Updates... and more! · 7:57am Feb 19th, 2022
Hey Folks!
So, I decided to do a little update post.. thing today 'cause, well, I haven't been doing all that much on here as of late.
I guess a life/incoming-stories update?
Short and simple way to put it would be: I've got a case of the infamous 'Writer's Block'.
Hurra! What an unexpected turn of events, huh?
Not really.
I suppose it started a little after publishing 'Snuggled Are For Everypony!', but really took effect a few days after the publish of 'To My Last Love'. I started not knowing what to write about, and how to continue already begun stories, and had given up on a few interesting ideas I came up with while trying to look for story cncepts. I've got a few scraped ideas, that I hope to actually bring out once this whole 'Writer's Block' is over and dealt with. But as of right now, I'm not sure when I'm gonna put out the next story.
Okay, something on 'Stolen Childhood'.
Alright, first, I'm getting sick and tired of calling it that. How about just SC? Yea, that'll do.
SC is now on hiatus.
I mean, for anyone keeping up with it, I'm sure it wasn't all that surprising... right? Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. It wasn't to me.
The story was initially not something I had put any thought into. It was just one of those 'oh, that's an interesting plot that I wanna explore, but probably won't end up finishing'. Only reason it ended up out there for the world to see was 'cause of my BRILLIENT impatience.
When my first, proper, story was in the waiting cue, I got a bit anxious about the story, and if it was ever going to be published or not, considering I had waited a whole weak, and nothing happened. And me having the stubborn, introverted mind that I do, didn't think to ask anyone around, you know someone who might have known what was going on. And because I didn't want to do what a normal human being would, I did the next logical thing: I took a story that I was working on, in this case it was SC, and made that into an official, Fimfiction story, and then put that in the cue as well.
"What did you think that would accomplish?" I hear you asking. And as an answer I say: to see if my very first - and most popular - story, was the problem or not. My mindset was like 'It's probably the story that's wrong and messed up, not that the whole cue thing taking a while or somthing, I dunno.' And, boy was that mindset not fun in any way, shape or form!
And so to check if it was my story that just wouldn't go across, I made a completely new and completely different story to check my little theory... which ended up being Wong, fortunately.
(Hey! My Little Thepry! Coming out next on the family hub!)
And as I said before; I have a very stubborn mind, so once the story - SC - was out, and had gotten nearly a hundred or so views, I didn't feel that need to deleteit, 'cause, well, I'm as stubborn as a rock. There's a very valid reason why I connect with Applejack, okay?!
So, finally having had the guts to actually close it up is just awesome feeling! I'll probably never actually give up on the story completely, knowing myself well enough. But, I'm also not gonna be active on it all that much, I suppose, which isn't changing much... but you know! So don't expect the next inxtallment anytime soon.
Oh, the whole reason it's on hiatus is a mix of what I just said, and my unfortunate descent into the realm of 'Writter's Block'
(Ugh! No matter how hard I'm gonna try, making that sound interesting is just... mind numbly boring to do!)
Alright, so I think that all I have to say. I was actually inclined to write this just to mention the WB thing, but now, it's turned into the behind the scenes backstory on SC, but at least now it's out there for the world to see and know! And hopefully to learn something from! Don't create stories just to check an unplausible theory. Huzza! We learned something today!
Anyway! Hope y'all are having a great day!
MSz Out!
Honestly, the same things been happening to me. It's probably a mix of several things: bad weather, the Holidays ending, finally running out of pony-content to watch (though looks like that last point won't be true for long ). Basically, it took me a few weeks of not making any progress on a story to realize that it's probably not worth finishing (I'll give you credit for not abandoning your story).
Anyway, don't worry. You're far from the only one with this problem.
Eh. I have scrapped a lot of stories trying to find something to get my creative juices pumping, bit not really the concepts. I have said plots and such noted down somewhere, but I guess the format itself wasn't all that fun. You know how the best story plot to have ever been thought up, ever, came to you, but you just couldn't write it down and put it to words? Yea, like that. I guess I'll let those sit in the 'Write it Later' list for now. Dunno.
Not a bad idea. That way you could always combine them with another story you have down the line.
Hm. Never thought it like that. Though, it doesn't sound like a bad idea, either
Hey, don't we all get writer's block at some point in writing a story. I myself have writing block right now as I am writing a story for school right now, I got the beginning and end but no middle. And MIsty don't worry about it, you have done great before and you will do great again.
Sincerely, DynamicDino
Aww, sweet, thanks! And fair enough. I have personally met plenty of folks who have had writer's block themselves - funnily enough, most of them suggested a change of scenery when I told 'em about having it myself.
Anywho! Thanks for the kind word, bud