The Monster is Unleashed! · 12:53am Nov 1st, 2018
Why, hello! Are you guys excited? I sure am! For today is the day I am strongest! And with my power I have gained, I can make dear old PixelMoon hungry faster! Any second now, she will lose control!
Dear PixelMoon, are you okay? It seems you are a little... Anxious.
I... I'm fine.
Really? It seems like you're struggling.
I said I'M FINE!
Ooh, hissing at me already? Tsk, tsk, tsk.
I... I...
YES! YES YES YES YESSSSS! IT WOR-Hey, what're you doing?! Magic doesn't rip out my throat, fangs do!
Oh, maybe you're trying to paralyze me... Mm, already, I'll like to see you try.
H-hey, what's h-happening?
HeLp! P-piXelMOon! What's haPpeNInG?!
Don't mess with me or my accounts, DarkenedMoon. Leave. You may have drove me to near insanity, started some sort of cult, and tried to starve me, but that's just it. Unlike you, I have control. Goodbye.
N-no! Wait! piXElMoon! NOooOOOOooooooOOo!
You c..t d. Th..
Hehe always know she was to argent for her own good but who would have thought that her own obsession with ~ that's enough buggy mare i won't let you have our account
No I don't want to go back to being a ghost ~ well to bad I'm taking it back
Sorry about that and not helping you i had my own personal demon to fight
Thus another cult was born. I'll get the pitchforks and torches, we'll get them all eventually.
*looks at the profile name*
But, but, but, BUT, you're still Darkened