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jojo part 5 crossover idea of Risotto Nero · 6:36pm Dec 25th, 2018

Somewhere at a faraway place, beyond the hill, on flat grasslands, Risotto Nero laid sleeping and around him are blue poppy anemone flowers. A gentle breeze blew over the grass and the flowers, a ladybug landed on Nero's face then flew off.

Risotto began to stir, then opened his eyes, but immediately put his hand over his eyes, due to the blinding light. Slowly, his eyes got used to the light, but this confused him, how or why he was still alive? He died by finding out the boss's true identity and hoping to take him straight to hell with him.

He got up and looked around, it's quite obvious he is no longer in Costa Smeralda beach, he's not surrounded by wilderness, rocky mountains, or infertile soil. There was no tower, no road, no tree, no road sign, and no beach... where was he taken?

But first, he needed to check his body... he somehow still has his left hand and right foot, and no bullet holes from Aerosmith. This... confused him even more, but he ignored it, needing to focus on finding a landmark or something to figure out where he was and how he got here.

(so is what I have so far)

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