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Aotrs Commander

Magical Space Lich

More Blog Posts90

  • 137 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part I (37-40; Finale)

    Part Thirty-Seven

    Day Three-Hundred and Seventy-Six.

    Right, then let's actually look at Lightcaller.


    So, what does it... Do...?

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    0 comments · 144 views
  • 137 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part H (32-36)

    Part Thirty-Two

    Day Three-Hundred and Thirty-Four.

    Bionic leg for Hallie.

    Oh. It was a techprof persona core, not a regular persona core. You used it for research, not starship control. Oh well. Use to learn FTL drive then, Stab, arriving back at base, guessed.

    More Lenere tribe visitors.

    Stab ordered the wall where the ship would go to be thickened up.

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    0 comments · 171 views
  • 137 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part G (27-31) ยท

    Part Twenty-Seven

    Day Two-Hundred and Ninety-Eight.


    Stab would try this quest now.

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    0 comments · 136 views
  • 137 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part F (22-26)

    Part Twenty-Two

    ((Added "faster bio-sculpting" mod, since the 25 days thing is ridonculous. Vanilla values used, except bioregen time set to 10 days (as it was before the change) instead of 25.))

    Day Two-Hundred and Fifty-One.

    Two bionic eyes done. Navarro - your turn!

    Stab authorised four more sleep accelerators for Trocur, Worm, Oscura and Reille plus Barracuda.

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    0 comments · 163 views
  • 137 weeks
    Bleakbane plays Rimworld Part E (18-21)

    Part Eighteen

    Day Two-Hundred and Twenty-Four, several times...

    ((No clue as to the temperature thing. After much reloading experimentation, the only thing that worked was moving the new heaters to the outer corridor. No idea why rooms near the other larger corridors weren't affected.

    Also, the over-wall cooler in the dining room was backwards. Dammit.))

    Restructuring happened.

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    0 comments · 164 views

Bleakbane... Farms...? 08 [Stardew Valley] · 8:53pm Jul 19th, 2019

Part 8: Getting the Cart Before the House

Is a mine cart a sort of mine craft? Let's find out!

Thursday, Autumn Day 18, Year One

Today, after her chores, Illy has three things planned. Get a kitchen, finally and turn in some geodes. But first...

Check the mine carts!


Fast travel!!!!

Illy decides to check the town first.

SWEET! Right next to Clint's! Nice!

Stone, mudstone, obsidian and... Dolomite?

Wait, what? What is a 1970s blaxsploitation gentleman doing inside that rock? Will the next one have Shaft, too? Ah well, Illy will hand him into the museum anyway.

(This joke brought to you curtesy of the Cinema Snob.)

Illy seriously considers upgrading her hoe to steel, but she wants to get that backpack, so maybe next. Watering can will have to wait until next month, Illy fears. As soon as she can work out how to make refined quartz, the sooner she can expand her self-watering field; at the moment, she can't sacrifice it for a day or two.

Oh, Illy loves the mine carts already! She doesn't even want to go down the mine, but this is a way quicker way to get to Robin!

Go, Robin! Illy has plenty of wood and cash!

Works for Illy!

Illy goes home, and walks to the mushroom cave - she's looking for chantelle mushrooms, as those are currently her bottleneck for elixir of life (the really good healing item). There is a mine cart in the cave... Which is one-way, but takes her to the mines! Well, it's probably quicker to walk back from the bus stop than from the cave...?

Illy dumps her stuff, and with such a short walk, decides to pop down the mine for a bit, she has a few hours, since it's only twenty past four.

Illy's trip down the mine is fairly uneventful (she forgot to bring her new sword to test, though), and she makes it down to level 95 and then home just before midnight!

Worth it!

Autumn Day 19, Year One

Can do, Caroline! Anything for Abby!

Chores first! More corn, excellent! Illy also dumps all the silver and gold star forage she picked up yesterday.

It is totally worth it for Abby!

Speaking of people for whom things are worth, Illy will give Haley a sunflower, just because.

Illy spends the rest of the day chopping down tree, working down to clear the route to the mushroom cave, and getting lots of forage. The cave=>mine=>bus stop mine cart is so useful! (It'd be better both ways, but Illy will take it!)

