• Member Since 26th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen July 5th

La Vallett1

A pony fanfiction reader from Malta. Sometimes write when inspired. Once a Scout, always a Scout. Most important of all, Twilight is best pony.

More Blog Posts98

  • 191 weeks
    Iron Maiden Live at Canterlot (Short HiE Story).

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    2 comments · 214 views
  • 290 weeks
    Happy 2019!

    A toast for a better and more prosperous new year to all of us!

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  • 291 weeks
    Random Cute 2.


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  • 291 weeks
    An Early Happy Christmas to you all.

    Hope you all have a joyful and warm Christmas with your friends, family and loved ones this year. I personally look more forward to food than presents.

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  • 312 weeks
    Anon-a-Miss fics.

    Is it me, or am I actually seeing a sudden rise of Anon-a-Miss fics again? I thought the comic was years ago.:rainbowhuh:

    5 comments · 322 views

Anon-a-Miss fics. · 3:41pm Aug 3rd, 2018

Is it me, or am I actually seeing a sudden rise of Anon-a-Miss fics again? I thought the comic was years ago.:rainbowhuh:

Report La Vallett1 · 322 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

It was, and I've noticed it too.

Long time no see here!

Anyway, do you suppose that there might be a group writing challenge involving Anon-a-Miss? Because I feel that the comic was too long ago for it to be just a bandwagon.

Not that I know of Val. I'm guessing new comers say it and thought it would be a great way to show how our heroes are complete bitiches and the Dazzelings are actually good guys?

There wasn't even one mention of the Dazzlings in that issue if I remember correctly.

Ah but remember in fandoms of the good guys "betray" the hero then the villains must be good. And any chance to make fan favs like the Dazzlings look good is immediately latche on to

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