• Member Since 13th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen Jun 12th, 2022


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Update · 3:18am Apr 3rd, 2019

My name is Jasper and I was noticing how my story was getting noticed which I love and am very grateful for! I also recently updated my avator because I feel like it's time for me to be the new me. Now I was wondering what some of your guys' take is on the crew of Armored Hearts and I recently noticed that I failed to answer a question that was at first confusing to me because I was still new to people liking my stuff. So please allow me to answer them here in my blog.

Q: Does Strawberry sound like Ichigo from Bleach?

A: I haven't really given thought about how the characters sound up until I put in the little scene of Strawberry signing Moon River, a personal favorite of mine, and well now you have me thinking that I haven't really developed these characters very well. At least to me personally so to answer your question, Strawberry has a very mixed voice. It's feminine enough for him to hit reletively high notes in songs the lowest it could go would be more of Raven from Teen Titans. I also planned on him being outward and easily excited but I don't think I got that through very well which is on me. Sorry this response is so long.

Report Barrett_Jasper · 177 views · Story: Armored Hearts ·
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