The forage pushes Illy up to the 10k mark again, so backpack expansion is tomorrow's job!

Autumn Day 20, Year One

Caroline has given Illy a recipe for parsnip soup, Emily for red plate! Lovely.

Chores first - then backpack!

Huzzah! Illy can carry all the things!

Next, Leah wants a common mushroom. Really, Leah, these are so common Illy found one on the way to the store, but okay!

Hi, Leah!

Oh, she does sculpture? Neat!

(Okay, that last one is especially crazy in context of this playthrough!)

It is. Illy herself might seem like a cheerful, happy-go-lucky ray of sunshine, but she has history. Heck, her levity comes FROM the fact she is now free...

It takes a moment for Leah to absorb that.

Haley thinks so too!

Illy is not an artist, but she has heard this. She has heard it also applies to CAD modellers, especially people who make starship models. Illy thinks it is ridiculous that people get paid ridiculous money to kick a ball about, but not people who make starships, who clearly should be paid that sort of money instead.

Hmm. Tough call. On the one hand, Illy thinks a town art show would be cool, but the latter option is probably most financially viable? Actually, Illy thinks both would be best. She bets Leah could ask Haley to help take good pictures as well.

Ah. Yes, that IS a technical hitch, of sorts...

Illy winces a bit. She's not used to everyone around her not being on the internet, because she spent some time in Space England or something.

Well, at least Leah can have her common mushroom!

Illy decides to head down to the mine again for the rest of the day. She is really hoping with all the mining and such she's going to find or work out how to make refined quartz soon...

Oh, that does not look very f-IT SHOOTS FIRE THAT IS DEFINITELY NOT FRIENDLY!!!!

Illy doesn't do well; she only makes three levels before it is midnight. On the plus side, the mine carts mean she is in bed before one!

(And only one reload, too...)


Darnit, though Illy still doesn't know how to make refined quartz.

Autumn Day 21, Year One

Wait, what? How did Robin... Illy must have been pretty soundly asleep!

Ooooh, double bed! Now Illy can get into all kinds of mischief! Shoulder!Alluria approves!

Down side, it's slightly further from the door, meaning those last-minute rushes to bed might take a few more precious seconds!


Now Illy can actually make food with all the recipes people have been giving her!

Okay, looking through, some good one Illy can make now are Roots Platter (which only needs a cave carrot and winter root) for +125 energy, +50 health and +3 to attack), Pale Broth (two white algae, which Illy has, of course, carefully been saving) for +125 energy and +50 health and fried egg (an egg, duh) for +50 energy and +20 health.

Illy might do some cooking later!

Also, the fridge is a storage device! Great. Illy can sensibly use that to store prepared food, since her storage is always a bit up and down...!

It's bigger on the inside!

Is... Is.. Robin a Timelord?

Illy's new backpack means she will permanently put her fishing rod and watering can into her inventory. She also picks up that other sword, and maybe next time down the mine, she will try it out.

YES! Illy now has some large eggs! That's two items for the community centre!

Illy's yams have grown. Excellent.

Illy goes to cook in her kitchen and accidently uses both of her large eggs to fry instead of the five small ones. Illy must apparently remember that cooking uses the best ingredients first.

Darn it.

Never mind, she has still got a fair bit of stuff to drop off at the community centre anyway, and it wouldn't have helped her finish the animal bundle anyway.

Oh, NOW Illy understands why Abby and Caroline hide in Caroline's room every Sunday!

Illy is obvious religious, but this is not difficult when you are from an actual hell and going to be a paladin of a goddess who is both very pro-active and sits on the council of the United Concorde of Divine Realms. It is difficult to be an atheist when Goddess might meet you in the flower-shop or something. (Azurella is very big into flower language, apparently, but it is not an art Illy has studied.)

Illy buys some bok choy seeds, which will just have time to grow before the end of the season.

Illy finishes the fall crops bundle and receives another bee house!

The exotic foraging bundle gives Illy five autumn's bounties (+220 energy, +88 health, +2 foraging and +2 defence).

Just some winter foraging to go and the crafts room will be finished!

Oh, great, Illy's fried egg is also used in the community centre. That's handy she brought the with her sort of by accident!

Illy's one geode yields an iridium ore. Stellar!

