• Member Since 24th Oct, 2021
  • offline last seen Sep 22nd, 2024


Not dead I think!

More Blog Posts34

  • 22 weeks
    Talk About It: Um-- me, I guess

    Hey folks

    so, um, yeah... it's been a bit. I've got a couple excueses, lemme run them by you real quick, yeah?

    no. one; lost my password? I mean, I did actually lose it but it took, like, five minutes to reset it, so--

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  • 141 weeks
    Talk About It: Tell Your Tale

    Hey Folks!

    So, Tell Your Tale (TYT?) has been going on for a while, and I’ve been watching the episodes as they came out. I don’t make it a point to watch it, I just happen upon the episodes as they release. I personally consider it attached yet very unrelated to FiM as the show itself has been making quite clear, so I don’t really have complaints in that aspect.

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  • 142 weeks
    Talk About It: SoarinDash

    Hey Folks!

    Right. I don’t have a death wish, I swear.:twilightoops:

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    7 comments · 408 views
  • 142 weeks
    I did a thing…

    Hey Folks!

    It’s been a while, huh?

    Moving on, I did a thing. I don’t know what to say about it other than the fact that it’s a thing and I am the all culprit behind this heinous crime.

    …I think I can explain better if I first show y’all what I did…

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    2 comments · 198 views
  • 152 weeks
    Updates... and more!

    Hey Folks!

    So, I decided to do a little update post.. thing today 'cause, well, I haven't been doing all that much on here as of late.
    I guess a life/incoming-stories update?

    Short and simple way to put it would be: I've got a case of the infamous 'Writer's Block'.

    Hurra! What an unexpected turn of events, huh?
    Not really.

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I did a thing… · 8:06am Apr 30th, 2022

Hey Folks!

It’s been a while, huh?

Moving on, I did a thing. I don’t know what to say about it other than the fact that it’s a thing and I am the all culprit behind this heinous crime.

…I think I can explain better if I first show y’all what I did…

Applejack made her way to the Carousal Boutique, anticipating to see her very special somepony at her work table. Rarity was probably hard at work designing outfits for her new collection for the summer. She had been working for three weeks straight and yet she still wasn’t done, which had worried Applejack. Rarity usually took up to two weeks max to come up with designs, and by the time the third week was over, all five of them were invited to try them and give her their thoughts. But this time, they hadn’t even received word of the designs being done, which was definitely a matter to worry over.

Reaching the door of her lover's home, she could already hear loud, frustrated groans come from inside, confirming her suspensions all the more.

"Rarity?" She called out, opening the door and walking right in. First thing she took note of was the piles of scrunched up pieces of paper scattered around the room.

"Applejack!" A loud squeal came from the designing table placed outside of her room, seeming to have been moved by magic. "Oh, I’m so glad you’re here!" The fashionista rushed over, wrapping her fore-hooves around the earth pony's neck, hugging her tight.

Applejack lifted a fore-hoof of her own to return the hug. "Figured y’all needed help."

Rarity pulled away, pecked the mare on the cheek, and grinned, "You’re the best, darling. You always seem to just know when I’m in distress, it’s amazing!"

Applejack returned the peck, and smirked, "Y’all could even could go as far as to say it’s a sixth sense." She winked, chuckling a little as she did so.

Rarity giggled, "Whatever it is, Jackie, I love that you have it." She then turned around and returned to her seat somewhere in the pile of paper that littered the floor.

Applejack looked down at the floor, trying to comprehend the mess that was ever so evident on the floor. "Uh, Rares… where’d this mess come from? I never took y’all as somepony who-“

“No. I do not approve of this kind of messes on a regular occasion, but you see, darling, this is no regular occasion because…" She paused, adding dramatic effect, "…I… I seem to have lost my fashion flair!" She exclaimed, falling to the floor as dramatically as she possibly could, which was very dramatic.

Applejack cocked an eyebrow, "Lost it, huh?" She asked, not believing a single word.

Rarity nodded, "it seems that I have in fact lost!"

"Where’d you put it, then?"

Rarity blinked, then chuckled, "Applejack, Applejack, Applejack. One doesn’t simply place their fashion flair to loose it. One must run out of it, and I… I seem to have run quite dry."

Applejack made her way through the piles paper to her marefriend, and helped to her hooves, "How 'bout we go find it then?"

"But I just said-“ But before Rarity could finish, she was out the door and out in town.

"S'pose you lost it somewhere out here?" Applejack motioned to all of town.

While the farmer really didn’t seem to understand how the fashion flair worked, it was a sweet attempt.

"No?" The far pony asked, receiving a shake of her head from the fashion lover. "Alright, I know some place y’all might’ve lost it. C'mon!" Applejack ran ahead, motioning for Rarity to follow, which she did.

Making it to a stop, Rarity immediately recognized where she was; Sweet Apple Acres. "Think y’all lost it here?"

"Darling, please, I did 'loose' it, I simply ran out of-"

"No, right. I think I just might know where y’all lost it, then." This time, Applejack took off in a trot, heading further into the orchard, with Rarity right behind her.

Where they arrived next was… gorgeous, to say the least. Two trees intertwined, both looking to be off a different variety than the other. One pear, and one apple. "Ma and Pa planted these to symbolize the union between the pears," Applejack motioned to the pear tree, "And the apples." Then to the apple tree.


"So, y’all think ya've found it, yet?" Applejack asked, smiling softly.

Rarity smiled, her eyes still glued to the beautiful masterpiece created by nature itself in wonder and amazement. She then gazed back at the mare she loved most, smiling with no end in sight. She trotted forward, pecking the mare on the cheek. "Applejack, you truly are the best, you know that?"

Applejack tilted her hat forward with a hoof, "Only doin' my job, sugarcube." She winked, "Though I would like a like reward?"

Rarity looked around, then hopped the mare on the nose, "And you’ll get it."

…yup. I woke up this morning, all weird and thought "Hey, why don’t I torture myself by writing RariJack.". Turns out I hate this paring more than I thought. I actually did this so I could, to an extent, understand what all the hype was about this paring, and frankly, I can see it, kinda. Is it the fact that they.. play off each well? I dunno. That’s my guess. But yea, no. I’m probably gonna spend the next three hours straight with my beloved AppleDash. Reading, rewatching, writing, anything. But I won’t deny that this was an interesting challenge. I mean, something I will never do again.

Now, I’ve read RariJack, I’ve written it, and I’ve stumbled upon a few pieces of fan art… and all of it left me angry, disappointed and quite upset. Progress! Before I wouldn’t have even stepped one foot in it’s territory. Amazing!

Anyway. Just a random thing to put out, I suppose. Hey! I’m actually keeping up to that new year's resolution I made earlier this year. Even better news! Today's just amazing.

I’ll leave it there!

MSz Out!:rainbowdetermined2:

Report MistyShadowz · 198 views · #rarijack #story
Comments ( 2 )

Wait... you wrote a RariJack?
Well, I did see a flying pig the other day, so...

You know, I thought that earlier after writing this. Pigs would have flown before this happened, or that was what everyone thought.:derpytongue2:
Never happening again, though.

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