• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Jade Dawn

You're a lot stronger than you think you are. Trust me.

More Blog Posts650

  • 1 week
    Jadepone art!

    Artwork of my boy by the talented Cosmalumi.

    One of these days I'll get around to writing a proper story for him, flesh out his character and all that.

    5 comments · 38 views
  • 6 weeks

    Go read it! At your convenience, of course!

    1 comments · 61 views
  • 6 weeks

    I am VERY pleased to announce that having gone through final edits and proofreading, Stallion of Tomorrow Chapter 16–“Overcast”–is all set to be released tomorrow at around 3:00 PM EST. Can’t wait to finally get the next part of this story out, much less for y’all to read it.

    Keep looking up, True Believers!

    3 comments · 65 views
  • 6 weeks

    As of 10:40 PM EST, I can officially confirm that the draft for Stallion of Tomorrow's sixteenth chapter is finally complete! Just need to proofread it and then I'll be ready to set a time to formally drop it on the world!

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    3 comments · 89 views
  • 7 weeks
    1950s Sci-Fi Review Bundle (Part 2/?)

    So, uh, been a hot minute since I followed up on that little 50's movie review thread I started a while back, huh? Guess my narrative writing isn't the only thing that suffers from sloth. Or rather, I've been sluggish and getting around to posting my mini-reviews here, really, I've already had them written

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    1 comments · 48 views

Just saw "The Ending of the End" · 3:00am Oct 12th, 2019

My family is going out to a birthday party tomorrow, and I wanted to get at least the two-parter out of the way. I feel kind of bad about not being able to stick to my original plan, but real-life comes first. I hope to watch "The Last Problem" tomorrow morning before we head out.

But you probably want to hear my initial, spoiler-free thoughts on the episodes.

Well, all I have to say is...

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