• Member Since 8th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Sipping iced coffee, penning pony tales, and spreading love—embracing the sweetness of existence, one adventure at a time! (CLOSED) Kofi! Commissions!

More Blog Posts131

  • 29 weeks
    A New Year, A Fresh Start: Setting Goals for 2024

    As the clock strikes midnight tonight and we bid farewell to another year, I find myself reflecting on the past today and looking forward to the possibilities that the new year holds. New Year's resolutions may seem cliché to some, but I've come to appreciate the opportunity they offer for self-reflection and personal growth. This year, I've decided to take a slightly different approach—I'm

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  • 30 weeks
    Aaaaaaand that's a wrap!

    As the final page turns on this year's Hearth's Warming Eve Collection, I find myself filled with a bittersweet mix of emotions. Today marks the culmination of a month-long journey that saw the birth of 25 stories, each one a small piece of my heart offered to you, one day at a time, from December 1st until

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    3 comments · 105 views
  • 31 weeks
    Christmas Thoughts & Stories That Didn't Make The Cut!

    Hello my precious pony pals! Can you believe we are less than a week away from Christmas?! I still can't! I have so much baking and wrapping and watching Christmas movies to do! Nothing that a chai latte can't help with, haha!

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  • 34 weeks
    The Hearth's Warming Eve Collection for 2023 is Here!!!

    The awaited moment is upon us—the enchanting Christmas season! A tapestry woven with gleaming lights, resonant carols, steaming cocoa, and an abundance of sugary delights awaits. I hope everypony has a holiday season filled with warmth and joy.

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  • 36 weeks
    Festive Scribbles: Unwrapping Holiday Writing Updates!

    Hey there, fabulous friends and festive fillies!

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The Hearth's Warming Eve Collection for 2023 is Here!!! · 6:44pm Dec 1st, 2023

The awaited moment is upon us—the enchanting Christmas season! A tapestry woven with gleaming lights, resonant carols, steaming cocoa, and an abundance of sugary delights awaits. I hope everypony has a holiday season filled with warmth and joy.

Excitingly, I have a surprise in store for all of you—a labor of love that I've been diligently crafting! Introducing The Hearth's Warming Eve Collection for 2023, a compilation that promises to captivate your hearts. This collection will feature a minimum of 25 heartwarming stories, each unveiled daily in the countdown to Christmas.

Consider this collection my sincere gift to the vibrant FIMfiction community, a sanctuary where personal growth and enduring friendships flourish, transcending the ebb and flow of time. My heart swells with gratitude for your unwavering support throughout the years—thank you for making this community an extraordinary tapestry in the fabric of my journey!

I've established a special group to not only showcase this curated collection of stories but also to welcome other enchanting holiday tales contributed by the community! Take a moment to explore—your festive contribution is encouraged!

Comments ( 2 )

You are a crazy person lol. I'll try to get to all of these, though it'll take some time.

I started in early November and built story drafts, so I wasn't overwhelmed this month. Granted I didn't finish ever story in November like I wanted to but I got through at least half. Also, I ended up rewriting 3 stories because I felt like they needed more. :raritydespair:

Also, I know! It's gonna be like over 50k words of stories so don't feel rushed haha! Thank you for enjoying them!

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