• Member Since 18th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 32 minutes ago



More Blog Posts144

  • 4 weeks
    I won't be posting any chapters for some time.

    The reason for it is because... I learned my neighbor had passed away. I've learned it today from her daughter. Her funeral will be on the 1st of February. I feel... terrible about her passing. I planned to see her this weekend but... fate is one cruel mistress. I... don't have the passion to type any chapters. Please understand and let me some time to grief for her passing.

    7 comments · 79 views
  • 5 weeks
    Can someone proofread my next chapter?

    I finished my latest chapter of EQG Digimon: Cyber Sleuth but... I'm unsure that I personally captured Maud Pie and Mudbriar's personalities and speech patterns. So if anyone wishes to proofread it to see if I got their personalities right, please comment or send me a PM and I'll send you the link to the chapter.

    1 comments · 55 views
  • 6 weeks
    I need a name for a college for my Digimon chapter

    I need a name for a college for Maud's flashback. Can anyone think of a name or use the name of the cities or kingdoms of Equestria. Please can you comment on a name of a college, please?

    7 comments · 72 views
  • 6 weeks

    I've made a new story for the new year. Enjoy

    2 comments · 42 views
  • 6 weeks
    I made a new story but I need some feedback on it.

    If you're interested in checking it out, PM and I'll send you the password. I'm thinking out publishing it on the New Year if some people like it or not.
    A New story idea

    1 comments · 50 views

Beastars has an anime?! · 8:51pm Oct 12th, 2019

I just learn one of my favorite anime has now an anime. I’m far ahead of the manga but I’m interested in the anime. So here’s a link for those who read it and who wants to watch it.
Anime version
Manga Version
Warning: I am not responsible for what contact is in Beastars, read or watch is your decision.

Report GamePlayer64 · 344 views · #Anime
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