To Dream is Divine Update, 4/13 · 3:48am Apr 14th, 2021
New Words: 1,655 (26,139 total)*
Chapter Worked On: 10, 11
Chapter Finished: 10
So, I'm back-ish. Most of my life has come back into shape enough that I finally felt comfortable enough to start writing again. It took a bit of time to get used to my new keyboard, but now that I have, it's super nice to not have to worry about sticking or dropped keys. My last keyboard was getting on almost a decade old, so it was probably due for an update.
It feels... super short for the length of time I wasn't working, and I apologize. I'm going to try to get back into the swing of writing every day like I was, but my roommate has given me a bugbear that must be sated. I am basically spinning up an entire Pathfinder 2e West Marches game, and so I have a ton of work to get that off the ground. But after that, it's back to writing.
So there may or may not be an update next week, but I'm hoping to be back to weekly updates after that. Unless another tragedy were to befall my family. Again.