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Journal Entry - Volume 12 - Chapter 13 · 12:32am Oct 12th, 2019

Dear Diary,

My sister is alive!!! Well… kind of. She’s somehow in Arc’s armor! How this happened is far beyond my ability to understand! Arc just showed up out of the blue and revealed this to me! While I’m glad he did, I’m even more happy to speak to Cherry again! I had a million things I wanted to say to her. But… at that moment I couldn’t think of a single one!

Cherry says she’ll be going with Arc on his adventures from now on. I just hope she’ll still have time to spend with me at some point! We have so much to say to each other! I… that night… I still wonder if there was anything that I could have done to prevent it. Were I able to do so, I would love to go back in time and prevent her death! Even if it meant my own doom!

Arc and Cherry… I know they’ll be very happy together! If… they can somehow make this work! I wish them all the best in the future! Whatever that future may hold...

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