• Member Since 9th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 18th, 2018


I write~

More Blog Posts5

  • 573 weeks
    Blog Note #5: Stuff and Nonsense

    It's the name of a file on my computer. It has a shortcut on my desktop, and it links to many shortcuts to many, many different video games, mostly League of Legends.

    In case any of you were wondering what happened to me.

    Updates to come. Summer is when I slow down. So much extra time I have to fill with things I can't do during the school year, and stuff... and nonsense.

    2 comments · 517 views
  • 592 weeks
    Blog Note #4: I'm Not Dead, I Swear

    I just have an undead condition.

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    2 comments · 316 views
  • 597 weeks
    Blog Note #3: So, Finals...

    If you've been wondering, I've been trying to write. Finals make it really hard.

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    1 comments · 354 views
  • 600 weeks
    Blog Note #2: Why Authors Should Hate/Beware EqD

    "Dear Author:

    I'm Pre-reader 23-ish, and I'll review your story.

    This story was perma-rejected quite some time ago, and out of curiosity, I decided to look into why. Unfortunately, it didn't take long at all.

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    9 comments · 435 views
  • 612 weeks
    Blog Note #1: Insert Snarky Title About Not Being Dead Here


    So, my favorite reviewer is away from his computer for a time, and that means my chapters are on hold. I don't publish unfinished work, so I will wait on my review before I update MLOR again. Just be aware, for the... like... five of you that care, I'm still here. Still writing. I'm backlogged about two chapters now, actually, so a massive update is en route.

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Blog Note #2: Why Authors Should Hate/Beware EqD · 12:16am Nov 23rd, 2012

"Dear Author:

I'm Pre-reader 23-ish, and I'll review your story.

This story was perma-rejected quite some time ago, and out of curiosity, I decided to look into why. Unfortunately, it didn't take long at all.

You didn't write this story, Author. You took a mission line out of Old Republic and stuck pony names in. You made little attempt to differentiate this from the original, and thus... I'm sorry, but this is plagiarism.

In addition to this, there's multiple grammar issues to be found, and you need a lot of work on punctuation.

Ordinarily, I'd give this a deeper review and point out specific examples... but I'm not going to, in this case. Because this is pretty much a direct copy-paste from Old Republic, this is NOT going to be accepted for publication on EqD.

This rejection is permanent. Please do not resubmit this work.... IN THIS FORM. You will need to write your own story and NOT copy from the game in order to see this put up.

-Pre-reader 23-ish"

So, yeah, this story's not going on EqD anytime soon. Here's the thing, Pre-reader 23-ish: You're wrong. You're also a Fuck. Not just any fuck, but a royal fuck. The story is not original in the sense that I borrowed the beginning of the Trooper's storyline as the basis for the plot, but after Chapter 3, you see hardly any resemblances to the game at all. Just locations and familiar themes. But you wouldn't know that, because you're too busy telling me I'm an asshat plagiarizer who can't spell/write/think/doesn't deserve to live. FUCK YOU, PREREADER 23-ISH.

I don't mind honest reviews. Yeah, for a little bit, the story seemed like it was a copy-paste of the game. But those of you who've read it know better. Can anyone who cares help me see their side, and offer some critique? I'm just a tad distraught, and I have no interest in finishing Trouble on Tython because of this.

Report AidanMaxwell · 435 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

Oh, I definitely agree that eqd can be a real bitch. I don't think that eqd can really be relied upon to decide what is and isn't a good or bad story. Heck, they rejected my story Penumbra as "Unsalvageable in both presentation and plot", when, quite frankly I know I've written something that's pretty alright. EQD cannot be viewed as a one hundred percent reliable pony fanfiction filter.

But here's the thing. Your frothing at the mouth and exploding with rage here. They rejected your story? Yeah, that sucks bro, I've been there and know how it feels, but I didn't write a blog post claiming that pre-reader who likes sky pirates deserves to die.
Sad to hear that your story got rejected, but maybe you can be a little bit bigger a man about this? Remember what the brony community is all about, and remember that eqd gets hundreds of stories submitted every day. They only read the first, or maybe second chapter. It sucks, I know, but that's just the way it happens. Seriously, calm down. Love and tolerate and all that shiz.

If you're getting riled up because he accused you of plagarism, well the guy honestly didn't know what he was talking about. Therefore his opinion is invalid, and by pasting it into this blog you've done yourself a discredit. Your acting pretty damn butt-hurt, quite frankly.

Calm down, and keep writing your story as you see fit. You don't need eqd to tell you you've written a good story to know you've written a good story. The people who actually read and like your story can do that.

People don't read the story. That's the issue. I'd be fine if this was the first time they'd shut me down, but I can't get a story through them to save my life. I succeeded, once, with a story I didn't finish because they actually botched the initial post. (It was possibly my fault, too, but that's a sidebar.) All I want... is some free publicity. It's the same three people commenting on all my stories, and while I love those three people, I need more love too.

But you're right, it's too much of me to ask them to keep going. If they only have the first chapter to base their review on, that's on me.

I still have no desire to keep writing, though. Not yet. It's not like my viewer base is going to expand...


Well then your going to have to decide whether you want to write this story for readers, or whether it's because you want to write it for yourself. Either way it's your call.


I suppose I can do both, right?

But I'd like some more viewers to write for, and EqD isn't an option.

If it is any consolation I find Pinkie and the Smuggler to be just too cute. Since I have not played this game is that out of the game or was that original?

i found all your star wars stories to be excellent, screw eqd and try on fanfiction..instead, that might help you get a little more readers.
anywho keep up the awsome job, your actually a very good story teller, its hard to come up with ideas, hell me myself am having trouble coming up with a really good bad guy name for a story i want to write. this certain bad guy is so powerful he was the one that gave discord his power. basically im thinking god/goddess of destruction/chaos here. but i degress keep up the awsome work, and someday your hard work will pay off.


Writing is hard, but your stories are wellwritten and good. I think i cant be the only one who would consider it a shame if your stories never would get finished :(
Besides, i think its been clear for a while that getting anything into EqD nowadays are more a stroke of luck than the result of any acctual talent, the prereaders seems to conscern themselves for the letter of the rule only.
I once saw them reject a story on the basis that the main character in the story (Twillight) was 'way too OOC' despite anyone reading the first sentence of the story should realize her being ooc was the whole point of it.

Yeah, EqD can be a little harsh. If you want people to read your story, write a clopfic. You'll be in the feature box in no time.

I would, except, I won't.


Who would I write about, anyway? I respect Pinkie Pie, so she's an auto-no, and I'm pretty much against all homosexual ships. No one has been able to justify a same sex shipping well in the context of the show, so I don't acknowledge them.

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