• Member Since 8th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Sipping iced coffee, penning pony tales, and spreading love—embracing the sweetness of existence, one adventure at a time! (CLOSED) Kofi! Commissions!

More Blog Posts131

  • 29 weeks
    A New Year, A Fresh Start: Setting Goals for 2024

    As the clock strikes midnight tonight and we bid farewell to another year, I find myself reflecting on the past today and looking forward to the possibilities that the new year holds. New Year's resolutions may seem cliché to some, but I've come to appreciate the opportunity they offer for self-reflection and personal growth. This year, I've decided to take a slightly different approach—I'm

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    1 comments · 126 views
  • 30 weeks
    Aaaaaaand that's a wrap!

    As the final page turns on this year's Hearth's Warming Eve Collection, I find myself filled with a bittersweet mix of emotions. Today marks the culmination of a month-long journey that saw the birth of 25 stories, each one a small piece of my heart offered to you, one day at a time, from December 1st until

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    3 comments · 106 views
  • 31 weeks
    Christmas Thoughts & Stories That Didn't Make The Cut!

    Hello my precious pony pals! Can you believe we are less than a week away from Christmas?! I still can't! I have so much baking and wrapping and watching Christmas movies to do! Nothing that a chai latte can't help with, haha!

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    4 comments · 106 views
  • 34 weeks
    The Hearth's Warming Eve Collection for 2023 is Here!!!

    The awaited moment is upon us—the enchanting Christmas season! A tapestry woven with gleaming lights, resonant carols, steaming cocoa, and an abundance of sugary delights awaits. I hope everypony has a holiday season filled with warmth and joy.

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  • 36 weeks
    Festive Scribbles: Unwrapping Holiday Writing Updates!

    Hey there, fabulous friends and festive fillies!

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Story Updates · 12:33am Oct 18th, 2019

I decided to go back tonight and sort through my stories and drafts. I want to get back in the habit of writing something other than school papers and discussions.

Here are some updates:


  • Fragile - Lost inspiration
  • Breaker - Trying to avoid writing about overly depressing topics and thus the story is done


  • Moonlit love - I wish to finish this story but I feel it's a larger task than first intended. I may change this status to hiatus if it is too much for me to handle right now.
  • What Did I Miss? - This probably only has 2 more chapters at most so I need to get on it. Besides, I love Hamilton.
  • Ruffled Feathers - Has one more chapter that is already drafted. Will complete

On Hiatus:

  • A Good Book - I'm almost done with the 2nd chapter and may end the story there. We'll see.
  • My Dearest Friend - I want to continue writing this, however, I want to give it the time it needs.
  • Dreaming of Reality - I want to continue writing this, however, I want to give it the time it needs.
  • Adagio For Strings - I may continue this one? Gray area, might be canceled.
  • Make it or Break It - I'm going to change this to incomplete once I crank out a couple of chapters. I love this story and I want to see it through.
  • Outcast like Me - Honestly, I love this story but I don't really want it to read like an erotic romance anymore. I want it to be about a journey of the two. I'm not sure what to do with this so it goes on the back burner for now.

Drafts I might publish:

  • Broken Bottle - Berry Punch has drinking issues.
  • A Dark Adoration - Luna's infatuation with Nightmare Moon prior to the banishment.
  • Glimmer Gone - After being chased into the caves, Starlight Glimmer begins to question her own philosophy.
  • Derby's Number One Assitant - Dinky helps her Mom delivery mail.
  • Fireside Stories - Might publish around December. A collection of Hearths Warming Eve stories
  • Tea Time with Octavia - Octavia gives advice to ponies during tea time.
Report Serina · 389 views ·
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