Leaving? · 10:32pm Jan 4th, 2019
Yeah. Not much to say here. In case some of you haven't noticed, I have not been on in quite some time. This is because I have grown out of My Little Pony. I suppose I should give a proper goodbye to those who supported me all the way.
I may check back in every once in a while, though.
So long, my followers,
~Ella (PixelMoon)
Oh noes... damnit. Another good author gone... Oh well, I respect your decision, have a good... rest of your life(?)
But...but what about the stories on hiatus
Well... see ya 'round, then...
Good luck dont Let the hobbo bit!
Love you my sister, forever and ever!
decided to see whats been going on, love to see you have returned sis!
I hope all is well with you sister!