• Member Since 26th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen July 5th

La Vallett1

A pony fanfiction reader from Malta. Sometimes write when inspired. Once a Scout, always a Scout. Most important of all, Twilight is best pony.

More Blog Posts98

  • 191 weeks
    Iron Maiden Live at Canterlot (Short HiE Story).

    It was a beautiful starry night over Canterlot. Princess Luna raised the moon a few hours ago and many creatures that live in Equestria's capital city went to their homes to have a good night's sleep. But out a bit further away from the city centre was a very large venue with thousands of creatures from around the world concentrated in the area happily chatting and excited for the show to start

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    2 comments · 214 views
  • 290 weeks
    Happy 2019!

    A toast for a better and more prosperous new year to all of us!

    0 comments · 287 views
  • 291 weeks
    Random Cute 2.


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    2 comments · 269 views
  • 291 weeks
    An Early Happy Christmas to you all.

    Hope you all have a joyful and warm Christmas with your friends, family and loved ones this year. I personally look more forward to food than presents.

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    0 comments · 261 views
  • 312 weeks
    Anon-a-Miss fics.

    Is it me, or am I actually seeing a sudden rise of Anon-a-Miss fics again? I thought the comic was years ago.:rainbowhuh:

    5 comments · 322 views

Happy 2019! · 11:17pm Dec 31st, 2018

A toast for a better and more prosperous new year to all of us!

Report La Vallett1 · 287 views ·
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