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  • 133 weeks
    Dragon poses

    I'm all out of pose ideas for dragons. If anyone has any, send them my way.

    7 comments · 266 views
  • 143 weeks
    I'm such an idiot.

    I spent a couple hours drawing someone's request only to double check and find out I did it completely wrong...
    Anyone know an easy way to age a character without redrawing too much?

    3 comments · 209 views
  • 183 weeks
    I made a Ko-Fi

    I realize this is like, the worst time for this but here I am.

    5 comments · 253 views
  • 186 weeks
    Happy New Year

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  • 222 weeks
    This'll be awkward.

    I really need to start taking commissions but I have no idea how to price my art. If anyone has an opinion I'd like to hear it.

    2 comments · 313 views

This'll be awkward. · 2:20pm Apr 18th, 2020

I really need to start taking commissions but I have no idea how to price my art. If anyone has an opinion I'd like to hear it.

Report ZettaiDullahan · 313 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I generally try not to tell people what to charge for fear of either making them undercut themselves, or suggesting they charge a higher price and then they get no commissioners. So here's what I would suggest— take a look around. There are TONS of artists around deviantArt. See if you can find someone (or multiple someones) that draws at a somewhat similar skill level to you (that may be a bit biased from your perspective, so be careful), and see what they charge. Then see if they actually get commissioners (if somebody is charging a certain price but not getting any customers, they're probably charging too much). If you're willing to charge the same, go for it. Then find ways to get your name and pieces out into the spotlight (displays in the Art For Fanfiction group is a great start). If you get a lot of commissions, then you know you're in the right range.

I find it best to set a max and a minimum so people have an expectation then price it accordingly.

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