To Dream is Divine Update, 5/27 · 8:38pm May 27th, 2021
New Words: 2,338 (31,564 total)
Chapters Worked On: 12, 13
Chapter Finished: 12
I know it isn't my normal update day, but I realized I hadn't said anything in awhile. I'm also sure you guys are about as sick of hearing my excuses for slow writing as I am of writing them, but here we are. Last time was RE8, this time it's a combination of Mass Effect and DnD.
The Mass Effect Legendary Edition came out last week, and some of my friends are super into it. I've never been a massive fan, but I've also never given it a fair shake, so I decided to throw EA $15 for their sub service to play it because I didn't want to buy it. Of course, that means I sort of underplayed how long these games are when taken with XIV dropping a patch, and Fanfest being two weeks back (?) On top of that, the DnD group shot waaaay farther ahead than I thought they would and I've been rushing to catch up, on top of putting the finishing touches on a second game I'm starting soon. So that's that.
In story news, I'm headed into the second major arc of the story? I'm in that weird space inbetween right now and it's all about pushing towards the next thing in a reasonable manner without wasting too much time. It's the type of stuff I've always struggled with writing, so it's not doing me any favors on speed.
So yeah, that's where I'm at. I'm hoping once I get the story to [REDACTED] and can start writing about [REDACTED] it'll speed back up.
I hope you all have an awesome week! Or whatever interval between this update and the next one.