Illy goes back to the farm, puts the bee house down and plants her seeds. She grabs some flowers to gift and her last silver sweet pea to give to Robin, as it is her birthday today.

Just time to head home to cut a few more trees before it's midnight.

Autumn Day 22, Year One

Chores, then two large eggs (one white, one brown) to the community centre. Illy plans today to be gift-giving, followed by another fruitless attempt at fishing. This time, she's going to try maybe a lake or a stream - or maybe even one of the lakes in the mines; there's one on level 20...

Abby says she could see herself being a farmer one day, but can't see how that could happen, wink wink nudge nudge. Shoulder!Alluria has to have a bit of a sit down.

Illy goes and buys some trout soup from Willy and then heads down to try cave-fishing.

Here goes...

Nope. Illy ALMOST catches one -

- but otherwise gets nothing but junk and algae.


Autumn Day 24, Year One

Chores, and then Illy is going to try the mine again... New sword.

Well, it doesn't seem THAT much slower, and it DOES deal a lot of damage...

Wow, good job Illy sprung for the deluxe backpack!

Level 100!

Oh, THAT'S why a stardrop was worth 2000 star points! Holy crap!

Also, how very appropriate that it is make Illy think of starships!


Is that lava over there?


Can Illy fish in the lava...?


She finds soggy newspaper.


No. No, Illy doesn't EVEN care anymore.

Now just time to sort stuff before bedtime.

Autumn Day 24, Year One

It is raining, for about the first time in autumn.

Illy STILL does not know how to make or find refined quartz.

It better not be locked behind fishing.

Illy does some research on the internet.


You mean that... ALL THIS TIME, Illy could have been making sprinklers and...


Demetrius sent Illy another bream.


More ancient fruit has grown!

Illy is first going to head to Clint's and get all the geodes she found opened. Then, her furnaces might have finished and she can, maybe, MAKE SOME REFINED QUARTZ.

(Also, she wonders is Abby likes refined quartz more than regular quartz?)

The geodes only yield a tigereye that is new, and Illy takes that to Gunther along with some jade.

Illy heads back to the farm. She fishes until midday (her usual luck...) until the gold ore has processed, and then begins to work on the quartz, cutting a few trees down as she waits.

FINALLY, she can make quality sprinklers!


By bed time, Illy has greatly expanded her sprinkler crop field. She now has 64 spots where she can grow crops, and within scarecrow range, can double that!

Autumn Day 25, Year One

Illy harvests her bok choy. She won't planet anything now, so it looks like a real good time to have her hoe upgraded! Plus, she can probably afford to have her watering can upgraded soon as well, now she can make all her plants self-watering.

Abby doesn't like refined quartz. Huh.

Illy spends the day mostly wandering around. She catches Leah and gives her a gold sunflower, fishes and catches two Joja cola, and then calls it a day.

Huzzah! Illy is excellent at farming!

Autumn Day 26, Year One

Ooooh! Sounds spooky! Abby will probably love this!

Illy meanders about, going to the beach (via mine cart to Clint's) and then, on a whim, walks west of the bus stop.

Can YOU spot the basket in these screenshots? I didn't until after actually looking up where the damn thing was and not finding it here, I came back and chopped all the grass down after the end of the day before I quit so I would know where it was...)


From there, Illy loops around all the way to the summit, keeping an eye open for Linus' basket, which she still hasn't found.

Illy wanders down past Rasmodius' tower, still searching for that damn basket. At least she gets lots or forage, but by the time she makes it back how, to bed, it's nearly one am!

Well, at least it was a fruitful day!

Oh, FARM warp totem! Now Illy is talking! THAT could be very useful!

Almost four thousand gold from today's foraging! Excellent, Illy might be able to buy another fruit tree or two to start on over winter tomorrow!

Comments ( 2 )

I was actually going to suggest trying to put the quartz in the forge several paragraphs before you looked it up. Quartz is sort of like ore, and smelting is sort of like refining, right? Of course, it turns out the people who developed the game had exactly the same thought process...

Oh, also, I personally believe in gods the way sane people believe in tables: they almost certainly exist, and they're probably a net benefit to the universe, but worshipping them just makes you look like a twit. Of course, you can end up with much worse than a stubbed toe from gods...

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