• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen June 17th


Your friendly neighborhood mechanic / fanfic writer. Don't worry, I'm good at both! :D

More Blog Posts79

  • 55 weeks

    See you there!

    1 comments · 106 views
  • 153 weeks
    I'm at EFNW

    Yep. Not cosplaying though. Will most likely be wearing a red MAGA hat (make Equestria great again). Have plenty of those, btw. And a couple copies of my book if anyone wants one.

    6 comments · 236 views
  • 250 weeks
    So I did a thing with Super Trampoline (Also, books)

    At horsecon, Super Trampoline and I made a blood pact (while intoxicated) to write a collab together. Not gonna lie, it's a steaming turd. But it was hella fun to write! You might get a kick out of it if you like crackfics. In fact, at least click on it and give it a vote. (Nobody's saying it has to be an upvote

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    3 comments · 307 views
  • 259 weeks
    About the Ending of Last Brony...

    Welcome, my loyal reader, welcome. And thank you for coming.


    Source Unknown

    (This image is appropriate, I think.)

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    24 comments · 639 views
  • 260 weeks
    Am at BronyCon

    Am here, finally. Had a hell of a drive, and even worse night. Hotel reservation got bumped, but everything is ok now.

    Just letting you know I'm here, and if you didn't see my book in the bookstore thursday (or early friday) that's because it wasn't there. But it is now!

    4 comments · 299 views

I'm at EFNW · 3:13am Aug 14th, 2021

Yep. Not cosplaying though. Will most likely be wearing a red MAGA hat (make Equestria great again). Have plenty of those, btw. And a couple copies of my book if anyone wants one.

Report theRedBrony · 236 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Will most likely be wearing a red MAGA hat (make Equestria great again)

Wouldn't that make it a MEGA hat?

5568569 Shit! You're right.

It's funnier, but you should probably edit that.

I hope that the convention goes well!
I'm on the other side of the continent, but maybe next year I'll be able to make it.

...I'm confused. Are they MAGA hats, the Make Equestria Great Again was a joke, and the comment continues the joke, are they MAGA hats and you didn't think of the different letter when making the blog post (I imagine you may have been distracted by the convention going on), or are they custom Make Equestria Great Again hats that suffered an unfortunate oversight (sorry if it's that one)? Or something else?

5568677 I'm just on my phone and can't be fucked to type properly. They are custom MEGA hats I had made, written in Celestia redux font. It's an odd phenomenon. Bronycon 2019 everyone and their dog was trying to get one of my hats, but I only had like 5. Now I have 20 and nobody wants them. 2018 also no one wanted them. Of the people inquiring, I do know that some of them only want the hat ironically, so it has little to do with political standing.

Ah, righto; thanks.
And yeah, I'm not sure how to explain the demand patterns there either. Hopefully it works out; I suppose they're unlikely to somehow expire, and perhaps they'll be back in fashion later.

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