• Member Since 9th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 13th, 2019


More Blog Posts18

  • 509 weeks

    Don't have a lot of time, so I'll be quick:

    Uploading a new short story idea I had. It's called The Strangers.

    If the formatting is wonky, it's because I uploaded it with my phone (don't ask). I will correct any formatting errors (and adjust the cover picture) when I return home, tonight.

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  • 532 weeks
    Important Update

    Although, I suppose the word "update" is slightly misleading. It is an update regarding my current writing goals, interests, and aspirations, not necessarily an update for Letters From Ponyville (although, we will address that, momentarily; please, hold onto your pitchforks, torches, and various fruits as I attempt to explain for the umpteenth time, and yes, I am a terrible

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    3 comments · 459 views
  • 578 weeks
    Something of Note

    It's almost been a full year since I first started writing Letters From Ponyville. More importantly, there has been a new chapter in, like, forever. Even though I totally promised that there would be something like six different times.

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  • 600 weeks
    Ranting and Raving

    Words, words, words, words, words okay here's the deal: I've got a fire in my belly and an urge to talk somewhere about it. This is a discussion about Mary Sues, fanfictions, and some of my thoughts on both. Feel free to add your own opinions in the comments section.

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  • 611 weeks
    A Funny Thing Happened On My Way Here...

    University happened. I never said it was, like, "ha ha" funny.

    Some of you might be asking, "Hey FearlessXIII, did you stop writing Letters From Ponyville?". Well, let me put those fears to rest!

    The short answer: no.

    The long answer: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

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Something of Note · 9:10pm Jun 27th, 2013

It's almost been a full year since I first started writing Letters From Ponyville. More importantly, there has been a new chapter in, like, forever. Even though I totally promised that there would be something like six different times.

School got in the way, sure. Some other things too. I'm not done with it, though. And even if these silly (and massive) hiatuses happen to occur over the course of the story's completion, you can take solace in a few things:

I haven't stopped writing, and I definitely am not done with Letters From Ponyville. It's not over until Reason's story has been told.

To everyone that still checks these, and to everyone who has been waiting patiently for a new chapter:

Thank you. Sincerely and from the bottom of my heart. I can't apologize enough for making you all wait so long, and I really, really hope that I can make the rest of this tale worth the wait.



P.S. I've got a little time on my hooves these days, so keep your eyes peeled.

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