• Member Since 9th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 13th, 2019


More Blog Posts18

  • 509 weeks

    Don't have a lot of time, so I'll be quick:

    Uploading a new short story idea I had. It's called The Strangers.

    If the formatting is wonky, it's because I uploaded it with my phone (don't ask). I will correct any formatting errors (and adjust the cover picture) when I return home, tonight.

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  • 532 weeks
    Important Update

    Although, I suppose the word "update" is slightly misleading. It is an update regarding my current writing goals, interests, and aspirations, not necessarily an update for Letters From Ponyville (although, we will address that, momentarily; please, hold onto your pitchforks, torches, and various fruits as I attempt to explain for the umpteenth time, and yes, I am a terrible

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    3 comments · 459 views
  • 578 weeks
    Something of Note

    It's almost been a full year since I first started writing Letters From Ponyville. More importantly, there has been a new chapter in, like, forever. Even though I totally promised that there would be something like six different times.

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  • 600 weeks
    Ranting and Raving

    Words, words, words, words, words okay here's the deal: I've got a fire in my belly and an urge to talk somewhere about it. This is a discussion about Mary Sues, fanfictions, and some of my thoughts on both. Feel free to add your own opinions in the comments section.

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    3 comments · 436 views
  • 611 weeks
    A Funny Thing Happened On My Way Here...

    University happened. I never said it was, like, "ha ha" funny.

    Some of you might be asking, "Hey FearlessXIII, did you stop writing Letters From Ponyville?". Well, let me put those fears to rest!

    The short answer: no.

    The long answer: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

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A Funny Thing Happened On My Way Here... · 4:36pm Nov 7th, 2012

University happened. I never said it was, like, "ha ha" funny.

Some of you might be asking, "Hey FearlessXIII, did you stop writing Letters From Ponyville?". Well, let me put those fears to rest!

The short answer: no.

The long answer: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Simply put, my extended hiatus from LFP sort of keeps me from getting back into it. I'll start writing and be like, "Eh, what's another day?". One thing led to another, and here we are three months later with no chapter update.

But that's not the end of it, not by a long shot! I love LFP to pieces, and have every intention of continuing it just as soon as I get motivated enough to tackle it head-on once again. In the meantime though... well, I never once said that I'd stopped writing completely. I've got a couple of neat ideas kicking around in my head; some I have alluded to before, and some shiny, new ones.

My basic thinking on the situation is this: if I keep writing SOMETHING, then I eventually will be able to come back to LFP with the same spirited enthusiasm I had before. I don't know how many other authors do this sort of thing, but my tentative plan is to upload the beginning of a second work. This will mean alternating update times between one versus the other, or that if I get burnt out on one, I'll switch to the other story until I feel refreshed. However, this will be only limited to a single other work besides LFP, so that there's not too many things going on at once which would also confuse me, let's be honest.

I will offer a teaser regarding the new piece in the coming days. However, this one will probably not contain any other characters beyond OC's created just for this story (I know some folks are finicky about that kind of thing, so I thought I'd be nice and forewarn everyone).

Now I want to hear your thoughts, please! Let me know what you think in the comments!

Warmest regards,


Because relevant.

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Comments ( 2 )

Cool beans, dude. I'll look forward to seeing whatever you put out. Good luck getting your groove back! :twilightsmile:

*Throws masses of love of LFP* Best of luck with school dude, and luck getting back into the writing goove!

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