnest thing to hear the show you love is a reason why people don’t like you.
7. Opinions on G5?
Now, this has changed drastically. Like, I said I loved G5, no questions asked, and now, I dunno how to feel. All I know is that it’s something and I’m gonna see what the Make Your Mark stuff has to say. Zipp is still my favorite, and Sugar Moonlight is a character I want to see more off. Izzy dropped down the list for me, and Hitch and Pipp have been climbing it too. Sunny's the least interesting to me. Uh.. yeah!
8. LGBT?
Biromantic (?) Asexual. At least, that’s what I identify as right now. The biromantic part might change as I’m still questioning that part, but I’m very sure that I’m an Asexual. Which means; Denmark, you better watch out
I like updating stuff. It’s so much fun, and you get to do reflecting to see how much you’ve changed. I like doing this. I’m probably gonna add more questions to answer as I remember them.
MSz Out!