• Member Since 5th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday

Storm butt

I am an aspiring writer, romance enthusiast, and a horrible over emotional mess. If you're here I hope you like homosexual stallions. If you enjoy my work and want to support me I have a Ko-Fi!

More Blog Posts168

  • 176 weeks
    Commissions are open

    Hey so rent’s due soon and I feel useless just sitting around. My boyfriend is working his best to get us the rest of the funds via his own writing but I’m currently feeling a bit helpless since nothing I am working in will result in more payment if I finish it.

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  • 221 weeks
    Commissions and some changes

    So I’ve decided to make a few changes to my commissions for those that are interested. I’m experimenting with upping the price to 20 per thousand words, though I understand that’s a difficult sell to most people. I’m wondering if it would be better to price it more the first 2 or 3k words cost 20 and afterwords the price drops down to 15 as per usual. I’d like thoughts on this, as I’ve had a bit

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    0 comments · 459 views
  • 321 weeks
    Commissions for Cat Fund

    Soooo, to make a long story short both me and TheVClaw both ended up in a situation that resulted in my cat from Ohio having to be shipped to us via my mother due to her living situation. In order to do so, I think it's safe to say the sudden expense of having a pet we have little time to prepare for is a bit overwhelming. To help subside this issue a bit, I figured it'd be best to make a post

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    4 comments · 643 views
  • 333 weeks
    Emergency Commissions

    I’m going to keep this brief, and likely delete the posts once I have a good number of buyers, but I’m in need of a bit of cash and would be eternally grateful if somebody would be willing to lend out a commission to me.

    Please PM me for details. Usual price is 15 per thousand words and we discuss the word count after you present your idea. Thank you and love ya’ll in advance.

    0 comments · 420 views
  • 333 weeks
    Life updates and where I'm at

    So, last Thrusday was my birthday. I finally turned twenty-one, and with that I realize it's almost been a full year since I moved across several states to be with my boyfriend, VClaw. This past year has had a lot of ups and downs, and if you follow V he's kept you up to date on most of it. I don't want to focus on much of that today. Right now I'd rather just focus on where I've been and what

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Commissions for Cat Fund · 2:24am Nov 19th, 2018

Soooo, to make a long story short both me and TheVClaw both ended up in a situation that resulted in my cat from Ohio having to be shipped to us via my mother due to her living situation. In order to do so, I think it's safe to say the sudden expense of having a pet we have little time to prepare for is a bit overwhelming. To help subside this issue a bit, I figured it'd be best to make a post asking for commissions. At the time we have uh... literally nothing in order to take care of a cat. We need a litter box, food, treats, and whatnot to take care of her. Plus, the whole expense of shipping her down here is a bit of a hefty one.

If you can, please help me, and more importantly my kitty, out of this situation we find ourselves in.

Here, I'll manipulate ya'll with a cute picture of her.

My commission prices are the same as usual. 15 dollars per thousand words, with the length negotiated after given the story explanation. If you can help out, I'd be very grateful.

Report Storm butt · 643 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

I'm afraid I am a bit strapped for funds at the moment, but I can provide you some advice moving forward, being a former cat owner myself.

Firstly, the choice of litter is supremely important. The kind of litter you choose will affect it's required maintenance routines. Natural, decomposable litters like Sweat Scoop are better for the health of your cat and are better for the environment, as they naturally decompose and are able to be disposed of via toilet, but are much more susceptible to rot if not changed regularly, resulting in a uniquely rank odor, disturbing both yourselves and your cat. On the other hand, normal gravel-based litter can be left alone for longer periods, but are less healthy for your house, your planet, and your cat.

Equally important is your choice of toys. While not requiring to be walked, like their canine counterparts, cats do require much exercise, especially at a young age. A laser pointer will go a long way, but it never hurts to broaden your horizons.

And, a final word of warning: if there is a substance or object you do not want your cat to interact with, you must keep it well hidden and secure. Simply putting it behind an unlocked drawer or cabinet will not deter your cat for any significant period of time. Additionally, if you put your object on a high shelf your cat will interpret it as a challenge. A rubber band securing your drawers worked for my cat, but it never hurts to invest in some baby-proof locks to keep your catnip away from prying paws.

Beyond that, I simply wish you good fortune and look forward to the quality fap fuel to come from these commissions.

P.S. if you truly wish to manipulate your audience, giving them your feline soon-to-be companion's name will go a long way to engineering an emotional attachment.

Is there a deadline for this? I’d be able to pay for a commission in about a week

I think currently about two weeks is the hard hitting deadline

I highly recommend getting a self-scoop litter box so you won't have to. Try getting one form Petco or PetSmart. Be sur eto buy a bundle of litter trays.

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