• Member Since 6th Aug, 2018
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Shadic Midnight Blitzer

Writing occasionally hear, posting art on Twitter and Deviantart, and posting music on Youtube. Still somehow finding myself stuck not knowing what to do lol XD

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Is This A Voice Reveal Or A Singing Voice Reveal · 7:07pm Mar 16th, 2020

Hey there. The following below is a recording of one of the songs me and the chorus has to sing in my school. It's called Dies Irae (Day of Wrath). I am a Tenor I in the chorus so when it comes to me singing lower parts and you hear some type of strain it's likely that I'm trying to sing a Bass or Baritone part in my Tenor Voice. Note that sometimes I breathe in a little too loud because of how quick the breathe gets used up because of the speed and pitch and there there is no piano in the background where I can stabilize my voice. I basically am reading off a music sheet and while I could play it, it might be too slow and trippy. So there might be some errors and personally I think a major is that after a long pause I started off in a bit higher pitch than what it should've been.

Anyways here's technically a voice reveal/singing voice.

And if it doesn't work please tell me.


Comments ( 15 )

Ooooooh I've heard this song and I LOVE IT

I envy people who can put their voices up. Mine sounds so terrible :(

How do I make my voice sound better?

Well first gauge where are your limits. Like for example in the music world a bass (people who sing low) can only reach to a certain note before they begin to go off but a Tenor (like me) can go way higher). Understanding one's limit is key in basically everything. Otherwise you might push yourself too much and well it would sound bad.

Second thing is that it doesn't have to be a song. It could just be a voice. Either or you have the opportunity to use whatever 'flaws' you have to your advantage. How? Easy. You can use those flaws in a way where it sounds good in a certain tone, intonation, or something like that.

For example think of RD's raspy voice. Now try thinking on how it would go in a character who's known to be soft or just simply in any other place. It would just sound just so... weird and out of place. but by giving her that egoistical 'I'm the fastest flyer in Equestria' thing, it sounds perfect. The tomboy (is that the right word) personality is just perfect with that raspy voice.

Or AJ's cowgirl southern accent. It would be weird if you inserted that in a noble's voice. Just think about that. that would be just so out of character and out of setting.

Use anything you have to make whatever you think your voice has flaws or mistakes your advantage. Or at least that's how I think. Because each song (if you want to go that way) has it's own tone and it's own special voice that fits with it.

Like Dies Irae can be done like how I did or a opera tone. Both work but both have their own tone with the opera sounding more real and serious. But if I sung say... When I Was Your Man I would have to change the tone of my voice. No longer is it high and serious. It is in a lower part of the section (a place where actually for Tenors is supposedly their down limit since it's so low.) and it sounds soft, kind of sad because it's about a man who's girlfriend had left him and as the lyrics say "but she's dancing with another man".

So yeah perhaps if I have time I can do another song cover (though this one I haven't really practiced well and neither did our chorus due to *ehem* technical difficulties. ) and you might see some bit of changes

Well from my time in Choir I know I am a Bass though earlier was a tenor.

Hmm, all good things to consider. Thank you friend,

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